根据所给短语所提供的信息,请以A school trip 为题写一篇60字左右的作文
1.go by bus
2.go to the aquarium
3.go to the zoo
4.go for a picnic
5.take a picture
请用第三人称式 展开
1.go by bus
2.go to the aquarium
3.go to the zoo
4.go for a picnic
5.take a picture
请用第三人称式 展开
Last Sunday morning, Tom's class had a interesting school trip.It began at 8:00a.m .They were lead by headteacher Mr.Lee. They went to the aquarium by bus, and there were so many different colorful fishes that they had never seen before. After that ,they went to the zoo ,it was close to the aquarium, so we went there on foot. Tom saw his favourite animal Panda,it's really lovely. So he took a lot of photoes. At last,they were a little bit tired, they went for a pinic at the foot of the mountain Xishan.
They had to return at 8:30p.m. Even though they all felt tired ,they were satisfied, espically Tom, he showed his friends pictures of the lovely panda. How happy they were!
They had to return at 8:30p.m. Even though they all felt tired ,they were satisfied, espically Tom, he showed his friends pictures of the lovely panda. How happy they were!
参考资料: by myself!