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我想给大家介绍一下“咖啡”。“咖啡”(Coffee)(一词源自埃塞俄比亚的一个名叫卡法(kaffa)的小镇,而在希腊语中“Kaweh”,意思是“力量与热情”。茶叶与咖啡、... 我想给大家介绍一下“咖啡”。 “咖啡”(Coffee)(一词源自埃塞俄比亚的一个名叫卡法(kaffa)的小镇,而在希腊语中“Kaweh”,意思是“力量与热情”。茶叶与咖啡、可可并称为世界三大饮料。咖啡树是属茜草科常绿小乔木,日常饮用的咖啡是用咖啡豆配合各种不同的烹煮器具制作出来的,而咖啡豆就是指咖啡树果实内之果仁,再用适当的烘焙方法烘焙而成。
一种咖啡可以喝出多种不同的独特味道,不觉得很神奇吗?而真正好喝的咖啡,就像人生一样。第一口总让人觉得苦涩中带着酸味,大量的泡沫就像年轻人轻挑的生活,而泡沫的破灭和那一点点的苦涩又像是梦想与现实的冲突。最后品尝过生活的悲喜后, 生命的香醇回甘却又让人陶醉……
蓝山咖啡是世界上最优越的咖啡。蓝山山脉位于牙买加岛(Jamaica) 东部,因该山在加勒比海的环绕下,每当天气晴朗的日子,太阳直射在蔚蓝的海面上,山峰上反射出海水璀璨的蓝色光芒,故而得名。蓝山最高峰海拔2256米,是加勒比地区的最高峰,也是著名的旅游胜地。这里地处咖啡带,拥有肥沃的火山土壤,空气清新,没有污染,气候湿润,终年多雾多雨,这样的气候造就了享誉世界的牙买加蓝山咖啡,同时也造就了世界上最高价格的咖啡。此种咖啡拥有所有好咖啡的特点,不仅口味浓郁香醇,而且由于咖啡的甘、酸、苦三味搭配完美,所以完全不具苦味,仅有适度而完美的酸味。一般都单品饮用,但是因产量极少,价格昂贵无比,所以市面上一般都以味道近似的咖啡调制。真正的蓝山咖啡是由当地最好的生咖啡豆制成的,这正是品尝家的乐趣所在。它的风味浓郁、均衡、富有水果味和酸味,能满足人们的各种需要。除此之外,优质新鲜的蓝山咖啡风味特别持久,就像饮酒人所说的那样回味无穷。
 我来答
我想给大家介绍一下“咖啡”。 “咖啡”(Coffee)(一词源自埃塞俄比亚的一个名叫卡法(kaffa)的小镇,而在希腊语中“Kaweh”,意思是“力量与热情”。茶叶与咖啡、可可并称为世界三大饮料。咖啡树是属茜草科常绿小乔木,日常饮用的咖啡是用咖啡豆配合各种不同的烹煮器具制作出来的,而咖啡豆就是指咖啡树果实内之果仁,再用适当的烘焙方法烘焙而成。
一种咖啡可以喝出多种不同的独特味道,不觉得很神奇吗?而真正好喝的咖啡,就像人生一样。第一口总让人觉得苦涩中带着酸味,大量的泡沫就像年轻人轻挑的生活,而泡沫的破灭和那一点点的苦涩又像是梦想与现实的冲突。最后品尝过生活的悲喜后, 生命的香醇回甘却又让人陶醉……
蓝山咖啡是世界上最优越的咖啡。蓝山山脉位于牙买加岛(Jamaica) 东部,因该山在加勒比海的环绕下,每当天气晴朗的日子,太阳直射在蔚蓝的海面上,山峰上反射出海水璀璨的蓝色光芒,故而得名。蓝山最高峰海拔2256米,是加勒比地区的最高峰,也是著名的旅游胜地。这里地处咖啡带,拥有肥沃的火山土壤,空气清新,没有污染,气候湿润,终年多雾多雨,这样的气候造就了享誉世界的牙买加蓝山咖啡,同时也造就了世界上最高价格的咖啡。此种咖啡拥有所有好咖啡的特点,不仅口味浓郁香醇,而且由于咖啡的甘、酸、苦三味搭配完美,所以完全不具苦味,仅有适度而完美的酸味。一般都单品饮用,但是因产量极少,价格昂贵无比,所以市面上一般都以味道近似的咖啡调制。真正的蓝山咖啡是由当地最好的生咖啡豆制成的,这正是品尝家的乐趣所在。它的风味浓郁、均衡、富有水果味和酸味,能满足人们的各种需要。除此之外,优质新鲜的蓝山咖啡风味特别持久,就像饮酒人所说的那样回味无穷。
产于埃塞俄比亚。豆小而香浓,酸醇味强,甘味适中,风味特殊。经水洗的咖啡豆,是颇负盛名的优质咖啡,常单品饮用。但若能调配混合咖啡,更是一种理想风味的综合咖啡。它的味道微甜带柔和的果酸,甘性特佳有其特有的圆熟味其独特之甘,酸,苦味极为优雅。浓郁的果香及草腥香。摩卡咖啡豆以其所散发的酸味著称,同时具有微甜,微酒香,咖啡因含量少。I'd like to tell you about the "coffee." "Coffee" (Coffee) (the term originated from Ethiopia, a Ming Jiaoka France (kaffa) of the town, and in Greek "Kaweh", meaning "strength and passion." Tea and coffee, cocoa, and known as the world's top three drinks. Rubiaceae coffee tree is an evergreen small trees, the daily consumption of coffee is coffee beans with a variety of cooking utensils made out, while the coffee refers to coffee, fruit within the tree nuts, then made the appropriate baking method of baking.

Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs in ancient China, and 11 was compiled, so that future generations for many plants to have knowledge of the system. Shennong the Western world there is no such person, but what is there left no written records, so on the origin of coffee, there are many different legends. Among them, the most popular and the mass of the Lock Road is the story of a shepherd. Legend there is a shepherd in the sheep when the sheep accidentally discovered that he skipped dancing, carefully you'll see that the sheep are eating a red fruit that led to strange behavior funny. He tried to adopt some of this red fruit back to boiling down, did not expect Manshi aroma, boiled juice to drink after it is cheerful, refreshing, since then, this fruit was as a refreshing Xingnao drinks, and acclaimed.

Cappuccino is a coffee bubble. It has a unique charm irresistible. At first, when the taste is very fragrant smell, first I go to drink, you can feel a lot of sweet milk foam and the melt, and the second I can really taste the bitterness of the original coffee beans and rich, the final stop when the taste in your mouth, and you will feel more of a alcohol and Meaningful.

A kind of coffee you can drink out of a variety of different and unique taste, do not feel so wonderful? But the real good coffee, just like life. The first general impression that bitterness in the mouth with sour, a lot of foam as the lives of young people Qingtiao, while the bubble burst and in that little bit of bitterness, something like a dream and reality conflict. Last tasted sorrows and joys of life, the life, but people willing to mellow back intoxicated ... ...

It's like adolescent youth in general, in the enjoyment too childish, good times after they enter the adult world has to face the impact of the real taste of the flavor of life - in addition to sweet, there is a were bitter.

It tastes good, but its origins are even more knowledge, the text has been the study of changes in Europe and the United States the best body of material.

Blue Mountain Coffee is the world's most superior coffee. Jamaica Blue Mountain is located in island (Jamaica) east because of the surrounding mountains in the Caribbean, whenever a clear day, the sun direct in the blue sea, mountains on the bright blue water reflecting light, hence the name . Blue Mountain peak altitude of 2256 meters, is the highest peak in the Caribbean region, but also a famous tourist destination. Here is located in coffee belt, has fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, climate and humid, rainy and foggy all year round, so that the climate created the world-renowned Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, but also created the world's highest price of coffee. Such coffee has all the characteristics of a good coffee is not only a rich mellow taste, and because of coffee, sweet, sour, bitter end with the shamisen.
2009-12-21 · TA获得超过397个赞
I want to introduce "coffee". "Coffee" (Coffee) (a etymology from Ethiopia's a name card Kaffa () method, and the town in the Greek word for "Kaweh", meaning "power and passion." tea and Coffee, cocoa and Coffee tree. The three drinks are of rubiaceae evergreen small trees, daily drinking Coffee beans cooperate with various cooking utensils, making Coffee beans is refers to the fruits, nuts inside reoccupy proper baking method.
Ancient China has the emperor tastes 100 grass, and record it, so that they can have many plants in the system. In the western world, not the emperor, without any more words, so the record about the origin of coffee is all sorts of different legends. Among them, the most common and re-acquainting fare is the shepherd's story. It is a shepherd, in time, accidentally discovered the shepherd of his sheep leap to dance, a closer look for a sheep is eat of the fruit of the red to behave funny weird. He tried to pick some this red fruit, and cooked back that make a room full of fragrance, after drinking juice more spirits, refreshed, and this kind of fruit is as a kind of refreshing beverage, and quite popular.
Cappuccino is a kind of coffee. It has an irresistible charm. At first when smell very sweet smell, the first drink, can feel the bubble of milk, sweet and SuRuan second mouth can really enjoy coffee and full-bodied, original bitter taste in the mouth stops at the end when you feel much a smooth finish.
A coffee can have a variety of unique flavor, don't think very magical? But really drink coffee, like life. The first one is always lets a person feel bitter with acid, a large number of the foam as young people choose life, and light and the bust of bitter and like a dream and reality of the conflict. Finally tasted the pathos, life after life sweet mellow and intoxicating...
It seems to reach adolescence teenagers in general, childish, enjoy good times after beginning to face into the adult world, real taste sweet taste of life -- except, and a bitter.
It tastes good, but it's history are more knowledge, has been studied and the optimal body material changes in writing.
Blue is the most superior coffee in the world. Jamaica blue mountains located in Jamaica (east), the island in the Caribbean for the mountains around, whenever the weather sunny day, the sun in the blue sea and mountain reflected light blue sea, bright. Blueridge 2256 meters, is the highest peak of the Caribbean, but also the famous tourist resort. There is coffee, have rich volcanic soil, the air is fresh, no pollution, humid climate, aged foggy rain, the weather contributed to the world-renowned Jamaican blue mountain coffee, also contributed to the world top price of coffee. This coffee has all the characteristics of good coffee, not only taste rich mellow, and because of the coffee, acid, bitter sanwei collocation perfect, so don't have bitter taste, only moderate and perfect acidity. Generally, but because of its use single output, expensive and so on the market to taste commonly approximate coffee modulation. True blue is born by the local best beans, this is the connoisseur fun. Its flavor, fruity and balanced acidity, rich, can satisfy people's needs. In addition, the quality of fresh flavor of blue, like drinking special lasting memories that person.
In Ethiopia. Doug small fragrant, fruity, strong acid, moderate grape flavour. After rinse beans, is of great quality coffee, often with single characteristic. But if it can allocate espresso blends, is a kind of ideal flavor of coffee. It tastes sweet with soft fruit, especially sexual maturity has its special taste of its unique, acid, bitter is very elegant. Red fruit flavour and grass. With its emits mocha beans, also has the sour sweet bouquet, caffeine, less.
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I'd like to tell you about the "coffee." "Coffee" (Coffee) (the term originated from Ethiopia, a Ming Jiaoka France (kaffa) of the town, and in Greek "Kaweh", meaning "strength and passion." Tea and coffee, cocoa, and known as the world's top three drinks. Rubiaceae coffee tree is an evergreen small trees, the daily consumption of coffee is coffee beans with a variety of cooking utensils made out, while the coffee refers to coffee, fruit within the tree nuts, then made the appropriate baking method of baking.
Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs in ancient China, and 11 was compiled, so that future generations for many plants to have knowledge of the system. Shennong the Western world there is no such person, but what is there left no written records, so on the origin of coffee, there are many different legends. Among them, the most popular and the mass of the Lock Road is the story of a shepherd. Legend there is a shepherd in the sheep when the sheep accidentally discovered that he skipped dancing, carefully you'll see that the sheep are eating a red fruit that led to strange behavior funny. He tried to adopt some of this red fruit back to boiling down, did not expect Manshi fragrance
After the boiled juice drink more spirits, refreshing, since then, this fruit was as a refreshing drink Xingnao and acclaimed.
Cappuccino is a coffee bubble. It has a unique charm irresistible. At first, when the taste is very fragrant smell, first I go to drink, you can feel a lot of sweet milk foam and the melt, and the second I can really taste the bitterness of the original coffee beans and rich, the final stop when the taste in your mouth, and you will feel more of a alcohol and Meaningful.
A kind of coffee you can drink out of a variety of different and unique taste, do not feel so wonderful? But the real good coffee, just like life. The first general impression that bitterness in the mouth with sour, a lot of foam as the lives of young people Qingtiao, while the bubble burst and in that little bit of bitterness, something like a dream and reality conflict. Last tasted sorrows and joys of life, the life, but people willing to mellow back intoxicated ... ...
It's like adolescent youth in general, in the enjoyment too childish, good times after they enter the adult world has to face the impact of the real taste of the flavor of life - in addition to sweet, there is a were bitter.
It tastes good, but its origins are even more knowledge, the text has been the study of changes in Europe and the United States the best body of material.
Blue Mountain Coffee is the world's most superior coffee. Jamaica Blue Mountain is located in island (Jamaica) east because of the surrounding mountains in the Caribbean, whenever a clear day, the sun direct in the blue sea, mountains on the bright blue water reflecting light, hence the name . Blue Mountain peak altitude of 2256 meters, is the highest peak in the Caribbean region, but also a famous tourist destination. Here is located in coffee belt, has fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, climate and humid, rainy and foggy all year round, so that the climate created the world-renowned Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, but also created the world's highest price of coffee.
Such coffee has all the characteristics of a good coffee is not only rich mellow taste, and because of coffee, sweet, sour, bitter with the shamisen, a perfect, so completely non-bitter taste, with only moderate and perfect acidity. Single items are generally consumed, but due to production of very few extremely expensive, so the market is generally similar to the taste of coffee modulation. The real Blue Mountain coffee is the best raw coffee beans by the local made, which is where the fun taste of home. Its rich flavor, balanced, rich fruit flavor and acidity, can meet people's needs. In addition, high-quality fresh Blue Mountain coffee flavor in particular and lasting, as people have said drinking as much food for thought.
Produced in Ethiopia. Beans small and fragrant, sour alcohol smell strong, sweet taste is moderate, their own special flavor. After washing the coffee beans, is a rather prestigious high-quality coffee, often single-product consumption. However, if deployment of mixed coffee, but also is an ideal integrated coffee flavor. It is slightly sweet taste with a gentle acid, Gan Xing particularly good has its unique mellow taste of their unique Gan, sour, bitter taste is extremely elegant. Rich fruit and fragrant grass fishy. Mocha coffee beans to their known distribution of the acidity, while a slightly sweet, slightly wine, caffeine content of less.
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2009-12-21 · TA获得超过271个赞
I'd like to tell you about the "coffee." "Coffee" (Coffee) (the term originated from Ethiopia, a Ming Jiaoka France (kaffa) of the town, and in Greek "Kaweh", meaning "strength and passion." Tea and coffee, cocoa, and known as the world's top three drinks. Rubiaceae coffee tree is an evergreen small trees, the daily consumption of coffee is coffee beans with a variety of cooking utensils made out, while the coffee refers to coffee, fruit within the tree nuts, then made the appropriate baking method of baking.

  Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs in ancient China, and 11 was compiled, so that future generations for many plants to have knowledge of the system. Shennong the Western world there is no such person, but what is there left no written records, so on the origin of coffee, there are many different legends. Among them, the most popular and the mass of the Lock Road is the story of a shepherd. Legend there is a shepherd in the sheep when the sheep accidentally discovered that he skipped dancing, carefully you'll see that the sheep are eating a red fruit that led to strange behavior funny. He tried to adopt some of this red fruit back to boiling down, did not expect Manshi aroma, boiled juice to drink after it is cheerful, refreshing, since then, this fruit was as a refreshing Xingnao drinks, and acclaimed.

Cappuccino is a coffee bubble. It has a unique charm irresistible. At first, when the taste is very fragrant smell, first I go to drink, you can feel a lot of sweet milk foam and the melt, and the second I can really taste the bitterness of the original coffee beans and rich, the final stop when the taste in your mouth, and you will feel more of a alcohol and Meaningful.

  A kind of coffee you can drink out of a variety of different and unique taste, do not feel so wonderful? But the real good coffee, just like life. The first general impression that bitterness in the mouth with sour, a lot of foam as the lives of young people Qingtiao, while the bubble burst and in that little bit of bitterness, something like a dream and reality conflict. Last tasted sorrows and joys of life, the life, but people willing to mellow back intoxicated ... ...

  It's like adolescent youth in general, in the enjoyment too childish, good times after they enter the adult world has to face the impact of the real taste of the flavor of life - in addition to sweet, there is a were bitter.

  It tastes good, but its origins are even more knowledge, the text has been the study of changes in Europe and the United States the best body of material.

Blue Mountain Coffee is the world's most superior coffee. Jamaica Blue Mountain is located in island (Jamaica) east because of the surrounding mountains in the Caribbean, whenever a clear day, the sun direct in the blue sea, mountains on the bright blue water reflecting light, hence the name . Blue Mountain peak altitude of 2256 meters, is the highest peak in the Caribbean region, but also a famous tourist destination. Here is located in coffee belt, has fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, climate and humid, rainy and foggy all year round, so that the climate created the world-renowned Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, but also created the world's highest price of coffee. Such coffee has all the characteristics of a good coffee is not only a rich mellow taste, and because of coffee, sweet, sour, bitter end with the shamisen.
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I want to introduce "coffee". "Coffee" (Coffee) (a etymology from Ethiopia's a name card Kaffa () method, and the town in the Greek word for "Kaweh", meaning "power and passion." tea and Coffee, cocoa and Coffee tree. The three drinks are of rubiaceae evergreen small trees, daily drinking Coffee beans cooperate with various cooking utensils, making Coffee beans is refers to the fruits, nuts inside reoccupy proper baking method.
Ancient China has the emperor tastes 100 grass, and record it, so that they can have many plants in the system. In the western world, not the emperor, without any more words, so the record about the origin of coffee is all sorts of different legends. Among them, the most common and re-acquainting fare is the shepherd's story. It is a shepherd, in time, accidentally discovered the shepherd of his sheep leap to dance, a closer look for a sheep is eat of the fruit of the red to behave funny weird. He tried to pick some this red fruit, and cooked back that make a room full of fragrance, after drinking juice more spirits, refreshed, and this kind of fruit is as a kind of refreshing beverage, and quite popular.
Cappuccino is a kind of coffee. It has an irresistible charm. At first when smell very sweet smell, the first drink, can feel the bubble of milk, sweet and SuRuan second mouth can really enjoy coffee and full-bodied, original bitter taste in the mouth stops at the end when you feel much a smooth finish.
A coffee can have a variety of unique flavor, don't think very magical? But really drink coffee, like life. The first one is always lets a person feel bitter with acid, a large number of the foam as young people choose life, and light and the bust of bitter and like a dream and reality of the conflict. Finally tasted the pathos, life after life sweet mellow and intoxicating...
It seems to reach adolescence teenagers in general, childish, enjoy good times after beginning to face into the adult world, real taste sweet taste of life -- except, and a bitter.
It tastes good, but it's history are more knowledge, has been studied and the optimal body material changes in writing.
Blue is the most superior coffee in the world. Jamaica blue mountains located in Jamaica (east), the island in the Caribbean for the mountains around, whenever the weather sunny day, the sun in the blue sea and mountain reflected light blue sea, bright. Blueridge 2256 meters, is the highest peak of the Caribbean, but also the famous tourist resort. There is coffee, have rich volcanic soil, the air is fresh, no pollution, humid climate, aged foggy rain, the weather contributed to the world-renowned Jamaican blue mountain coffee, also contributed to the world top price of coffee. This coffee has all the characteristics of good coffee, not only taste rich mellow, and because of the coffee, acid, bitter sanwei collocation perfect, so don't have bitter taste, only moderate and perfect acidity. Generally, but because of its use single output, expensive and so on the market to taste commonly approximate coffee modulation. True blue is born by the local best beans, this is the connoisseur fun. Its flavor, fruity and balanced acidity, rich, can satisfy people's needs. In addition, the quality of fresh flavor of blue, like drinking special lasting memories that person.
In Ethiopia. Doug small fragrant, fruity, strong acid, moderate grape flavour. After rinse beans, is of great quality coffee, often with single characteristic. But if it can allocate espresso blends, is a kind of ideal flavor of coffee. It tastes sweet with soft fruit, especially sexual maturity has its special taste of its unique, acid, bitter is very elegant. Red fruit flavour and grass. With its emits mocha beans, also has the sour sweet bouquet, caffeine, less
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