calculation, computing, to, supposed, anywhere, into, from, very, computer, as, mere, mostly, may well, many assistant
It may not always work—That’s where we are now with what’s called “pervasive (普遍深入的) [41] ,” computing that can be done [42] . We are on route to (在通往……的路上) the digital promised land, that place where the Internet will be magically transformed [43] an all-encompassing personal [44] . It will guide us [45] birth to death, anticipating the [46] information we need. The devices that are [47] to deliver this digital nirvana (涅,天堂) are [48] experimental; [49] don’t work [50] advertised. 展开
It may not always work—That’s where we are now with what’s called “pervasive (普遍深入的) [41] ,” computing that can be done [42] . We are on route to (在通往……的路上) the digital promised land, that place where the Internet will be magically transformed [43] an all-encompassing personal [44] . It will guide us [45] birth to death, anticipating the [46] information we need. The devices that are [47] to deliver this digital nirvana (涅,天堂) are [48] experimental; [49] don’t work [50] advertised. 展开