
今天想讲的话题是关于我学习英语的过程。我最初接触英语是在我5岁的时候,那时我正在上幼儿园。我记得当时的课本名字叫做《大拇指英语》。读小学的时候我进了实验班,学习的是香港的... 今天想讲的话题是关于我学习英语的过程。我最初接触英语是在我5岁的时候,那时我正在上幼儿园。我记得当时的课本名字叫做《大拇指英语》。读小学的时候我进了实验班,学习的是香港的英语课程,比同年级的同学学习的英语课程难。当时我的英语成绩并不好。初中的时候我遇到一位很好的老师,她讲课非常有趣,激起了我学习英语的兴趣。当时我的英语成绩名列前茅。到了高中,枯燥的语法和大量的单词令我对英语产生了抵触情绪。因此我的英语成绩一落千丈。到今天为止,我学习英语已经有15年了。尽管我的英语水平不高,但是每次听懂外国朋友的对话我都会觉得很神奇很兴奋。大学四年,我将会继续学习英语,以便将来能顺利的与外国朋友沟通。

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2009-12-29 · TA获得超过523个赞

Today I am going to talk about how I learned English. The first time that I heard English was when I was 5 years old, at that time I was still in kindergarten. In my memory I think the book that I learnt English from was named Thumb English. In primary school I got in to Science class, I learnt Hong Kong English, it was harder than the English that the other kids learn in my year level. I wasn't very good at it though. In junior highschool,I met a really nice teacher, her lessons are always so interesting, which made me so interested in English. Then I was a straight-A student. When it was senior highschool, boring grammar and loads of words made me sick of English, so my English skills went down a thousand miles. Until today, I have been learning English for 15 years. Although my skill is not very sharp, but everytime when I actually fully understood foreign friend's conversation, I feel so proud of myself. 4 years of university,I will continue learning English, so that in the future i can chat with foreign friends.
2009-12-27 · 超过14用户采纳过TA的回答
Hi,i want to share with you about how i start learning English. Well the first time i get in touch with it was when i was 5 in preschool. I remember the english book we used was thumb up english.Then in primary school,I was not doing very well with the language because i found it hard and out of my reach a little bit, since our school chose a Hongkong course plan for us. luckily i met a wonderful teacher who lighten my interest sparkles, and that is when my english course result outstood others in my class. however this did not last long. I soon felt it difficult again when flooded by dull grammar and heavy vocabulary. until today, i have learned english for 15 years. Though I have a lot to learn, I never lose my confidence, and feel encouraged when understanding conversations in English. Anyway, I will try my best in unversity , so that i could communicate with foreign people freely in the future.
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Today, I want talk about the topic is about my process of learning English. My first exposure to English in my 5 years old, when I was in kindergarten. I remember the name of a textbook called "thumb in English." Elementary school when I entered the experimental classes, learning the English curriculum in Hong Kong than in the same grade students to learn English courses difficult. At that time my English was not good performance. Junior high school when I met a very good teacher, she lectures very interesting and aroused my interest in learning English. I was among the best results in English. By high school, boring grammar and a lot of words of English I had a resentment.
So my English has deteriorated. To date, I have been learning English for 15 years. Although my English is not high, but each time the dialogue foreign friends understand I will feel very amazing very excited. University for four years, I will continue to learn English in order to smooth the future to communicate with foreign friends.
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I would like to talk about how I learned English. I started to learn English at age of 5 when I was still at kindy. I remmember the text book we used was called Big Thumb English. Later at an experimental class of primary school, I studied a Hongkong English course, which was more difficult than the textbook used by other classes. At that time my English wasnt very good. By the time I went to intermediate school, I met a very good teacher whose vivid teaching caused my interest in English to grow and I became a top student of English in the class. Later when I was at high school, the boring grammars and huge vacabulary crushed my interest in English and soon my English scores plunged. By now, I have spent 15 years in learning English. Although my English level is not very high, each time when I was able to understand a foreigner's speech, I would believe it was a wonder and feel very excited. In the 4 years of unviersity life, I will continue to learn English in order to be able to chat freely with foreigner friends.
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2009-12-28 · 超过22用户采纳过TA的回答
Today, I want talk about the topic is about my process of learning English. My first exposure to English in my 5 years old, when I was in kindergarten. I remember the name of a textbook called "thumb in English." Elementary school when I entered the experimental classes, learning the English curriculum in Hong Kong than in the same grade students to learn English courses difficult. At that time my English was not good performance. Junior high school when I met a very good teacher, she lectures very interesting and aroused my interest in learning English. I was among the best results in English. By high school, boring grammar and a lot of words of English I had a resentment. So my English has deteriorated. To date, I have been learning English for 15 years. Although my English is not high, but each time the dialogue foreign friends understand I will feel very amazing very excited. University for four years, I will continue to learn English in order to smooth the future to communicate with foreign friends.Today, I want talk about the topic is about my process of learning English. My first exposure to English in my 5 years old, when I was in kindergarten. I remember the name of a textbook called "thumb in English." Elementary school when I entered the experimental classes, learning the English curriculum in Hong Kong than in the same grade students to learn English courses difficult. At that time my English was not good performance. Junior high school when I met a very good teacher, she lectures very interesting and aroused my interest in learning English. I was among the best results in English. By high school, boring grammar and a lot of words of English I had a resentment. So my English has deteriorated. To date, I have been learning English for 15 years. Although my English is not high, but each time the dialogue foreign friends understand I will feel very amazing very excited. University for four years, I will continue to learn English in order to smooth the future to communicate with foreign friends.
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