128个回答
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Bring
Me
To
Life
-Evanescence
right
now
(na
na
na)-akon
walk
me
home-群星
fall
again-kennyg
because
of
you-kelly
clarkson
以上都是我喜欢的
都听听吧
风格不一样
Me
To
Life
-Evanescence
right
now
(na
na
na)-akon
walk
me
home-群星
fall
again-kennyg
because
of
you-kelly
clarkson
以上都是我喜欢的
都听听吧
风格不一样
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《sara
-
即使知道要见面
》是泰文好不好in
the
end(林肯公园)where'd
you
golife
is
like
a
boat.(英+日)everytimetimelessjust
one
last
dance
-
即使知道要见面
》是泰文好不好in
the
end(林肯公园)where'd
you
golife
is
like
a
boat.(英+日)everytimetimelessjust
one
last
dance
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britney
speas的《sometimes》、《trip
to
your
heart》、《seal
it
with
kiss》。然后还有《on
the
radio》、4minutes的《heart
to
heart》我觉得挺耐听的
speas的《sometimes》、《trip
to
your
heart》、《seal
it
with
kiss》。然后还有《on
the
radio》、4minutes的《heart
to
heart》我觉得挺耐听的
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Agent
51-Wrecking
Ball、Ashley
Parker
Angel-Let
You
Go、A乐队-Something's
Going
On。听听这三首吧,希望LZ喜欢。
51-Wrecking
Ball、Ashley
Parker
Angel-Let
You
Go、A乐队-Something's
Going
On。听听这三首吧,希望LZ喜欢。
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1.Bubbly
Colbie
Caillat
2.Seven
Years
Norah
Jones
3.Grace
Laura
Story
4.In
This
Song
Charice
5.Almost
Lover
Fine
Frenzy
6.Angel
Kate
Voegele
7.True
Brandy
8.The
Touch
Maria
Arredondo
9.Nothin'
On
You
B.o.B.
10.What
If
Nina
11.I
Believe
Can
Fly
R.Kelly
12.Leave
The
Light
On
Priscilla
Ahn
13.Price
Tag
B.o.B.
Jessie
14.I'll
Be
Fine
Lights
15.Coldest
Winter
Matt
Cab
16.Just
Little
Bit
Maria
Mena
17.fuckin'
perfect
Pink
18.Tonight
Wanna
Cry
Keith
Urban
19.New
Soul
Yael
Naim
20.N-N-N-Neva
Baby
Ke$ha...
Colbie
Caillat
2.Seven
Years
Norah
Jones
3.Grace
Laura
Story
4.In
This
Song
Charice
5.Almost
Lover
Fine
Frenzy
6.Angel
Kate
Voegele
7.True
Brandy
8.The
Touch
Maria
Arredondo
9.Nothin'
On
You
B.o.B.
10.What
If
Nina
11.I
Believe
Can
Fly
R.Kelly
12.Leave
The
Light
On
Priscilla
Ahn
13.Price
Tag
B.o.B.
Jessie
14.I'll
Be
Fine
Lights
15.Coldest
Winter
Matt
Cab
16.Just
Little
Bit
Maria
Mena
17.fuckin'
perfect
Pink
18.Tonight
Wanna
Cry
Keith
Urban
19.New
Soul
Yael
Naim
20.N-N-N-Neva
Baby
Ke$ha...
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