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  Leonardo di Piero da Vinci (Italian name: Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, Julian calendar April 15, 1452 (Gregorian calendar April 23) - May 2, 1519 , At the age of 67), the Italian scholar, the artist.

  European Renaissance genius scientist, inventor, painter. Modern scholars call him the "perfect representative of the Renaissance", is the unique history of human history, his greatest achievement is painting, his masterpiece "Mona Lisa", "the last dinner", "rock Our Lady "and other works, embodies his superb artistic attainments. He believes that the most beautiful natural object of study is the human body, the human body is the wonderful works of nature, the painter should be the core of the object of painting.

  He is a deep thinking, knowledgeable, versatile painter, astronomer, inventor, construction engineer. He is also good at sculpture, music, invention, architecture, familiar with mathematics, physics, physics, astronomy, geology and other disciplines, both versatile, and hard work, save the manuscript about 6000 pages. All his research results are kept in his manuscript, Einstein believes that Leonardo da Vinci's scientific research if published at the time, then the technology can be 30-50 years ahead of time.

  Da Vinci juvenile has been revealed artistic talent, about 15 years old to Florence apprentice learning, grow into a scientific literacy painter, sculptor. And became a military engineer and architect in 1482 after graduation to Milan graduated from the Italian Institute of Technology to become a famous Italian architect, artist, in the aristocratic palace in the creation and research activities, since 1513 drifted in Rome and Florence and other places. 1516 living in France, May 15, 1519 died. Asteroid 3000 was named "Leonardo". The most famous work is "Mona Lisa" is now one of the three treasures of the Louvre in Paris.


  On April 15 of 1452 (the Julian calendar), Leonardo da Vinci was born three hours later in the night "near the valleys of the Tuscan hills of the Finch, near the valleys flowing through the Arno River, The family of the Republic of Florence under the reign of the Dodge family, the father of Leonardo da Vinci, called Pierre Pierre Da Vinci, is the legal notary of Florence and is so rich in his mother. • Finch is their illegitimate son. Da Vinci does not have a real name, his full name "Lionardo di ser Piero da Vinci" means: "Vinci town Moses Piero son - Leo Naduo. "His name" ser "only shows that his father is a gentleman.

  We know very little about Leonardo da Vinci's childhood. He lived with his mother in the village of Finch before the age of five, and after 1457 and his father, grandparents, uncle Francesco lived in the town of Finch. His father and the 16-year-old girl named Albiera got married. She loves da Vinci, but dies early Leonardo da Vinci was sixteen years old when his father married the two-year-old Francesca Lanfredini. Until his third and fourth marriage, Leonardo da Vinci's father had a legitimate heir.

  Da Vinci did not formally learn Latin, geometric and math.

  Later, Da Vinci recorded his childhood two small accidents. Once there was a bird hovering over his cradle, its tail's feathers swept his face. Another time, he found a cave in the mountains to explore, although the fear will be hidden inside the monster, but in the curiosity of the final drive or go to find out. The

  Leonardo da Vinci's childhood has become a historical problem. In the sixteenth century, the Renaissance biographer and painter Joel Qiao Vasari, described a local farmer who had made a shield, and asked Leonardo da Vinci's father, Pierre, to paint on the shield. Son Da Vinci painted a monster that spit on the flames. This painting is lifelike, it is very scary, Piero put it to the Florentine art intermediary, art intermediary and the painting sold to the Duke of Milan. Then Piero was using the transfer of the painting to make money to the farmer to buy a new shield, painted above a red arrows through the arrow.

  We are more familiar with the image of Da Vinci basically from his famous self-portrait, so a mention of Leonardo, we always think of a philosopher-like wise elders. In fact, Leonardo da Vinci young age, but Italy, Florence, famous man! (But because he was not interested in women, so then he was gay rumors flying)!

  His teacher Verroeo sculpture of the handsome extraordinary bronze David is said to be the young Da Vinci as a model. Da Vinci's artistic career developed most smoothly in the period 1482 - 1499 Milan. Leonardo da Vinci's lyre played well, he first appeared as a musician rather than a painter or inventor in Milan. During this period of his paintings are not many, but its unparalleled talent is very popular with Milan Grand Duchess of Dovico Svolza.

  1499 years to avoid the war Da Vinci in Mantua and Venice and other places to travel and conduct some scientific research.

  In 1500 Leonardo da Vinci returned to Florence and began to create "Mona Lisa". "Mona Lisa" using a perspective method and other painting methods. After that, Leonardo da Vinci went to Milan and continued to serve the Milan court.

  1513 moved to Rome, Rome for Leonardo is not very pleasant place. Where he made a short stay, saw Michelangelo and other artists at the time in Rome, but did not reveal any of his artistic genius. Where he is basically studying some similar to the magic of the trick, so that the Romans when he is a shaman class of people.

  In 1516 Da Vinci went to France and finally settled in Amboise.

  In his later years rarely painting, devote themselves to scientific research, leaving a lot of notes handed down manuscripts, content from physics, mathematics to biological anatomy, almost all-encompassing. There are not many works of his life, but pieces are immortal. His works have a distinct personal style and are good at combining art creation with scientific inquiry, which is unique in the history of world art. The academic community generally divides its creative activities into two stages of early and peak.


  Renaissance humanism (Renaissance humanism) between science and art is not mutually exclusive extreme phenomenon. Da Vinci studied science and engineering as his artwork was memorable and outstanding. About 13,000 pages of notes and paintings in the manuscript are all records of mixed art and science. These records are Da Vinci in the European journey through the observation of the surrounding and continue to create.

  He wrote his mirror all his life. For the left hand writer, the quill pen is pulled from right to left to write than from left to right to write easy to write, and will not just write the word paste. So his diary is a mirror word.

  In science, Da Vinci is a huge observer, can be a very fine description of the way that a phenomenon. But not through the theory and experiment to verify. Because of the lack of formal education in Latin and mathematics, most of the scholars at the same time did not notice Da Vinci in the field of science. And Da Vinci rely on self-learning to understand Latin. It has also been said that Leonardo da Vinci intends to publish a series of papers containing various subjects, but never achieved.

  The rhombicuboctahedron, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, appeared in the "Divina Proportione" of Luca Pacioli in 1509.

  Leonardo da Vinci began to understand human anatomy when he studied with Andrea del Verrocchio. At that time Verrochio insisted that all disciples learn anatomy. When Da Vinci became a successful artist, he was given permission to dissect the human body at the hospital Santa Maria Nuova hospital in Florence. After which he worked at the hospital Maggiore and the hospital of Santo Spirito (the first Italian local hospital). In 1510 to 1511, he worked with Doctor Marcantonio della Torre; 1481 - 1511). Within 30 years, Da Vinci dissected a total of 30 different sexes of the human body. When working with Dr. Thor, Da Vinci was ready to publish anatomical works and painted more than 200 paintings.

  However, his book until the 1680 AD (died in 161 years) to "painting" in the name of the publication. In addition to the human body, Leonardo da Vinci also dissected cattle, poultry, monkeys, bears, frogs as anatomical structure.

  Leonardo da Vinci painted many human skeletal iliacs, and he was also the first person to describe the spine double S type. He also studied the pelvic and sacral inclination as well as emphasizing the sacral not only a single form, but also the five vertebrae. Leonardo da Vinci is also able to show the shape of the skull and the cross-section of the brain (cross section, longitudinal section, tangent plane). He painted many maps including the lungs, mesenteric, urinary tracts, sexual organs and even sexual intercourse. He is the first to draw the fetus in the womb (he wants to understand the "birth miracle") is also the first to draw the abdominal cavity in the appendix. In addition Da Vinci often depicts the muscles and tendons of the neck and shoulders. In 2005, Leonardo da Vinci's paintings inspired a British heart surgeon to develop a new way to repair damaged hearts.

  He can be said that the local anatomy of the master, not only the study of human anatomy outstanding performance, but also in the study of other animal anatomy when the same outstanding performance. Leonardo da Vinci not only concerned with the body structure, but also concerned about the physiological function, which makes him become anatomists and physiologists. He actively looks for the appearance of obvious physical defects as a model in order to draw a funny painting highlights the significance of physiological function. It is worth mentioning that Da Vinci can write one hand at the same time.

  Based on human anatomical research also makes Da Vinci design the first robot in history. This design, called Leonardo's robot, may have been completed in 1495, but it was not until the 1950s. I wonder if this design is to be made into an entity.

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