As time goes on, your face by human destruction, originally the picturesque scenery, an idyllic scene, all flowers bloom together. The beautiful scene to become now, alas! I couldnt be hardly worthy of belief, that a dense forest, has become a building, originally living in the forest of small animal, some people have been brought in table, and some were locked up in a cage, have been sold into the circus ... ...
Now a large number of human hunting wild animal protection, Northeast tigers, pandas, golden monkeys, deer, to build factories, for personal gain, river pollution, factory emissions, car exhaust emissions, so that the ozone layer broke a hole, the massive destruction of vegetation ... .
Of course, you also give people some warnings, one after another in recent years of natural disasters, such as: large earthquakes, floods, droughts, debris flow, through a series of natural disasters, people just as if wakening from a dream, gradually aware of the importance of ecological balance, human being make up now had made a stupid behavior. Look at! Green vegetation, more and more, the river can see a figure, can be a mirror, environmental protection products are becoming more and more rich, some wild animal has been included in the list of animal protection, besides, some festival rules make you old appearance is changed new colour.
Dear nature, you gave us a lot of inspiration, believe that humans can be in your inspiration will you become more and more beautiful! (随着岁月的流逝,您的容颜遭到了人类的破坏,原本山清水秀,鸟语花香,百花齐放的美丽场景到如今变成了,唉!简直令人难以置信,原来一片茂密的森林,已经变成了一座座楼房,原本生活在森林里的小动物,有的已经被人们端上了餐桌,有的被关进了笼子,还有的被卖进了马戏团……
As time goes on, your face by human destruction, originally the picturesque scenery, an idyllic scene, all flowers bloom together. The beautiful scene to become now, alas! I couldnt be hardly worthy of belief, that a dense forest, has become a building, originally living in the forest of small animal, some people have been brought in table, and some were locked up in a cage, have been sold into the circus ... ...
Now a large number of human hunting wild animal protection, Northeast tigers, pandas, golden monkeys, deer, to build factories, for personal gain, river pollution, factory emissions, car exhaust emissions, so that the ozone layer broke a hole, the massive destruction of vegetation ... .
Of course, you also give people some warnings, one after another in recent years of natural disasters, such as: large earthquakes, floods, droughts, debris flow, through a series of natural disasters, people just as if wakening from a dream, gradually aware of the importance of ecological balance, human being make up now had made a stupid behavior. Look at! Green vegetation, more and more, the river can see a figure, can be a mirror, environmental protection products are becoming more and more rich, some wild animal has been included in the list of animal protection, besides, some festival rules make you old appearance is changed new colour.
Dear nature, you gave us a lot of inspiration, believe that humans can be in your inspiration will you become more and more beautiful! (随着岁月的流逝,您的容颜遭到了人类的破坏,原本山清水秀,鸟语花香,百花齐放的美丽场景到如今变成了,唉!简直令人难以置信,原来一片茂密的森林,已经变成了一座座楼房,原本生活在森林里的小动物,有的已经被人们端上了餐桌,有的被关进了笼子,还有的被卖进了马戏团……