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2022-09-26 · TA获得超过4936个赞

1. My Mother (写一篇短文)50字

she is a english teacher she has worker for 20 years.

she is very courteous and accessible ,and she is also very kindhearted. she makes strict demads on sutdents

she enjoies the love and esteem of her students.when she walks to the classroom ,the most naughty students will keep quite and listen the class

impart knowledge and educate people , have formal students in all parts of the country .

2. 作文My mother 50个字


My mother loves me very much.She takes care of me everyday. In the moring, my mother cooks breakfast for me. And she often sends me to school. Then she goes to work from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. After she es home, she should clean houses and cook for my father.I think she must be very tired every day. As a child, I should help my mother. I should clean the houses and wash my own clothes. I should study hard,so my mother will be happy. I want to say to my mother: "Mom, I love you!"

3. 写一篇 My Mother的作文 50词 我的妈是一名语文老师 36岁 谢谢了 很急

My mother is a Chinese teacher, she is 36 years old, Not only she is a good teacher, but also a good mother, she is very friendly to students, she also also very care about me, I love my mother very much, I am proud of my mother

我的妈是一名语文老师 她36岁了,她即是一名好老师,也是一位好妈妈,他对学生是很友好的,她对我也是很关心的,我非常喜欢我的妈妈,我以我的妈妈而自豪。

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4. My Mother(50词)

My mother is 35 years old. But I still can see how beautiful she is when she is young. She is not too tall but very thin. Her eyes are black. Her hair is blackand there is several white hair.我的妈妈今年35岁了。



She takes me to school every day. In the evening she help me with my homework. If I'm hungry she will cook my favourite meals. She's always trying to encourage me to try something new. I think my mother is the best person in this world. She is always be there for me when I need her. I love her so much. She is my hero.每天,她都送我上学。到了晚上,她辅导我写作业。




5. my mother 写50字的英语作文 求帮助、

My mother loves me very much.She takes care of me everyday. In the moring, my mother cooks breakfast for me. And she often sends me to school. Then she goes to work from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. After she es home, she should clean houses and cook for my father.I think she must be very tired every day. As a child, I should help my mother. I should clean the houses and wash my own clothes. I should study hard,so my mother will be happy. I want to say to my mother: "Mom, I love you!"


6. my mother作文50字介绍父母的工作

My mother is a kind and gentle woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher she works diligently and efficiently. As Mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every fort. I have an elder brother. He and I both love her dearly, as she loves us. My mother has been teaching maths at a middle school in my home town. She goes to the school early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon. She loves her students and cares for them. She treats them with patience and teaches them well. For her excellent qualities and very good teaching results, she is always praised and respected by both her students and colleagues alike. And she has been chosen or elected as a model teacher several times. My mother is a thrifty and industrious woman. She never buys expensive or fancy dresses for herself; she goes occasionally to buy some inexpensive and high-quality clothes for us. She never goes to luxurious restaurants to enjoy expensive meals. She merely eats a humble meal outside when she is too busy. She lives a busy yet simple life, without any plaints. As soon as she es back from school, she sets about doing housework: sweeping the living room and bedreooms or cleaning the furniture, and putting everything in good order. Besides, she prepares nice dishes for us to eat. She seems to be on the go all the time. As she has been very busy working hard every day, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, and her hair has turned silver white. But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever. Often she says to us, "Work while you work, and play while you play. That is the way to be happy and gay. If you do not work, you will bee lazy and of no use to society." What a piece of good advice this is! I never fet it and always bear it in my mind. This advice of hers will always serve as a guide to my action. My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.我的母亲是一位善良和温和的女人。



他和我都爱她付出,因为她爱我们。 我的母亲一直在数学教学中的一所中学在我的家乡。



她已被选定或当选为模型老师几次。 我母亲是一个节俭和勤劳的妇女。






通常,她说: “我们工作,你的工作,并发挥你发挥。这就是幸福和愉快。

如果你没有工作,你将成为懒惰和没有用的社会。 ”什么一块很好的意见,这是!我从来没有忘记它,并牢记它在我的脑海。


7. Mymother'sday以MyMother'sDay写一篇短文,不少于50词,提示词都

My mother's dayMy mother is the busiest in my family .She gets up early and make breakfast for us at a quarter to seven ( 6:45).She goes to work at7:30.After work ,she goes shopping at 6:00.She makes dinner at a quarter past seven .She washes clothes after supper .She is really busy .I am proud of my mother .加油!不明白再问。

8. 以“Mymother”为题目的英语作文要50个字的哦

2023-06-15 · 超过132用户采纳过TA的回答
My mother means everything to me. She is my confidant, my mentor, and my best friend. Her unwavering love and support have been my backbone since the day I was born. She inspires me with her strength, kindness, and wisdom. I am grateful for her every single day and will always cherish the bond we share.
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My mother is a kind and nurturing person who has always been there for me. She has taught me valuable life lessons and provided guidance through difficult times. She is hardworking and selfless, always putting the needs of her family above her own. I am grateful for the love and support she has given me, and I hope to one day be as amazing of a mother as she is.
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