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2022-11-01 · TA获得超过5499个赞
晚上太阳到哪儿去了? Where the sun is set in the nightime? 山里真的有神仙吗? Are there any God existing among the mountains? 世上有真理吗? Is there any truth existing in this world? 总是看着天空发呆想也想不通, As if he wouldn't understand and just staring and watching at the sky. 读书读到几时才能明白? How long can you realize the meanings through studying? 一寸光阴一寸金, For the sake of time that nothing even gold can't buy one second of it. 老师总说寸金难买寸光阴。 "Any pure gold can't buy one second of time." said by my teacher. 一天又一天,一年又一年, Day after day and year after year. 盼望长大的童年。 Having yearned for inbred growth of childhood. 盼望着假期,盼望着机票, Looking for holiday and the air-ticket. 盼望回中国香港回到爸妈的身边! It is my earnest hope that I can be back to live with my parents in Hongkong. (这是一个小学留学生的心声) (It is the heart-felt feeling of an oversea pupil)
参考: Partly according to The Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Trlation by Oxford University Press in 1975
晚上太阳到哪儿去了? Evening sun to go? 山里真的有神仙吗? Mountains really a god? 世上有真理吗? The world the truth? 总是看着天空发呆想也想不通, Always looking at the sky daze want to figure out 读书读到几时才能明白? Reading for how long to understand? 一寸光阴一寸金, Inch of time is an inch of gold
老师总说寸金难买寸光阴。 The teacher always said that an inch of gold can not buy an inch of time. 一天又一天,一年又一年, Day after day
year after year
盼望长大的童年。 Hope childhood growing up. 盼望着假期,盼望着机票, Looking forward to the holidays
looking forward Flights 盼望回中国香港回到爸妈的身边! Hope to return to Hong Kong back to Mom and Dad's side!
Where have the Sun in the evening? It really are immortal in the mountains? There is truth? Always look at the sky in a daze just can't understand
Read how long to see? As every thread
Teachers always say money can ' t buy time. Day after day
year after year
Looking forward to growing up childhood. Looking forward to our holiday and are looking forward to air tickets
Looking forward to back to Hong Kong go back to MOM and Dad's side! (This is a voice of the primary school students)
晚上太阳到哪儿去了? 山里真的有神仙吗? 世上有真理吗? 总是看着天空发呆想也想不通, 读书读到几时才能明白? 一寸光阴一寸金, 老师总说寸金难买寸光阴。 一天又一天,一年又一年, 盼望长大的童年。 盼望着假期,盼望着机票, 盼望回中国香港回到爸妈的身边! (这是一个小学留学生的心声) 谢谢!
Where have the Sun in the evening?Really do you have an immortal in the mountains?There is truth?Always look at the sky in a daze just can't understand
When reading to learn?An inch
Teachers always say money can ' t buy time.Day after day
year after year
Looking forward to childhood growing up.Looking forward to the holiday
looking forward to air tickets
Looking forward to back to Hong Kong go back to MOM and Dad's side !
Please send the following sentence into Chinese: Evening sun to go? Mountains really a god? The world the truth? Always looking at the sky daze want to figure out Reading for how long to understand? Inch of time is an inch of gold
The teacher always said that an inch of gold can not buy an inch of time. Day after day
year after year
Hope childhood growing up. Looking forward to the holidays
looking forward Flights Hope to return to Hong Kong back to Mom and Dad's side! (This is the voice of the students of a primary school) Thank you!
晚上太阳到哪儿去了?Where's the sun goes at night? 山里真的有神仙吗?Is there really fairy tale in the mountain? 世上有真理吗?Is there truth in this World? 总是看着天空发呆想也想不通 Use to stared at the sky & stucked 读书读到几时才能明白?(呢句中文都唔通 / 英文译唔到) 一寸光阴一寸金,An interval of time is worth an punce of gold (英国文学内有呢句的) 老师总说寸金难买寸光阴。An ounce of gold can't buy you an interval of time 一天又一天,一年又一年 Day after day
year after year 盼望长大的童年 Hoping to grow up during childhood 盼望着假期,盼望着机票 Hoping for holiday
hoping for air ticket 盼望回中国香港回到爸妈的身边!Hope to fly back Hong Kong & stay with my parents
晚上太阳到哪儿去了?Where does the Sun go at night? 山里真的有神仙吗?Are there actually fairies in the mountains? 世上有真理吗?Is there absolute truth in the world? 总是看着天空发呆想也想不通, Starring in the sky and still unable to think it through. 读书读到几时才能明白?When will I gain understanding by studying. 一寸光阴一寸金,Time is money. Every minutes counts. 老师总说寸金难买寸光阴。 Teacher always says money can’t buy you time. 一天又一天,一年又一年, day after day
year after year
盼望长大的童年。 Childhood that wishes to grow up. 盼望着假期,盼望着机票, Wishing for the holiday
wishing for a plane ticket
盼望回中国香港回到爸妈的身边! Wish to return to Hong Kong where Mom and Dad are.
At night
where is the sun going to? Is it really have a god in the mountain? Is that there have truth in the world? I always look at the sky and daze
and can't figure out. How long I study for understanding this? Inch of time is an inch of gold
teacher always said
inch of time can't be bought by inch of gold. Day by day
year by year
Hope to growing up in childhood
To long for holidays
to long for flight tickets
To long for back to HK
back to mom and dad's side! (This is the heartfelt wishes of a primary foreign student)
--The trlation from C/E on The Thought and View of a student from overseas------ Where does the sunset ilight gone? Is there really immortals in the timeless mountains? Tell me the truth of the world! Always looking at the sky idling about but just fail; Read how long to be well-educated? A length of time is worth a length of gold. Teachers always say money can't buy time. Day after day
year after year
Expecting to grow up from childhood; Looking forward to my holiday
hoping for the air-ticket
Looking forward to be back to Hong Kong to where Mom and Dad are!
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