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2022-10-03 · TA获得超过7478个赞

1. 用定语从句写一篇英语作文

In addition to historical sights, memorials, museums and cultural sights also attract thousands of travelers.Qin Huai River , in the southwest of the city, extends one hundred kilometers. The river used to be the most flourishing part of Nanjing in the old days. In many Chinese novels, it is renowned as a place which nurtured beauties and romance. Today, it is a place for people to recall the old splendor of this historical city. Like all sights in Nanjing, it tells the story of past, present and future for the city.。

2. 用定语从句写一篇,你喜欢的东西的作文,要有优点缺点(九年级的)



There are many things in my life that I like very much,and the very thing that I like most is books.

As a famous saying goes,"knowledge is power",books,which are the vehicles of knowledge,is of vital importance to one's daily life.

As students,we need to read textbooks in order to increase our storage of knowledge so that we can apply those knowledge that are inherited from our ancestors to daily use.Human civilization can not flourish so extensively and rapidly without books as it does today because that way knowledge would not be able to be preserved and people might fet everything they'd learned and bee savages.Therefore books serve the function of conveying knowledge.

Though books are a inextricable part of human culture it also has some bad effects.Books may convey knowledge but there's real knowledge and false knowledge.Those knowledge unexamined may direct one's journey in life to a totally wrong direction which deviates from the direction initially desired.As books are powerful tools to shape a human mind,it should be employed with caution.it's a mon phenomenon on the pla earth that many irresponsible writers wrote things that they didn't understand themselves,making their readers confused and sometimes causing very bad results.I think that to prevent it from happening we should choose to read only those books that survived during the long process of human history or that are generally accepted as educational and meaningful.

Though books as everything else has some shortings it cannot be denied that it's of enormous value to us and that's why I like it so much.


3. 用定语从句写一篇关于最喜欢的学科的作文

My favorite subject in school is Mathematics.It is my favorite because I never have difficulty with it and always get good marks in tests.

I suppose I am lucky to be born with a clear-thinking brain.So ever since young,manipulating numbers and figures came easy to me The wonderful thing about Mathematics is that,besides some formulae,there is nothing else to remember.Every step in solving a problem is done logically.Other subjects like History and Geography require a lot of memory work.Remembering dates and other facts is hard work pared with the ease and simplicity of mathematical reasoning.While Mathematics is simple to me,some of my friends have great difficulty with it.I do not really understand why.They get stuck with simple problems and often give up.So I help them out when I can.

4. 用定语从句做一篇英语作文

I am a boy who is quiet but brave.I like the language which is simple for us to study.And I like the music that is soft and quiet.I eat a healthy diet and my favourite food is things that can keep fit,such as fruits and vegetables.I like the movie which is exciting。..


5. 英语作文.用定语从句写.写5句.

English, which is an important subject, need all to us to learn it wholeheartedly. Those students who are interested in English may consider that learning English is an enjoyable process. And those students who are indifferent to this subject may regard learning English as a kind of boring thing. But, whether you enjoy learning English or not, you should still learn it seriously.

English is not only an essential subject, but also a subject which we should all like it.


English is an important subject. It need all of us to learn it wholeheartedly. Students will feel very enjoyable to learn it if they have an interest in English. Otherwise if not, they will feel boring. But, whether you enjoy learning English or not, you should still learn it seriously. English is not only an essential subject, but also a subject which we should all like it.差不多了吧。

6. 【定语从句英语作文写我的梦想运用定语从句描写我的梦想是当一名老

Everybody has his own ideal,my ideal is to be a qualified people's teacher.The teacher can cultivate one many growing up can for the country the house contribute of person,call their knowledge,speak some how to get along with people,is that they know more knowledge and is a good student,good kid and have fine prospect after growing up,cultivate into many people all national useful talented person.The importance that still makes them should know science technique since the childhood,value science,had a passion for science.Develop to brave creative spirit,open ideal wing,modernize construction to contribute his/her own strength for motherland.Make them know what is illegal,what is mit crime;Want to know law in front everyone equal truth,the academic association is protected himself/herself with the law.In order to carry out one great ideal,I should good good study science cultural knowledge,actively thinking,be good at discovering,cultivated the spirit that the independence self-renewals since the childhood,do what matters had to have patience,unwilling fall behind,continuously make sure an enterprising target,a realization of target,a new point of departure in the knowledge growth process,overe study up one and other difficulty.With own effort,must carry out great ideal.每个人都有自己的理想,我的理想是当一名合格的人民教师. 教师可以培育出许多长大能为国家做贡献的人,叫他们知识,讲一些做人的道理,是他们懂得更多的知识,做一个好学生、好孩子,长大后有美好的前途,把许多人都培育成国家有用的人才. 还要他们从小就应懂得科学技术的重要性,要重视科学,热爱科学.发扬勇于创新的精神,张开理想的翅膀,为祖国现代化建设贡献自己的力量.使他们知道什么是违法,什么是犯罪;要懂得法律面前人人平等的道理,学会用法律来保护自己. 为实现着一远大的理想,我应该好好学习科学文化知识,积极思考,善于发现,从小培育自立自强的精神,做什么事都要有耐心,不甘落后,不断确定进取目标,一个目标的实现,知识成长过程中的一个新起点,要克服学习上一个又一个的困难.凭自己的努力,一定要实现着个远大的理想.。

7. 关于定语从句的作文题目是《myfavoritemusicandsingers》

My favorite music is pop rock music which is loved by many people.From its name,you can know the nature of this kind of music,that is a bination of pop and rock.It is powerful in the melody and lyrics just like rock,and also fashionable enough for people to pursuit.The most famous pop rock singer is Avril Lavigne,who's also my favorite.She's from Canada,but got her reputation in America.包含三个定语从句,够了吧?。

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