include "MapBasic.def"
include "ICONS.DEF"
include "menu.def"
Declare sub main
Declare sub Mcopy
Declare sub Mpaste
Type RowRecord
id As integer
age As float
name As String
End Type
Global r_copy As RowRecord
sub main
Create ButtonPad "Utils" As
HelpMsg "Choose this button to display query dialog"
Calling Mcopy ID 1
HelpMsg "Use this tool to draw a new route"
Calling Mpaste ID 2
Title "Utilities"
Width 2
end sub
sub Mcopy
Dim x, y, x2, y2 As Float,
i, i_found, i_row_id, i_win_id As Integer,
s_table As Alias
i_win_id = FrontWindow()
If WindowInfo(i_win_id, WIN_INFO_TYPE) <> WIN_MAPPER Then
Note "This tool only works on Map windows."
Exit Sub
End If
' Determine the starting point where the user clicked.
x = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_X)
y = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_Y)
If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_TOOLBTN) = 1 Then
' Then the user is using the point-mode tool.
' determine how many objects are at the chosen point.
i_found = SearchPoint(i_win_id, x, y)
' The user is using the rectangle-mode tool.
' Determine what objects are within the rectangle.
x2 = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_X2)
y2 = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_y2)
i_found = SearchRect(i_win_id, x, y, x2, y2)
End If
If i_found = 0 Then
Beep ' No objects found where the user clicked.
Print Chr$(12)
If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_TOOLBTN) = 2 Then
Print "Rectangle: x1= " + x + ", y1= " + y
Print "x2= " + x2 + ", y2= " + y2
Print "Point: x=" + x + ", y= " + y
End If
' Process the search results.
For i = 1 to i_found
' Get the name of the table containing a "hit".
s_table = SearchInfo(i, SEARCH_INFO_TABLE)
' note s_table
' Get the row ID number of the object that was a hit.
i_row_id = SearchInfo(i, SEARCH_INFO_ROW)
If Left$(s_table, 8) = "Cosmetic" Then
Print "Object in Cosmetic layer"
' Fetch the row of the object the user clicked on.
Fetch rec i_row_id From s_table
s_table = SearchInfo(i, SEARCH_INFO_TABLE)
s_table = s_table + ".col1"
r_copy.id = s_table
s_table = SearchInfo(i, SEARCH_INFO_TABLE)
s_table = s_table + ".col2"
r_copy.age = s_table
s_table = SearchInfo(i, SEARCH_INFO_TABLE)
s_table = s_table + ".col3"
r_copy.name = s_table
Print "复制完毕"
End If
End If
end sub
sub Mpaste
Dim x, y, x2, y2 As Float,
i, i_found, i_row_id, i_win_id As Integer,
s_table As Alias
i_win_id = FrontWindow()
If WindowInfo(i_win_id, WIN_INFO_TYPE) <> WIN_MAPPER Then
Note "This tool only works on Map windows."
Exit Sub
End If
' Determine the starting point where the user clicked.
x = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_X)
y = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_Y)
If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_TOOLBTN) = 2 Then
' Then the user is using the point-mode tool.
' determine how many objects are at the chosen point.
i_found = SearchPoint(i_win_id, x, y)
' The user is using the rectangle-mode tool.
' Determine what objects are within the rectangle.
x2 = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_X2)
y2 = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_y2)
i_found = SearchRect(i_win_id, x, y, x2, y2)
End If
If i_found = 0 Then
Beep ' No objects found where the user clicked.
Print Chr$(12)
If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_TOOLBTN) = 1 Then
Print "Rectangle: x1= " + x + ", y1= " + y
Print "x2= " + x2 + ", y2= " + y2
Print "Point: x=" + x + ", y= " + y
End If
' Process the search results.
For i = 1 to i_found
' Get the name of the table containing a "hit".
s_table = SearchInfo(i, SEARCH_INFO_TABLE)
' Get the row ID number of the object that was a hit.
i_row_id = SearchInfo(i, SEARCH_INFO_ROW)
If Left$(s_table, 8) = "Cosmetic" Then
Print "Object in Cosmetic layer"
' Fetch the row of the object the user clicked on.
Fetch rec i_row_id From s_table
Update s_table Set col1 = r_copy.id
Where RowID = i_row_id
Update s_table Set col2=r_copy.age
Where RowID = i_row_id
Update s_table Set col3=r_copy.name
Where RowID = i_row_id
End If
End If
end sub
include "MapBasic.def"
include "ICONS.DEF"
include "menu.def"
Declare sub main
Declare sub Mcopy
Declare sub Mpaste
Type RowRecord
id As integer
age As float
name As String
End Type
Global r_copy As RowRecord
sub main
Create ButtonPad "Utils" As
HelpMsg "Choose this button to display query dialog"
Calling Mcopy ID 1
HelpMsg "Use this tool to draw a new route"
Calling Mpaste ID 2
Title "Utilities"
Width 2
end sub
sub Mcopy
Dim x, y, x2, y2 As Float,
i, i_found, i_row_id, i_win_id As Integer,
s_table As Alias
i_win_id = FrontWindow()
If WindowInfo(i_win_id, WIN_INFO_TYPE) <> WIN_MAPPER Then
Note "This tool only works on Map windows."
Exit Sub
End If
' Determine the starting point where the user clicked.
x = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_X)
y = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_Y)
If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_TOOLBTN) = 1 Then
' Then the user is using the point-mode tool.
' determine how many objects are at the chosen point.
i_found = SearchPoint(i_win_id, x, y)
' The user is using the rectangle-mode tool.
' Determine what objects are within the rectangle.
x2 = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_X2)
y2 = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_y2)
i_found = SearchRect(i_win_id, x, y, x2, y2)
End If
If i_found = 0 Then
Beep ' No objects found where the user clicked.
Print Chr$(12)
If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_TOOLBTN) = 2 Then
Print "Rectangle: x1= " + x + ", y1= " + y
Print "x2= " + x2 + ", y2= " + y2
Print "Point: x=" + x + ", y= " + y
End If
' Process the search results.
For i = 1 to i_found
' Get the name of the table containing a "hit".
s_table = SearchInfo(i, SEARCH_INFO_TABLE)
' note s_table
' Get the row ID number of the object that was a hit.
i_row_id = SearchInfo(i, SEARCH_INFO_ROW)
If Left$(s_table, 8) = "Cosmetic" Then
Print "Object in Cosmetic layer"
' Fetch the row of the object the user clicked on.
Fetch rec i_row_id From s_table
s_table = SearchInfo(i, SEARCH_INFO_TABLE)
s_table = s_table + ".col1"
r_copy.id = s_table
s_table = SearchInfo(i, SEARCH_INFO_TABLE)
s_table = s_table + ".col2"
r_copy.age = s_table
s_table = SearchInfo(i, SEARCH_INFO_TABLE)
s_table = s_table + ".col3"
r_copy.name = s_table
Print "复制完毕"
End If
End If
end sub
sub Mpaste
Dim x, y, x2, y2 As Float,
i, i_found, i_row_id, i_win_id As Integer,
s_table As Alias
i_win_id = FrontWindow()
If WindowInfo(i_win_id, WIN_INFO_TYPE) <> WIN_MAPPER Then
Note "This tool only works on Map windows."
Exit Sub
End If
' Determine the starting point where the user clicked.
x = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_X)
y = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_Y)
If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_TOOLBTN) = 2 Then
' Then the user is using the point-mode tool.
' determine how many objects are at the chosen point.
i_found = SearchPoint(i_win_id, x, y)
' The user is using the rectangle-mode tool.
' Determine what objects are within the rectangle.
x2 = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_X2)
y2 = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_y2)
i_found = SearchRect(i_win_id, x, y, x2, y2)
End If
If i_found = 0 Then
Beep ' No objects found where the user clicked.
Print Chr$(12)
If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_TOOLBTN) = 1 Then
Print "Rectangle: x1= " + x + ", y1= " + y
Print "x2= " + x2 + ", y2= " + y2
Print "Point: x=" + x + ", y= " + y
End If
' Process the search results.
For i = 1 to i_found
' Get the name of the table containing a "hit".
s_table = SearchInfo(i, SEARCH_INFO_TABLE)
' Get the row ID number of the object that was a hit.
i_row_id = SearchInfo(i, SEARCH_INFO_ROW)
If Left$(s_table, 8) = "Cosmetic" Then
Print "Object in Cosmetic layer"
' Fetch the row of the object the user clicked on.
Fetch rec i_row_id From s_table
Update s_table Set col1 = r_copy.id
Where RowID = i_row_id
Update s_table Set col2=r_copy.age
Where RowID = i_row_id
Update s_table Set col3=r_copy.name
Where RowID = i_row_id
End If
End If
end sub
参考资料: mapbasic帮助
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