摘 要
The library management system is some unit essential part, the books is humanity's essential spiritual food, especially to some schools, especially important.Therefore the library management system should be able to provide the sufficient information and the quick inquiry method for the user.But the people have since always used the traditional artificial way management books, the periodical, the examination paper one-volume edition and so on, this management way has many shortcomings, for example: The efficiency low, the secrecy is bad, moreover time one long, will produce the massive documents and the data, this regarding the search, the renewal and the maintenance has all brought many difficulties.
Along with the science and technology unceasing enhancement, the computer science is mature day after day, its formidable function had known profoundly for the people, it entered the human society each domain and is playing the more and more vital role.As a computer application part, uses the computer to carry on the management for the books resources information, is having the merit which the manual administration center is unable to compare. For example: Retrieves, the search rapidly convenient, the reliability high, the reserves big, the secrecy good, the life long, the cost low status.These merits can enhance the library management enormously the efficiency, also is the enterprise, the school scientific style, the standardized management, with world trail connection important condition.
Therefore, develops this kind of set of management software to become has the necessity matter very much, in following each chapter of we take will develop a set of library management system as the example, chats question and solution which its performance history and will involve.
Key words: Library, taking advantage of book, but also book, VB,sqlserver2000
目 录
摘 要 2
Abstract 3
第一章 前言 5
1.1 课题背景及意义 6
1.2 课题的来源 6
1.3 国内外发展概况 7
1.4 研究内容 7
1.5 开发工具 7
第二章 系统开发环境介绍 8
2.1 Visual Basic的简介 8
2.2 SQL Server 2000 简介 9
第三章 需求分析 11
3.1 系统功能分析 11
3.2 系统功能模块 12
3.2.1 “借阅管理”模块: 12
3.2.2 “书籍管理”模块: 12
3.2.3 “读者管理”模块: 12
3.2.4 “系统管理”模块: 13
3.3 系统结构图 13
3.4 数据库关系图 14
3.5 系统E-R图 14
3.6 数据库设计 19
第四章 系统总体设计 22
4.1 界面设计 22
4.2 系统登陆模块 22
4.3 图书添加信息 25
4.4 读者信息模块 29
4.5 借阅图书模块 31
4.6 还书信息模块 36
第五章 系统测试 39
5.1测试项目 39
5.2测试方法 40
第六章 小 结 42
参考文献 43
The library management system is some unit essential part, the books is humanity's essential spiritual food, especially to some schools, especially important.Therefore the library management system should be able to provide the sufficient information and the quick inquiry method for the user.But the people have since always used the traditional artificial way management books, the periodical, the examination paper one-volume edition and so on, this management way has many shortcomings, for example: The efficiency low, the secrecy is bad, moreover time one long, will produce the massive documents and the data, this regarding the search, the renewal and the maintenance has all brought many difficulties.
Along with the science and technology unceasing enhancement, the computer science is mature day after day, its formidable function had known profoundly for the people, it entered the human society each domain and is playing the more and more vital role.As a computer application part, uses the computer to carry on the management for the books resources information, is having the merit which the manual administration center is unable to compare. For example: Retrieves, the search rapidly convenient, the reliability high, the reserves big, the secrecy good, the life long, the cost low status.These merits can enhance the library management enormously the efficiency, also is the enterprise, the school scientific style, the standardized management, with world trail connection important condition.
Therefore, develops this kind of set of management software to become has the necessity matter very much, in following each chapter of we take will develop a set of library management system as the example, chats question and solution which its performance history and will involve.
Key words: Library, taking advantage of book, but also book, VB,sqlserver2000
目 录
摘 要 2
Abstract 3
第一章 前言 5
1.1 课题背景及意义 6
1.2 课题的来源 6
1.3 国内外发展概况 7
1.4 研究内容 7
1.5 开发工具 7
第二章 系统开发环境介绍 8
2.1 Visual Basic的简介 8
2.2 SQL Server 2000 简介 9
第三章 需求分析 11
3.1 系统功能分析 11
3.2 系统功能模块 12
3.2.1 “借阅管理”模块: 12
3.2.2 “书籍管理”模块: 12
3.2.3 “读者管理”模块: 12
3.2.4 “系统管理”模块: 13
3.3 系统结构图 13
3.4 数据库关系图 14
3.5 系统E-R图 14
3.6 数据库设计 19
第四章 系统总体设计 22
4.1 界面设计 22
4.2 系统登陆模块 22
4.3 图书添加信息 25
4.4 读者信息模块 29
4.5 借阅图书模块 31
4.6 还书信息模块 36
第五章 系统测试 39
5.1测试项目 39
5.2测试方法 40
第六章 小 结 42
参考文献 43
这个一般都是要花钱买吧,找也能找的到 但是很难啊 祝楼主好运