第五季还没完,多谢各位帮忙。 展开
第五季还没完,多谢各位帮忙。 展开
1.01 Pilot 白衣女人
1.02 Wendigo 温迪戈雪怪
1.03 Dead in the Water 水中亡灵
1.04 Phantom Traveler 幽灵旅人
1.05 Bloody Mary 血腥玛丽
1.06 Skin 画皮
1.07 Man 弯钩杀手
1.08 Bugs 杀人狂虫
1.09 Home 回家
1.10 Asylum 精神病院
1.11 Scarecrow 稻草人
1.12 Faith 信我者得永生
1.13 666 666号公路
1.14 Nightmare 噩梦醒来迟
1.15 The Benders 蛮人
1.16 Shadow 阴影
1.17 Hell House 闹鬼的房子
1.18 Something Wicked 邪物
1.19 Provenance 起源
1.20 Dead Man's Blood 死者的鲜血
1.21 Salvation 救援行动
1.22 Devil's Trap 魔鬼的陷阱
2.01 临终 In My Time of Dying
2.02 小丑 Everybody Loves a Clown
2.03 嗜血 Bloodlust
2.04 不要与死物玩耍 Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
2.05 言灵者 Simon Said
2.06 无处可逃 No Exit
2.07 Thursday, 09 November 2006 The Usual Suspects
2.08 十字路口 Crossroad Blues
2.09 迷失之城 Croatoan
2.10 穷途末路 Hunted
2.11 致命玩偶 Playthings
2.12 夜管员 Night Shifter
2.13 神之所在 Houses of the Holy
2.14 始于坏时迹 Born Under A Bad Sign
2.15 天方夜谭 Tall Tales
2.16 公路追魂 Roadkill
2.17 心之所属 Heart
2.18 好莱坞历险 Hollywood Babylon
2.19 狱鬼重生 Folsom Prison Blues
2.20 虚实之间 What Is and What Should Never Be
2.21 恶魔再现(上) All Hell Breaks Loose, Part One
2.22 恶魔再现(下) All Hell Breaks Loose, Part Two
3.01 七魔重现 The Magnificent Seven
3.02 丑娃换子 The Kids Are Alright
3.03 福祸相依 Bad Day at Black Rock
3.04 罪恶之城 Sin City
3.05 神游童话 Bedtime Stories
3.06 朝霞红满天 Red Sky at Morning
3.07 鲜血 Fresh Blood
3.08 非常圣诞 A Very Supernatural Christmas
3.09 女巫之锤 Malleus Maleficarum
3.10 梦我所梦 Dream A Little Dream Of Me
3.11 神秘点 Mystery Spot
3.12 交战正义 Jus In Bello
3.13 觅鬼寻踪 Ghostfacers
3.14 长途电话 Long-Distance Call
3.15 与时共存 Time Is On My Side
3.16 永无宁日 No Rest For The Wicked
4.01 Lazarus Raising 神助
4.02 Are You There God? It's Me Dean Winchest 于问天道
4.03 In The Beginning 回到过去
4.04 Metamorphosis 蜕变
4.05 Monster Movie 怪物电影
4.06 Yellow Fever 黄热病毒
4.07 It's The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchest 试炼
4.08 Whishful Thinking 如意算盘
4.09 I Know What You Did Last Summer 夏日前尘
4.10 Heaven and Hell 天地之争
4.11 Family Remains 血浓于水
4.12 Criss Angel Is A Douche Bag 致命魔术
4.13 After School Special 校园魅影
4.14 Sex and Violence 爱与罪
4.15 Death Takes a Holiday 死神也放假
4.16 On the Head of a Pin 灭顶之灾
4.17 It's a Terrible Life 糟糕的生活
4.18 The Monster at the End of the Book 先知
4.19 Jump the Shark 食人族
4.20 The Rapture 狂喜
4.21 When the Levee Breaks 灾难将临
4.22 Lusifer Rising 路西法复活
5.01 Sympathy for the devil 魔王降生
5.02 Good God,Y'All! 战争肆起
5.03 Free to be you and me 自由你我
5.04 The End 世界末日
5.05 Fallen Idols 堕落偶像
5.06 I believe the children are our future 混血男孩
5.07 The curious case of Dean Winchester Dean Winchester奇案
5.08 角色扮演(原题没找到)
5.09 The real ghostbusters 真正的猎魔者
5.10 Abandon all hope 死亡降临
5.11 Sam interrupted
5.12 Being Sam Winchester
5.13 Beck to the futuer 2
5.14 Dead men Don't wear plaid
1.01 Pilot 白衣女人
1.02 Wendigo 温迪戈雪怪
1.03 Dead in the Water 水中亡灵
1.04 Phantom Traveler 幽灵旅人
1.05 Bloody Mary 血腥玛丽
1.06 Skin 画皮
1.07 Man 弯钩杀手
1.08 Bugs 杀人狂虫
1.09 Home 回家
1.10 Asylum 精神病院
1.11 Scarecrow 稻草人
1.12 Faith 信我者得永生
1.13 666 666号公路
1.14 Nightmare 噩梦醒来迟
1.15 The Benders 蛮人
1.16 Shadow 阴影
1.17 Hell House 闹鬼的房子
1.18 Something Wicked 邪物
1.19 Provenance 起源
1.20 Dead Man's Blood 死者的鲜血
1.21 Salvation 救援行动
1.22 Devil's Trap 魔鬼的陷阱
2.01 临终 In My Time of Dying
2.02 小丑 Everybody Loves a Clown
2.03 嗜血 Bloodlust
2.04 不要与死物玩耍 Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
2.05 言灵者 Simon Said
2.06 无处可逃 No Exit
2.07 Thursday, 09 November 2006 The Usual Suspects
2.08 十字路口 Crossroad Blues
2.09 迷失之城 Croatoan
2.10 穷途末路 Hunted
2.11 致命玩偶 Playthings
2.12 夜管员 Night Shifter
2.13 神之所在 Houses of the Holy
2.14 始于坏时迹 Born Under A Bad Sign
2.15 天方夜谭 Tall Tales
2.16 公路追魂 Roadkill
2.17 心之所属 Heart
2.18 好莱坞历险 Hollywood Babylon
2.19 狱鬼重生 Folsom Prison Blues
2.20 虚实之间 What Is and What Should Never Be
2.21 恶魔再现(上) All Hell Breaks Loose, Part One
2.22 恶魔再现(下) All Hell Breaks Loose, Part Two
3.01 七魔重现 The Magnificent Seven
3.02 丑娃换子 The Kids Are Alright
3.03 福祸相依 Bad Day at Black Rock
3.04 罪恶之城 Sin City
3.05 神游童话 Bedtime Stories
3.06 朝霞红满天 Red Sky at Morning
3.07 鲜血 Fresh Blood
3.08 非常圣诞 A Very Supernatural Christmas
3.09 女巫之锤 Malleus Maleficarum
3.10 梦我所梦 Dream A Little Dream Of Me
3.11 神秘点 Mystery Spot
3.12 交战正义 Jus In Bello
3.13 觅鬼寻踪 Ghostfacers
3.14 长途电话 Long-Distance Call
3.15 与时共存 Time Is On My Side
3.16 永无宁日 No Rest For The Wicked
4.01 Lazarus Raising 神助
4.02 Are You There God? It's Me Dean Winchest 于问天道
4.03 In The Beginning 回到过去
4.04 Metamorphosis 蜕变
4.05 Monster Movie 怪物电影
4.06 Yellow Fever 黄热病毒
4.07 It's The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchest 试炼
4.08 Whishful Thinking 如意算盘
4.09 I Know What You Did Last Summer 夏日前尘
4.10 Heaven and Hell 天地之争
4.11 Family Remains 血浓于水
4.12 Criss Angel Is A Douche Bag 致命魔术
4.13 After School Special 校园魅影
4.14 Sex and Violence 爱与罪
4.15 Death Takes a Holiday 死神也放假
4.16 On the Head of a Pin 灭顶之灾
4.17 It's a Terrible Life 糟糕的生活
4.18 The Monster at the End of the Book 先知
4.19 Jump the Shark 食人族
4.20 The Rapture 狂喜
4.21 When the Levee Breaks 灾难将临
4.22 Lusifer Rising 路西法复活
5.01 Sympathy for the devil 魔王降生
5.02 Good God,Y'All! 战争肆起
5.03 Free to be you and me 自由你我
5.04 The End 世界末日
5.05 Fallen Idols 堕落偶像
5.06 I believe the children are our future 混血男孩
5.07 The curious case of Dean Winchester Dean Winchester奇案
5.08 角色扮演(原题没找到)
5.09 The real ghostbusters 真正的猎魔者
5.10 Abandon all hope 死亡降临
5.11 Sam interrupted
5.12 Being Sam Winchester
5.13 Beck to the futuer 2
5.14 Dead men Don't wear plaid