I Am Thankful
Good morning, everybody!
Today I am very thankful that I am given this chance to give this speech named “ I Am Thankful.”
In 1620, the Pilgrims who sailed aboard the Mayflower settled at Plymouth, United States, seeking a better life and escaping religious persecution. Their first winter was devastating. They were sick. They were cold. They were hungry. Thanks for the help of the natives who taught them how to build houses, how to catch fish, how to plant corns. With the help of the Native Americans, the pilgrims survived the harshest winter. In 1621, the pilgrims had a bountiful harvest. To show their gratitude to the Indians who had helped them survive their first year, the pilgrims decided to celebrate with a feast. That was the story of the first Thanksgiving. Today Thanksgiving Day is an annual one-day holiday to give thanks.
Boys and girls, I want to tell you that a thankful person is a happy perosn. I am thankful for the life I am given. I am thankful for the chance to study in this lovely school. I am thankful for the green trees, the winding rivers, the tall mountains, the pretty flowers, the singing birds. I am thankful for the sun, the moon and the stars.The world is beautiful because of all these.
Boys and girls, let’s love the earth and let’s take care of her.
Now I would like to end my speech by quoting this poem named. Thanksgiving is a moment to remember
Thanksgiving is a moment to remember
How little we can do to move the stars.
All we are and have we must surrender,
Nor is Earth less inscrutable than Mars.
Knowing this, we know the need for friends
Sharing both our pleasures and our pain,
Giving, though it may not serve their ends,
In joy the love that will our love sustain.
Very much like water in a lake,
In sum we serve as mirrors to the sky.
No one alone can heaven's picture take.
Given friends, we know the reason why.
Be thankful, everybody!
我相信不论喜欢杰伦讨厌杰伦的都知道他爱面子,他曾经说过:姿势丑得分也没意思。对于他来说打篮球就是耍帅,这可苦了和他一队的人,因为他往往之顾及姿势而不管球运到那里,其实这些事很多人都知道,杰伦还有两件糗事不知道大家知不知道?又一次在大陆宣传,碰上新保镖,杰伦刚下车,就被保镖抱住跑了一百多米,像袋鼠一样,后来等电梯门一开,他竟然直接把杰伦塞进电梯,事后那个保镖说:人多,紧张。还有一次杰伦明明 要到五楼,却不知道谁按了三楼,于是杰伦也只好跟着走出去,假装自己也到三楼,在偷偷从楼梯跑到五楼,但是电梯门却在五楼又开了,当时所有人都看到杰伦了,真的很糗!当然杰伦的要面子不只这些,他的爱面子也帮了他很多,因为爱面子所以唱片销量要好,音乐做到做好,mv拍到最炫。在杰伦心中:面子诚可贵,美女价更高,若为音乐故,两者皆可抛!
I Am Thankful
Good morning, everybody!
Today I am very thankful that I am given this chance to give this speech named “ I Am Thankful.”
In 1620, the Pilgrims who sailed aboard the Mayflower settled at Plymouth, United States, seeking a better life and escaping religious persecution. Their first winter was devastating. They were sick. They were cold. They were hungry. Thanks for the help of the natives who taught them how to build houses, how to catch fish, how to plant corns. With the help of the Native Americans, the pilgrims survived the harshest winter. In 1621, the pilgrims had a bountiful harvest. To show their gratitude to the Indians who had helped them survive their first year, the pilgrims decided to celebrate with a feast. That was the story of the first Thanksgiving. Today Thanksgiving Day is an annual one-day holiday to give thanks.
Boys and girls, I want to tell you that a thankful person is a happy perosn. I am thankful for the life I am given. I am thankful for the chance to study in this lovely school. I am thankful for the green trees, the winding rivers, the tall mountains, the pretty flowers, the singing birds. I am thankful for the sun, the moon and the stars.The world is beautiful because of all these.
Boys and girls, let’s love the earth and let’s take care of her.
Now I would like to end my speech by quoting this poem named. Thanksgiving is a moment to remember
Thanksgiving is a moment to remember
How little we can do to move the stars.
All we are and have we must surrender,
Nor is Earth less inscrutable than Mars.
Knowing this, we know the need for friends
Sharing both our pleasures and our pain,
Giving, though it may not serve their ends,
In joy the love that will our love sustain.
Very much like water in a lake,
In sum we serve as mirrors to the sky.
No one alone can heaven's picture take.
Given friends, we know the reason why.
Be thankful, everybody!
我相信不论喜欢杰伦讨厌杰伦的都知道他爱面子,他曾经说过:姿势丑得分也没意思。对于他来说打篮球就是耍帅,这可苦了和他一队的人,因为他往往之顾及姿势而不管球运到那里,其实这些事很多人都知道,杰伦还有两件糗事不知道大家知不知道?又一次在大陆宣传,碰上新保镖,杰伦刚下车,就被保镖抱住跑了一百多米,像袋鼠一样,后来等电梯门一开,他竟然直接把杰伦塞进电梯,事后那个保镖说:人多,紧张。还有一次杰伦明明 要到五楼,却不知道谁按了三楼,于是杰伦也只好跟着走出去,假装自己也到三楼,在偷偷从楼梯跑到五楼,但是电梯门却在五楼又开了,当时所有人都看到杰伦了,真的很糗!当然杰伦的要面子不只这些,他的爱面子也帮了他很多,因为爱面子所以唱片销量要好,音乐做到做好,mv拍到最炫。在杰伦心中:面子诚可贵,美女价更高,若为音乐故,两者皆可抛!