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2014-07-09 · 超过67用户采纳过TA的回答
模块一 Unit1~2 基础达标AAABB DCCBD DCBAA能力检测DBACD CAAAD DBCDC CBACB DABAB DCC- 模块一 Unit3~模块二Unit1基础BDCBC CCACA BBBDA能力CBBCB DBA answer worry fail challenging what beat nowhere time moving explanation 模块二Unit2~3基础达标和能力检测 一、supplies envy adventures bit surprisingly coincidence preserved survival secretaries examined 二、1 in that case 2 running out of 3 feed on 4 even if 5 in harmony with 6 as well as 7 make a contribution to 8 look up to 9 live on 10 had nothing to do with 三、1 No matter what 2 by camel 3 took me ,to go 4 had nothing to do with 5 resulted from 6 succeeded in escaping 四、CDBCD CABAA BABCB五、略 能力检测 一、 ADCBA DBACD BADBD ABBCD 二、ACABA 模块三unit1~2基础达标 一、deserted observed available promote drowning simplify originally eventually complex peak 二、1watch out for2 reached out3 was frozen with 4in sight 5getting,across 6replace7undergo8raised9throughout10consists of 三.1expected,to get better 2 makes no sense,need3 though,stuck to 4 is made up of5 take,into consideration6it is,that 四、ACDCA BBDDC BABBD五、略, 模块三unit1~2能力检测 一、CACDB CCBDA BBCDD BCCDA二、CABCA AA 模块三unit3~模块四unit1基础达标 一、condition overthrown erupted unfortunately civilization supporting particular average advertise unique 二、1was satisfied with2keep away from 3of high quality 4on sale 5have ,in mind 6is similar to 7in my opinion 8as well 三、1 got ,involved in 2 not only was 3 told ,they would,that 4 asked to show,their 5 if,to join us 6 that ice gets into 四、DBDDB CCBCB BACBC五、1 he is the very author of the novel you referred to just now(基础达标第五题不打了,难打死捏)模块三unit3~模块四unit1能力检测 一、DCDCCDCABC 二、shock feelings excited eating rejection missing laundry adjustment humor comfortable 模块四units2~3基础达标 一、athlete delighted significance ceremony physical popularity monitor criticized reality delivered 二、1 in honor of 2 opening ceremony 3 tourist attraction 4 is recognized 5 turned out 6 gave out 三、1 involved in 2 otherwise 3 fall for 4 will be put 5 must be water 6 were made to work四、CDAAA BCDCB CDCDB五、略 四units2~3能力检修 一、ABCDC AABCD CBABC ABCCD 二、ADBC 模块五unit1基础达标 一、betrayed overlooked delayed deliberately meaningfully unfair response swore strengthen absorbed 二、1in a dilemma 2is,consistent with 3in the world 4were to blame for 5based on 6get through 7felt guilty about 二、8without hesitation9took ,seriously 10are discouraging ,from三、1focused on2think,advance3along,with4stand his shoutint 5are ,proud of 6spent ,in finishing 四、AABBB BCADA CDDCC五、略 模块五unit1能力检测 DBACA CBDAC DCDAB BCDBA CBDCA BACB 我今天才找到的~~大家共享一下吧~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
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