Places I like to visit
First of all, I would like to visit the moon. By the time ordinary people can visit the moon, I will probably be very old or dead. Anyhow it would be quite an experience to walk on the moon. It is said that there is no air or water there and our weight is many times less. I certainly would like to see how high I can jump and how fast I can run on the moon. These are all wishful thinking, of course.
To be realistic I can only visit places on earth. There are the Seven, and other, Wonders of the Earth and I like to visit them all, if possible. After hearing about the marvels of The Pyramids Of Egypt, The Great Wall Of China, The Taj Mahal, The Leaning Tower Of Pisa, The Colosseum Of Rome, Stonehenge in England and others, it would be great to actually be there and experience these things first-hand.
However, before all these places, I would like to visit Disneyland first. Which kid would not like to? There are so many things to see and do. It would be great fun.
Right now I cannot visit any of these places. The first reason is the lack of money. The second is I am too young to go on my own and I do not know anyone rich enough to take me there.
So they remain places I like to visit. Who knows, I might get to visit some or all of them in future, or not at all. Only time will tell.
First of all, I would like to visit the moon. By the time ordinary people can visit the moon, I will probably be very old or dead. Anyhow it would be quite an experience to walk on the moon. It is said that there is no air or water there and our weight is many times less. I certainly would like to see how high I can jump and how fast I can run on the moon. These are all wishful thinking, of course.
To be realistic I can only visit places on earth. There are the Seven, and other, Wonders of the Earth and I like to visit them all, if possible. After hearing about the marvels of The Pyramids Of Egypt, The Great Wall Of China, The Taj Mahal, The Leaning Tower Of Pisa, The Colosseum Of Rome, Stonehenge in England and others, it would be great to actually be there and experience these things first-hand.
However, before all these places, I would like to visit Disneyland first. Which kid would not like to? There are so many things to see and do. It would be great fun.
Right now I cannot visit any of these places. The first reason is the lack of money. The second is I am too young to go on my own and I do not know anyone rich enough to take me there.
So they remain places I like to visit. Who knows, I might get to visit some or all of them in future, or not at all. Only time will tell.
青春因挫折而精彩 亲亲挥别无畏的童年,和着青春的步伐,我们在人生的道路上寻寻觅觅、跌跌撞撞。。。。。。 巴尔扎克说:“挫折就像一块石头,对于弱者来说是绊脚石,让你却步不前,而对强者来说是垫脚石,使你站得更高。”奥地利音乐神童莫扎特...