1 pressure
As everyone knows, massage therapy to eliminate the pressure very effective. Remove pressure can enhance people's energy, improve the quality of life, reduce the possibility of injury or illness. Massage therapy can also alleviate such as asthma, insomnia this class because of mental anxiety and aggravating symptom. Because massage therapy to eliminate the pressure effect is very effective, so it is often used as the auxiliary treatment method of individual psychotherapy or addiction treatment.
2 pain and muscle tension
Massage therapy can alleviate the multiple forms of oppression and nervous symptoms such as muscle cramps, shoulder muscle tension, etc.. Massage therapy by beating, kneading action such as a direct role in the muscles, helping the muscles relax and restore the normal; at the same time, but also stimulate the nervous system sends out signal, make muscle is loosened gradually.
3 muscle soreness
Massage treatment helps to eliminate the movement after the accumulated in the muscle of the waste, eliminate muscle soreness.
4 arm / leg pain or numbness.
When the muscles are very nervous, may be oppressive arm, hands or legs nerve, causing numbness or pain. When this happens, the massage the shoulders and hips, help make these parts of spastic muscles relax, relieve the arm and leg numbness.
5 injured
Massage therapy is helpful to the recovery of pain, caused by accident or the movement of the torn tendon, ligament sprain or muscle injury has a very good effect. Massage therapy can strengthen the blood circulation, take away the affected part of the waste, at the same time to transport the nutrients, so as to reduce inflammation, help the organization to restore. Some massage techniques to prevent new wound scarring, or so the old wound scarring or pale.
6 concurrent pain
Massage therapy can relieve some pain complicated disease caused, for example, eye fatigue and headache caused by the bad pregnancy, due to lower back pain, and so on, protection of contractile response or wounded around the healthy muscle, etc..
7 new damage prevention
Massage therapy can prevent the disorder due to extrusion of muscle groups, or oppression of victims and may cause new damage.
8 joint pain or stiff acerbity
In addition to rely on the relaxation of muscle tension to ease joint stiff astringent symptoms, massage therapy can also act directly on the joints, strengthen the parts of the blood circulation, stimulate the joint produced more lubricant, and reduce joint pain caused by arthritis and other diseases.
9 body
Massage treatment can make the muscles and joints to relax, let the body recover from the tense state to a more natural attitude; in addition, it can also relieve the muscle contraction and the spine, and the pain caused by incorrect posture.
10 action inconvenience
There are many reasons can cause action inconvenience, including injury, surgery, paralysis, and even natural aging. In these cases, using the massage, can help to relieve pain, enhance the skin and muscle blood circulation. Although some rigid region is not directly massage, but systemic relaxation caused by ordinary massage and promote blood circulation will also bring beneficial effects for these regions.
11 fluid balance
Massage therapy can promote circulation, help will be discharged from the injury, surgery or pregnancy induced excess tissue fluid.
As everyone knows, massage therapy to eliminate the pressure very effective. Remove pressure can enhance people's energy, improve the quality of life, reduce the possibility of injury or illness. Massage therapy can also alleviate such as asthma, insomnia this class because of mental anxiety and aggravating symptom. Because massage therapy to eliminate the pressure effect is very effective, so it is often used as the auxiliary treatment method of individual psychotherapy or addiction treatment.
2 pain and muscle tension
Massage therapy can alleviate the multiple forms of oppression and nervous symptoms such as muscle cramps, shoulder muscle tension, etc.. Massage therapy by beating, kneading action such as a direct role in the muscles, helping the muscles relax and restore the normal; at the same time, but also stimulate the nervous system sends out signal, make muscle is loosened gradually.
3 muscle soreness
Massage treatment helps to eliminate the movement after the accumulated in the muscle of the waste, eliminate muscle soreness.
4 arm / leg pain or numbness.
When the muscles are very nervous, may be oppressive arm, hands or legs nerve, causing numbness or pain. When this happens, the massage the shoulders and hips, help make these parts of spastic muscles relax, relieve the arm and leg numbness.
5 injured
Massage therapy is helpful to the recovery of pain, caused by accident or the movement of the torn tendon, ligament sprain or muscle injury has a very good effect. Massage therapy can strengthen the blood circulation, take away the affected part of the waste, at the same time to transport the nutrients, so as to reduce inflammation, help the organization to restore. Some massage techniques to prevent new wound scarring, or so the old wound scarring or pale.
6 concurrent pain
Massage therapy can relieve some pain complicated disease caused, for example, eye fatigue and headache caused by the bad pregnancy, due to lower back pain, and so on, protection of contractile response or wounded around the healthy muscle, etc..
7 new damage prevention
Massage therapy can prevent the disorder due to extrusion of muscle groups, or oppression of victims and may cause new damage.
8 joint pain or stiff acerbity
In addition to rely on the relaxation of muscle tension to ease joint stiff astringent symptoms, massage therapy can also act directly on the joints, strengthen the parts of the blood circulation, stimulate the joint produced more lubricant, and reduce joint pain caused by arthritis and other diseases.
9 body
Massage treatment can make the muscles and joints to relax, let the body recover from the tense state to a more natural attitude; in addition, it can also relieve the muscle contraction and the spine, and the pain caused by incorrect posture.
10 action inconvenience
There are many reasons can cause action inconvenience, including injury, surgery, paralysis, and even natural aging. In these cases, using the massage, can help to relieve pain, enhance the skin and muscle blood circulation. Although some rigid region is not directly massage, but systemic relaxation caused by ordinary massage and promote blood circulation will also bring beneficial effects for these regions.
11 fluid balance
Massage therapy can promote circulation, help will be discharged from the injury, surgery or pregnancy induced excess tissue fluid.