檀城四周摆放的脱胎彩绘菩萨像,称为十二圆觉。圆觉就是圆觉之觉悟的简称,如来所证之理性具足万德,圆满周备,总共有十二种圆觉.两侧十九个展柜里供奉了38尊玉雕菩萨像.上方周围精美的图案是《药师经变图》,这些图案是画在亚麻布上的,长度约在172米左右,顶棚上的五彩绸象征着密宗修持的五种派别,分别代表了黄教(密宗的主流教派)、白教、红教、花教、黑教。 展开
檀城四周摆放的脱胎彩绘菩萨像,称为十二圆觉。圆觉就是圆觉之觉悟的简称,如来所证之理性具足万德,圆满周备,总共有十二种圆觉.两侧十九个展柜里供奉了38尊玉雕菩萨像.上方周围精美的图案是《药师经变图》,这些图案是画在亚麻布上的,长度约在172米左右,顶棚上的五彩绸象征着密宗修持的五种派别,分别代表了黄教(密宗的主流教派)、白教、红教、花教、黑教。 展开
The coloured paintings of the bodiless Buddhisattva figures all around Mandala are called 12 round enlightenments. Round enlightenment is short for completely enlightened. Gautama Buddha's proved true reason has ample virtues of their thousands, complete and thorough. With a total of 12 round enlightenments. 19 display cabinets on both sides are worshiping 38 jade carving bodhisattva figures. The exquisite pictures all around the upper part is the "The change of the Pharmacist Sutra figure" These paintings were painted on a linen cloth. Its length is about 172 meters. The colourful silks on the top symbolize the five different sects, which the Tantra has cultivated. Respectively, they represent the Yellow sect (the main sect of the Tantra), the White sect, the Red sect, the Flower sect and the Black sect.
The coloured paintings of the bodiless Buddhisattva figures all around Mandala are called 12 round enlightenments. Round enlightenment is short for completely enlightened. Gautama Buddha's proved true reason has ample virtues of their thousands, complete and thorough. With a total of 12 round enlightenments. 19 display cabinets on both sides are worshiping 38 jade carving bodhisattva figures. The exquisite pictures all around the upper part is the "The change of the Pharmacist Sutra figure" These paintings were painted on a linen cloth. Its length is about 172 meters. The colourful silks on the top symbolize the five different sects, which the Tantra has cultivated. Respectively, they represent the Yellow sect (the main sect of the Tantra), the White sect, the Red sect, the Flower sect and the Black sect.
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