I will give 110% 我会全力以赴。
challenge 挑战
sweet job!干得漂亮。
I prefer noodles 我偏爱面条
Good for you 你干的不错
Sounds like a plan 这主意不错
There is no turning back没有回头路
Catch your beath喘气
take it easy 别着急
old hand老手
green hand 新手
from A to Z 从头到脚
like a fish out of water不适宜
sea legs不晕船,适应性环境
you have your sea legs你适应你的新环境了
out house茅房
fit for a king豪华大餐
Can I bargain for it?能便宜点吗?
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.以牙还牙以眼还眼。
be forced to take action逼上梁山
green hand新手
Are my eyes playing tricks on me 不敢相信自己的眼睛
round the clock不分昼夜
cut from the same mold一个模子里刻出来的
make a mess of弄得一团糟
bounty of treasures 珍宝众多
wind turbines风力发电机
a bounty of丰富的……
the goose that lays a golden egg栋梁之才
succulent 好吃的专指肉
nature's bounty大自然的宝
don't stand on ceremoy别客气别拘束
fish treatment鱼疗
I'm born lucky我天生幸运
spoilt for choice眼花缭乱
现在发现自己打英文的速度可真慢,就打这些花了我半个小时,希望可以帮到你!你们的作业是抄单词句子多么好啊,我们什么时候的英语作业是这个啊!羡慕!!By the way希望英语在春节期间会停播.至于后面的单词只有你自己努力了,我也不知道我能帮到你多少。
I will give 110% 我会全力以赴。
challenge 挑战
sweet job!干得漂亮。
I prefer noodles 我偏爱面条
Good for you 你干的不错
Sounds like a plan 这主意不错
There is no turning back没有回头路
Catch your beath喘气
take it easy 别着急
old hand老手
green hand 新手
from A to Z 从头到脚
like a fish out of water不适宜
sea legs不晕船,适应性环境
you have your sea legs你适应你的新环境了
out house茅房
fit for a king豪华大餐
Can I bargain for it?能便宜点吗?
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.以牙还牙以眼还眼。
be forced to take action逼上梁山
green hand新手
Are my eyes playing tricks on me 不敢相信自己的眼睛
round the clock不分昼夜
cut from the same mold一个模子里刻出来的
make a mess of弄得一团糟
bounty of treasures 珍宝众多
wind turbines风力发电机
a bounty of丰富的……
the goose that lays a golden egg栋梁之才
succulent 好吃的专指肉
nature's bounty大自然的宝
don't stand on ceremoy别客气别拘束
fish treatment鱼疗
I'm born lucky我天生幸运
spoilt for choice眼花缭乱
现在发现自己打英文的速度可真慢,就打这些花了我半个小时,希望可以帮到你!你们的作业是抄单词句子多么好啊,我们什么时候的英语作业是这个啊!羡慕!!By the way希望英语在春节期间会停播.至于后面的单词只有你自己努力了,我也不知道我能帮到你多少。
I have a big crush on you:我很中意你
Don't pull my leg:别开玩笑啦
Love at first sight:一见钟情
Party dancing:舞会舞
Ballroom dancing:舞厅舞
Is it popular here?:它很受欢迎吗?
A change is as good as a rest:调整比休息更有效
right up one's alley:对某人的胃口,适合某人的才能
Truth needs not many words:有理不在身高
The clothes makes the man:人靠衣装,佛靠金装
Have/find a winner:找到杀手锏了
Can this only be made by hand?:这个只能用手工做吗?
At first glance...do a double-take:第一眼没看明白,再看一眼
A good workman never blame his tool:拙匠怨工具
You need the right tool for the right job:工欲善其事,必先利其器
Be drenched and sweat:累得满头大汗
Housing fund:住房公积金
Don't let the grass grow under one's feet:不要浪费时间
Wild grass:野草
Please hand me the carp to bake:请把鲤鱼给我去烤
The last minute shopping:疯狂大采购
Way too easy:太容易了
Out of sight,out of mind: 眼不见,心不烦
Don't Let the grass grow uder one's feet.别浪费时间。
the last minute shopping 疯狂大采购
way too easy 太简单
hide away your trouble振作起来
No time like the present.别再犹豫。
sandwich generation 三明治一代(上有老,下有小)
I haven't got a clue.我不知道
at one's pleasure 随心所欲
as safe as houses 十分安全
pie in the sky 天上掉馅饼
I will give 110%. 我会全力以赴的。
Sweet job! 干得漂亮!
Good for you. 你真棒,干得不错
Sounds like a plan.这主意不错。
It's a real doddle.太简单了。
Soft fire makes sweet malt.慢工出细活
a set of wheels 汽车
chance one's arm 甩开胳膊大干一场
You’d never guess. 你怎么也想不到。
Sink or swim,it's up to you.成败都看你的啦。
What's cooking?怎么了?
go all out 卯足劲儿
Search me.我不知道。
I can't swallow it.我忍受不了了。
It really heats up.真是热闹啊。
It has a rich aroma.香味十足。
I’m a bit green.我是个新手。
a rare find 稀罕的玩意儿
I'm stuffed.吃撑了。
count to ten 沉静下来
be full of beans 充满干劲
The dice is cast.木已成舟
get yourself together振作起来
what's cooking?怎么了?
outlook on life 人生观
on the right track 对路
one-track minded 一根筋
use your noodle 动动脑筋
castles in the air 空中楼阁(不切实际的东西)
once bitten ,twice shy 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳
don't stand on ceremony 别拘束,放松点
no more airy-fairy不再想入非非了
show a little backbone 拿出点勇气
you've got a spine 你有种
hold your tongue 不要乱说话,管好自己的嘴
a goose that lies a golden egg 人才
fat cat安于现状的懒汉,以权谋私的人
the cat did it推脱责任
the cat that got the cream得意洋洋
an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 以眼还眼以牙还牙
fit for a king 丰盛大餐
there is no turning back 没有回头路了
make one's day使一天有成就
Don't Let the grass grow uder one's feet.别浪费时间。
the last minute shopping 疯狂大采购
way too easy 太简单
hide away your trouble振作起来
No time like the present.别再犹豫。
sandwich generation 三明治一代(上有老,下有小)
I haven't got a clue.我不知道
at one's pleasure 随心所欲
as safe as houses 十分安全
pie in the sky 天上掉馅饼
I will give 110%. 我会全力以赴的。
Sweet job! 干得漂亮!
Good for you. 你真棒,干得不错
Sounds like a plan.这主意不错。
It's a real doddle.太简单了。
Soft fire makes sweet malt.慢工出细活
a set of wheels 汽车
chance one's arm 甩开胳膊大干一场
You’d never guess. 你怎么也想不到。
Sink or swim,it's up to you.成败都看你的啦。
What's cooking?怎么了?
go all out 卯足劲儿
Search me.我不知道。
I can't swallow it.我忍受不了了。
It really heats up.真是热闹啊。
It has a rich aroma.香味十足。
I’m a bit green.我是个新手。
a rare find 稀罕的玩意儿
I'm stuffed.吃撑了。
Don't pull my leg:别开玩笑啦
Love at first sight:一见钟情
Party dancing:舞会舞
Ballroom dancing:舞厅舞
Is it popular here?:它很受欢迎吗?
A change is as good as a rest:调整比休息更有效
right up one's alley:对某人的胃口,适合某人的才能
Truth needs not many words:有理不在身高
The clothes makes the man:人靠衣装,佛靠金装
Have/find a winner:找到杀手锏了
Can this only be made by hand?:这个只能用手工做吗?
At first glance...do a double-take:第一眼没看明白,再看一眼
A good workman never blame his tool:拙匠怨工具
You need the right tool for the right job:工欲善其事,必先利其器
Be drenched and sweat:累得满头大汗
Housing fund:住房公积金
Don't let the grass grow under one's feet:不要浪费时间
Wild grass:野草
Please hand me the carp to bake:请把鲤鱼给我去烤
The last minute shopping:疯狂大采购
Way too easy:太容易了
Out of sight,out of mind: 眼不见,心不烦
Don't Let the grass grow uder one's feet.别浪费时间。
the last minute shopping 疯狂大采购
way too easy 太简单
hide away your trouble振作起来
No time like the present.别再犹豫。
sandwich generation 三明治一代(上有老,下有小)
I haven't got a clue.我不知道
at one's pleasure 随心所欲
as safe as houses 十分安全
pie in the sky 天上掉馅饼
I will give 110%. 我会全力以赴的。
Sweet job! 干得漂亮!
Good for you. 你真棒,干得不错
Sounds like a plan.这主意不错。
It's a real doddle.太简单了。
Soft fire makes sweet malt.慢工出细活
a set of wheels 汽车
chance one's arm 甩开胳膊大干一场
You’d never guess. 你怎么也想不到。
Sink or swim,it's up to you.成败都看你的啦。
What's cooking?怎么了?
go all out 卯足劲儿
Search me.我不知道。
I can't swallow it.我忍受不了了。
It really heats up.真是热闹啊。
It has a rich aroma.香味十足。
I’m a bit green.我是个新手。
a rare find 稀罕的玩意儿
I'm stuffed.吃撑了。
count to ten 沉静下来
be full of beans 充满干劲
The dice is cast.木已成舟
get yourself together振作起来
what's cooking?怎么了?
outlook on life 人生观
on the right track 对路
one-track minded 一根筋
use your noodle 动动脑筋
castles in the air 空中楼阁(不切实际的东西)
once bitten ,twice shy 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳
don't stand on ceremony 别拘束,放松点
no more airy-fairy不再想入非非了
show a little backbone 拿出点勇气
you've got a spine 你有种
hold your tongue 不要乱说话,管好自己的嘴
a goose that lies a golden egg 人才
fat cat安于现状的懒汉,以权谋私的人
the cat did it推脱责任
the cat that got the cream得意洋洋
an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 以眼还眼以牙还牙
fit for a king 丰盛大餐
there is no turning back 没有回头路了
make one's day使一天有成就
Don't Let the grass grow uder one's feet.别浪费时间。
the last minute shopping 疯狂大采购
way too easy 太简单
hide away your trouble振作起来
No time like the present.别再犹豫。
sandwich generation 三明治一代(上有老,下有小)
I haven't got a clue.我不知道
at one's pleasure 随心所欲
as safe as houses 十分安全
pie in the sky 天上掉馅饼
I will give 110%. 我会全力以赴的。
Sweet job! 干得漂亮!
Good for you. 你真棒,干得不错
Sounds like a plan.这主意不错。
It's a real doddle.太简单了。
Soft fire makes sweet malt.慢工出细活
a set of wheels 汽车
chance one's arm 甩开胳膊大干一场
You’d never guess. 你怎么也想不到。
Sink or swim,it's up to you.成败都看你的啦。
What's cooking?怎么了?
go all out 卯足劲儿
Search me.我不知道。
I can't swallow it.我忍受不了了。
It really heats up.真是热闹啊。
It has a rich aroma.香味十足。
I’m a bit green.我是个新手。
a rare find 稀罕的玩意儿
I'm stuffed.吃撑了。