几句英语同义句转换 急~~~
The student's marks improved this year.
同义句: The student's marks made steady gains this year.
The student's marks went up this year.
The student's marks increased this year.
1.Her weight dropped over the last few months.
同义句 Her weight( )
Her weight( )
Her weight( )
2.He works less and less each year.
同义句 He works( )
He works( )
He works( )
3.Their daughter grew a lot last year.
同义句 Their daughter( )
Their daughter( )
Their daughter( )
每个各三句,不要重复。 叩谢! 展开
The student's marks improved this year.
同义句: The student's marks made steady gains this year.
The student's marks went up this year.
The student's marks increased this year.
1.Her weight dropped over the last few months.
同义句 Her weight( )
Her weight( )
Her weight( )
2.He works less and less each year.
同义句 He works( )
He works( )
He works( )
3.Their daughter grew a lot last year.
同义句 Their daughter( )
Their daughter( )
Their daughter( )
每个各三句,不要重复。 叩谢! 展开
1,her weight decreased the last few months.
her weight reduced the last few months.
her weight diminished the last few months.
2,he works rarely and rarely each year.
he works scarcely and scarcely each year.
he works lightly and lightly each year.
3,their daughter shot up last year.
their daugther overgrowned last year.
their daugther had a harvest in height last year.
her weight reduced the last few months.
her weight diminished the last few months.
2,he works rarely and rarely each year.
he works scarcely and scarcely each year.
he works lightly and lightly each year.
3,their daughter shot up last year.
their daugther overgrowned last year.
their daugther had a harvest in height last year.