
有木有人知道一首欧美女声英文歌,歌词内容很叛逆,什么我看见一辆车撞向大桥,你多少岁了,我才17岁啥的,就是青春期叛逆的歌,完全查不到啊,貌似还挺经典的... 有木有人知道一首欧美女声英文歌,歌词内容很叛逆,什么我看见一辆车撞向大桥,你多少岁了,我才17岁啥的,就是青春期叛逆的歌,完全查不到啊,貌似还挺经典的 展开
 我来答
Here With You - Jake Nauta
Part of me wants to love you,
Part of me knows I can't.
A part of me is trying,
But part of me isn't there.
I don't want to hurt you,
But I know I will.
A part of me wonders if you'll love me still.
Part of me runs to you,
A part of me falls behind.
A part of me tries to turn back
At the finish line.
No, I don't want to fail you,
But I know I will.
A part of me wonders why you love me still.
Coz this time it's forever,
I know more than ever,
That I got it right.
And sweet dreams tell me nothing,
I need hope in something,
And I found it right here with you
Part of me wants to follow,
A part of me is letting go.
A part of me is still hiding,
A part of me you don't know.
No, I don't want to give up, I just know I will.
A part of me wonders how you love me still.
Coz I know what it takes to love me still.
Coz this time it's forever,
I know more than ever,
That I got it right.
And sweet dreams tell me nothing,
I need hope in something,
And I found it right.
Right here with you,
Right here with you,
Right here with you,
Right here with you,
I've found it right here with you.
Coz this time it's forever,
I know more than ever,
That I got it right here with you.
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