Director of Aountant Coat Dept.
Director of Cost Management Dept.
Vice-Director of Cost Management Dept.
Director of Warehouse
Aountant of Cost Management Dept.
1. When she was 12, she inherited the wills of those missionary; she started doing the work of a missionary at an age of 15.
2. For 60 years, she dedicated to charity.
3. She went to the area with people living in poverty, adopted lots of abandoned child with AIDS and mental diseases.
4. In 1979, she won the peace award for Nobel Prize.
5. She was dedicating to people all her life, even untill when she left the world in 1997. All of her possession was just a painting of Jesus Christ, 3 shabby cloth and a pair of shoes.
6. I'm not a catholic, but i've been deeply touched my her.
7. She used her actions, to tell people what is love.
请帮忙翻译一下几个短语 谢谢
住所 日付
省长 Governor
市长 mayor
区长 warden
县长 county's head misioner
镇长 bailiff alcalde
村长 village head
局长 Director
副局长 deputy director general
书记 Clerk of the Court
科长 section chief
Manager 主任
secretary general 秘书长
所长 head of an institute
办公室主任 chief of office
assistant manager助理
dean of students 教导主任
president 校长
manager 经理
president 董事长
Chairman;President 总裁
aountant: 会计
Clerical 办事员
clerical assistant 文书
battalion chief 大队长
captain 中队长
lieutenant 副中队长;小队长
monitor 班长
对不起,好难! 应该是这样的!
请帮我翻译一下各职位名称 (谢绝翻译器的)
副总裁 Vice-president政务部主管 Director / Manager of Political Affairs Department或者 Administrative Director, 看哪个比较符合实际管理工作吧政务部助理 Assistant of Political Affairs Department / Executive Assistant政务部文员 Clerk / Clerk Typist / Secretary of Political Affairs Department / Executive Office Clerk市场部主管 Manager / Director of Marketing Department / Marketing Manager市场部助理 Assistant of Marketing Department / Marketing Assistant业务员 Sale *** an财务部主管 Manager / Director of Finance Department财务部助理 Assistant of Finance Department财务部会计 Aountant of Finance Department
Artistic language dissemination;
Broadcast creative base;
Stylistic broadcast;
Music Appreciation;
Inventory Control/Driver, 库存管理员,或者写 仓管 也行拉
Assistant to CFE/Receptionist, 公关助理
Human Resource/Receptionist, 公关人员
Procurement/Driver, 操作人员
Procurement Consultant, 顾问师
Executive, House Keeping, 房产管理者
Executive, Maintenance 管理维护人员
Watch Stander Leader 领导监管员
Executive, Administrative 执行官
Engineer, Mechanical 机械工程师
Engineer, Electrical 电子工程师
Engineer, Civil 市政工程师
Watch Stander Leader 领导监管员
Customer fit-Out Coordinator 客服人员
请帮忙翻译一下以下几个片语 谢谢!
1, be 120 percent satistied with
3, Seeing is believing.
4, A is plaisant to B. (A对B百依百顺.)
或者说, B have A on a string.
5, din sth. into *** . (对某人再三叮嘱某事.)
6, ... resound through ages.
Technical Manager
Assistant General Manager
Business Unit Director,
Business executives
Technology manager
Head of Quality
Production Planning and Scheduling
Enterprise Management Branch,
General Manager of the consultancy
Technology Engineers