1、Even the film's impressive finale can't hide the first hour's paucity of imagination. 这部电影的结局可圈可点,即使这样也无法掩盖前一个小时想象力贫乏的缺憾。
2、I just saw the series finale of my favorite TV show. 我只是看到了我最喜爱的电视节目的系列结局。
3、The festival ended with a grand finale in Hyde Park. 节日的压轴活动是在海德公园举行的盛大演出。
4、It was a sad finale to an otherwise spectacular career. 对于一段一直辉煌的职业生涯来说,这是一个惨淡的收官。
5、Tonight's light show is the grand finale of a month-long series of events. 今晚的灯光秀是为期1个月的系列活动的盛大收场。
6、The finale had 50,000 adults standing in open-mouthed wonderment. 终场一幕让50,000名成年观众惊叹得张大嘴站了起来。