可避免的英语翻译是:avoidable/hardly inevitable 。
短语搭配:avoidable risks 系统性风险;avoidable risk 可避免的风险 、可避免之风险;avoidable accident 可避免的事故;Avoidable shock 免冲;avoidable contract 可取消的合同;avoidable measures 防治对策
1、发展中国家的可避免死亡中超过1/4是由肺结核引起的。More than a quarter of the avoidable deaths in the developing world are caused by TB
2、弗兰开始不由自主地唠叨起乔恩是怎样无可避免地被扣留的。Fran began her automatic patter about how Jon had been unavoidably detained.
3、在我看来这起罪行是可以预见的,死亡也是本可避免的。It seems to me that this crime was foreseeable and this death preventable
4、DNA分子标记辅助选择可避免环境条件的干扰,直接对胚乳突变基因型进行选择,提高育种效率。DNA molecular marker assistedselection is a useful tool to obviate interference of environments and select genotype directly.