Science is by no means a self serving enjoyment. Those who are fortunate enough to devote themselves to scientific research should first serve mankind with their own knowledge. ——Marx
The roots buried in the ground make the branches produce fruit, but they don't ask for any reward. ——Tagore
The world is as warm as I am, and there is no poor man in the world. ——Bai Juyi
Happiness is a perfume that can not be poured on others but not on itself. ——Emerson
Take the happiness of others as your own, give flowers to others, and leave thorns to yourself
To do one thing well is the first thing in life. ——Franklin
When you go forward, drop flowers all the way, because you will never walk the same way again. -- Erwin
I will not offer a hand for anything that can offer my whole body. ——Dickens
keep loyal and devoted to the last. ——Zhugeliang
Those who boast have no ability. Those who have ability do not boast. ——Burmese proverb
The grindstone sacrifices itself and gives the sharpness to the sword. Anonymous
History regards those who work for a wide range of goals and thus make themselves noble as great people; experience praises those who make the most people happy as the happiest people. ——Marx
When I say "God bless women", although no one of us can fully understand the noble feelings of a good wife or the dedication of a good mother, he will say "amen" in his heart
The individual must take the rest of the people together to perfection, and constantly try his best to expand and increase the flow of people towards this aspect. ——Arnold
I have nothing to offer but tears and sweat. ——Churchill
Love, first of all, means dedication. It means giving the strength of your heart to the one you love and creating happiness for the one you love. ——Sukhomlinsky
But if you don't die, report to heaven and earth. ——Wen Tianxiang
Anchors are not afraid to bury themselves. When people can't see it, it's when it's serving humanity. ——Plekhanov
It's a waste to be alone. By nature, we are meant to use us as a torch, not to light ourselves, but to shine on the world. Because our virtue cannot reach others, it is not the same. ——Shakespeare
The doctrine that made him dedicate himself to promote its early realization will grow stronger and mature, not to be influenced by the formation and destruction of all laws, just as the seeds in the earth, no matter the cold and cold in winter or the drought in summer, still dedicate their full grains to human beings. Peter Pan
Virtue is the only invincible investment. Solo
Do your best to fulfill your obligations, and you should know how valuable you really are. ——Leo Tolstoy
The most needed aspect of giving is not within the scope of material wealth, it exists in the unique field of human nature. ——Fromm
Bright China, let my life burn for you. ——Qian Sanqiang
Science has no national boundaries, because it belongs to the wealth of all mankind and the torch to light up the world, but scholars belong to the motherland. ——Pasteur
If you want to love your own value, you have to create value for the world. -- Gerd
Those who light candles to light others will not bring darkness to themselves. ——Jefferson
Love exists in the desire to give, and regards the happiness of lovers as their own happiness. ——Swedenberg
For people, the greatest joy and happiness is to give their spiritual strength to others. ——Sukhomlinsky
After picking flowers to make honey, it's hard and sweet for who. -- Luo Yin
There are tens of thousands of buildings in the city, and all the poor people in the world are happy. -- Du Fu
Not everyone should be on the first line. Everyone should do his own job. ——Herzen
The self interested perish first. He lives for himself and for himself. If his "I" is damaged, he will not survive. ——Ostrovsky
The peony flowers are so empty that they can be seen in the eyes. Although the jujube flowers are *** all, they are actually made. ——Zengguang
Dedication is the real meaning of life. What will we see if we examine the relics we left behind from our ancestors today? What they left behind is their contribution to human life. ——Adler
I hate not to die against Japan, but to be ashamed today. How can I cherish my head. ——Jihongchang
The life given by heaven is dedicated to the prosperity, peace and happiness of mankind. ——Thanks to Panasonic
I hope all the people are warm and take no pains to get out of the forest. -- Yu Qian
Remember, always give more happily and take less from others. ——Gorky
Spring silkworms to die before the end of silk, people to the summer also endlessly, a lot of efforts to survive, as a youth category. ——Wu Yuzhang
*** 员应该在群众最困难的时候,出现在群众的面前,在群众最需要帮助的时候,去关心群众,帮助群众。——焦裕禄
Party members should show their concern and help the masses when they are in the most difficult situation, when they are in the greatest need of help. ——Jiao Yulu
Falling red is not a ruthless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers. ——Gong Zizhen
If one day I can contribute to my public interest, I will think that I am the happiest person in the world. ——Gogoli
If a person only thinks of himself, there must be more sad things than happy things in his life. ——Mamin siberiak
The lighted torch is not for the torch itself, just like our virtue should be more than ourselves to illuminate others. ——Shakespeare
Giving is happier than receiving. ——The Bible
Although the shell died, it left its beauty to the whole world. ——Zhang Xiaotian
There is no end to giving. ——Zhongnanshan
Without the help of selfless self sacrifice and maternal love, children's mind will be a desert. ——Dickens
Once soap is used, it will gradually dissolve or even disappear, but in between, it can make the washed things clean and dirty. If there is soap that does not dissolve in water, it is useless. Those who don't know how to sacrifice themselves to benefit the society are like a soap that won't melt. ——Warner Meg
When we despise the danger of hard work and death for the sake of public happiness, when we sacrifice our lives for the sake of our country so as to make life sublime, the danger of hard work, as well as death itself, will appear beautiful and moving. -- Hume
If we want to make friends, we need to do something for others first - something that requires time, energy and dedication. ——Carnegie
Giving gives people a sense of superiority. -- Hugo
People need to have a heart to sacrifice their own interests. ——Turgenev
The value of life is measured by people's contribution to society. ——Xiang Jingyu
形容体现奉献精神的成语 【成语】: 以身许国 【拼音】: yǐ shēng xǔ guó
【解释】: 许:预先答应给与。把身体献给国家。指宁愿为国家的安危奉献自己的生命。
【出处】: 南朝·梁·沈约《宋书·武帝纪上》:“横尸庙门,遂其由来以身许国之志。”
【成语】: 以身殉职 【拼音】: yǐ shēn xùn zhí
【解释】: 殉:为实现某一目标而献出生命。为忠于本职工作而献出生命。
【成语】: 临危效命 【拼音】: lín wēi xiào mìng
【解释】: 效:奉献。面对危急,献出自己的生命。
【成语】: 舍己为人 【拼音】: shě jǐ wèi rén
【解释】: 舍弃自己的利益去帮助别人。
【出处】: 《论语·先进》:“夫子喟然叹曰:‘吾与点也。’”朱熹注:“初无舍己为人之意,而其胸次悠然,直与天地万物上下同流,各得其所之妙。”
【成语】: 舍己救人 【拼音】: shě jǐ jiù rén
【解释】: 舍己:牺牲自己。不惜牺牲自己去救别人。
【成语】: 克己奉公 【拼音】: kè jǐ fèng gōng
【解释】: 克己:约束自己;奉公:以公事为重。克制自己的私心,一心为公。
【出处】: 《后汉书·祭遵传》:“遵为人廉约小心,克己奉公。”
Science is by no means a self serving enjoyment. Those who are fortunate enough to devote themselves to scientific research should first serve mankind with their own knowledge. ——Marx
The roots buried in the ground make the branches produce fruit, but they don't ask for any reward. ——Tagore
The world is as warm as I am, and there is no poor man in the world. ——Bai Juyi
Happiness is a perfume that can not be poured on others but not on itself. ——Emerson
Take the happiness of others as your own, give flowers to others, and leave thorns to yourself
To do one thing well is the first thing in life. ——Franklin
When you go forward, drop flowers all the way, because you will never walk the same way again. -- Erwin
I will not offer a hand for anything that can offer my whole body. ——Dickens
keep loyal and devoted to the last. ——Zhugeliang
Those who boast have no ability. Those who have ability do not boast. ——Burmese proverb
The grindstone sacrifices itself and gives the sharpness to the sword. Anonymous
History regards those who work for a wide range of goals and thus make themselves noble as great people; experience praises those who make the most people happy as the happiest people. ——Marx
When I say "God bless women", although no one of us can fully understand the noble feelings of a good wife or the dedication of a good mother, he will say "amen" in his heart
The individual must take the rest of the people together to perfection, and constantly try his best to expand and increase the flow of people towards this aspect. ——Arnold
I have nothing to offer but tears and sweat. ——Churchill
Love, first of all, means dedication. It means giving the strength of your heart to the one you love and creating happiness for the one you love. ——Sukhomlinsky
But if you don't die, report to heaven and earth. ——Wen Tianxiang
Anchors are not afraid to bury themselves. When people can't see it, it's when it's serving humanity. ——Plekhanov
It's a waste to be alone. By nature, we are meant to use us as a torch, not to light ourselves, but to shine on the world. Because our virtue cannot reach others, it is not the same. ——Shakespeare
The doctrine that made him dedicate himself to promote its early realization will grow stronger and mature, not to be influenced by the formation and destruction of all laws, just as the seeds in the earth, no matter the cold and cold in winter or the drought in summer, still dedicate their full grains to human beings. Peter Pan
Virtue is the only invincible investment. Solo
Do your best to fulfill your obligations, and you should know how valuable you really are. ——Leo Tolstoy
The most needed aspect of giving is not within the scope of material wealth, it exists in the unique field of human nature. ——Fromm
Bright China, let my life burn for you. ——Qian Sanqiang
Science has no national boundaries, because it belongs to the wealth of all mankind and the torch to light up the world, but scholars belong to the motherland. ——Pasteur
If you want to love your own value, you have to create value for the world. -- Gerd
Those who light candles to light others will not bring darkness to themselves. ——Jefferson
Love exists in the desire to give, and regards the happiness of lovers as their own happiness. ——Swedenberg
For people, the greatest joy and happiness is to give their spiritual strength to others. ——Sukhomlinsky
After picking flowers to make honey, it's hard and sweet for who. -- Luo Yin
There are tens of thousands of buildings in the city, and all the poor people in the world are happy. -- Du Fu
Not everyone should be on the first line. Everyone should do his own job. ——Herzen
The self interested perish first. He lives for himself and for himself. If his "I" is damaged, he will not survive. ——Ostrovsky
The peony flowers are so empty that they can be seen in the eyes. Although the jujube flowers are *** all, they are actually made. ——Zengguang
Dedication is the real meaning of life. What will we see if we examine the relics we left behind from our ancestors today? What they left behind is their contribution to human life. ——Adler
I hate not to die against Japan, but to be ashamed today. How can I cherish my head. ——Jihongchang
The life given by heaven is dedicated to the prosperity, peace and happiness of mankind. ——Thanks to Panasonic
I hope all the people are warm and take no pains to get out of the forest. -- Yu Qian
Remember, always give more happily and take less from others. ——Gorky
Spring silkworms to die before the end of silk, people to the summer also endlessly, a lot of efforts to survive, as a youth category. ——Wu Yuzhang
*** 员应该在群众最困难的时候,出现在群众的面前,在群众最需要帮助的时候,去关心群众,帮助群众。——焦裕禄
Party members should show their concern and help the masses when they are in the most difficult situation, when they are in the greatest need of help. ——Jiao Yulu
Falling red is not a ruthless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers. ——Gong Zizhen
If one day I can contribute to my public interest, I will think that I am the happiest person in the world. ——Gogoli
If a person only thinks of himself, there must be more sad things than happy things in his life. ——Mamin siberiak
The lighted torch is not for the torch itself, just like our virtue should be more than ourselves to illuminate others. ——Shakespeare
Giving is happier than receiving. ——The Bible
Although the shell died, it left its beauty to the whole world. ——Zhang Xiaotian
There is no end to giving. ——Zhongnanshan
Without the help of selfless self sacrifice and maternal love, children's mind will be a desert. ——Dickens
Once soap is used, it will gradually dissolve or even disappear, but in between, it can make the washed things clean and dirty. If there is soap that does not dissolve in water, it is useless. Those who don't know how to sacrifice themselves to benefit the society are like a soap that won't melt. ——Warner Meg
When we despise the danger of hard work and death for the sake of public happiness, when we sacrifice our lives for the sake of our country so as to make life sublime, the danger of hard work, as well as death itself, will appear beautiful and moving. -- Hume
If we want to make friends, we need to do something for others first - something that requires time, energy and dedication. ——Carnegie
Giving gives people a sense of superiority. -- Hugo
People need to have a heart to sacrifice their own interests. ——Turgenev
The value of life is measured by people's contribution to society. ——Xiang Jingyu
形容体现奉献精神的成语 【成语】: 以身许国 【拼音】: yǐ shēng xǔ guó
【解释】: 许:预先答应给与。把身体献给国家。指宁愿为国家的安危奉献自己的生命。
【出处】: 南朝·梁·沈约《宋书·武帝纪上》:“横尸庙门,遂其由来以身许国之志。”
【成语】: 以身殉职 【拼音】: yǐ shēn xùn zhí
【解释】: 殉:为实现某一目标而献出生命。为忠于本职工作而献出生命。
【成语】: 临危效命 【拼音】: lín wēi xiào mìng
【解释】: 效:奉献。面对危急,献出自己的生命。
【成语】: 舍己为人 【拼音】: shě jǐ wèi rén
【解释】: 舍弃自己的利益去帮助别人。
【出处】: 《论语·先进》:“夫子喟然叹曰:‘吾与点也。’”朱熹注:“初无舍己为人之意,而其胸次悠然,直与天地万物上下同流,各得其所之妙。”
【成语】: 舍己救人 【拼音】: shě jǐ jiù rén
【解释】: 舍己:牺牲自己。不惜牺牲自己去救别人。
【成语】: 克己奉公 【拼音】: kè jǐ fèng gōng
【解释】: 克己:约束自己;奉公:以公事为重。克制自己的私心,一心为公。
【出处】: 《后汉书·祭遵传》:“遵为人廉约小心,克己奉公。”