描述frog 的作文

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One fine evening a young princess went out to take a walk in a wood. When she
came to a cool spring of water, she sat down to rest. She had a golden ball in
her hand. She was tossing it up into the air, and catching it again as it fell.
  After a time she threw it up so high that she missed
catching it, and the ball fell “If I could on get my ball again, I will give
away all of the five things that I have in this world.”  
into the spring  
  At this time a frog put its head out of the
water“Princess, if you will love me, let me live with you, let me eat from your
golden plate, and sleep on your bed. I will bring your ball back again.”  
  “What nonsense this silly frog is talking! But he maybe able
to get my ball for me, and therefore I will tell him he shall have what he
  “Well, if you will bring me my ball. I will do all
you ask.”  
  After a little while he came up again with the
ball in his mouth, and give it to the princess.  
princess, and take me with you as you said.”  
  The next day,
as the princess had sat down for dinner, there was a gentle knock at the door.
Then the princess ran to the door and opened it, and there she saw the frog. She
was frightened, closed the door and went back to her seat.  

  Her father asked her what was the matter. The princess told
her father everything that had happened.  
  “You must keep
your word. Go and let him in.”  
  She opened the door and the
frog hopped into the room.  
  “Please lift me onto the chair
and let me sit next to you.”  
  “Put your plate nearer to me
so that I may eat out of it.”  
  “Now I am tired. Please carry
me upstairs, and put me into your bed.”Then the princess took him up in her hand
and put him on the pillow of her own bed.  
  He slept all
night long. As soon as it was light he jumped up, hopped downstairs, and went
out of the house. When night came again the frog came once more and slept on her
pillow as before, and the third night he did the sameBut when the princess awoke
on the following morning she was surprised to see a handsome prince standing at
her bed.  
  “A bad fairy changed me into a frog. I could be
changed back if some princess would let me sleep on her bed for three nights.
You have saved me.”  
  “Would you like to go with me to my
father’s kingdom? I will marry you and love you forever!”“Yes.”  

  They reached the kingdom of the prince’s father safely. They
married and lived happily there.
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