phpstormn 怎么设置代码风格
phpstormn 怎么设置代码风格
全选复制放进笔记Authentication Providers
By default only basic authentication is enabled. Authentication is covered in more detail in a later chapter.
You must configure this in a published configuration file or in your bootstrap file.
$app['Dingo\Api\Auth\Auth'隐者]->extend('oauth', function ($app) {
return new Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\JWT($app['Tymon\JWTAuth\JWTAuth']);
Throttling / Rate Limiting
By default rate limiting is disabled. You can register your custom throttles with the rate limiter or use the existing authenticated and unauthenticated throttles.
You must configure this in a published configuration file or in your bootstrap file.
$app['Dingo\Api\亏隐Http\RateLimit\Handler']->extend(function ($app) {
return new Dingo\Api\Http\灶空薯RateLimit\Throttle\Authenticated;
全选复制放进笔记Authentication Providers
By default only basic authentication is enabled. Authentication is covered in more detail in a later chapter.
You must configure this in a published configuration file or in your bootstrap file.
$app['Dingo\Api\Auth\Auth'隐者]->extend('oauth', function ($app) {
return new Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\JWT($app['Tymon\JWTAuth\JWTAuth']);
Throttling / Rate Limiting
By default rate limiting is disabled. You can register your custom throttles with the rate limiter or use the existing authenticated and unauthenticated throttles.
You must configure this in a published configuration file or in your bootstrap file.
$app['Dingo\Api\亏隐Http\RateLimit\Handler']->extend(function ($app) {
return new Dingo\Api\Http\灶空薯RateLimit\Throttle\Authenticated;
2024-09-19 广告
2024-09-19 广告
随着AI技术的飞速发展,如今市面上涌现了许多实用易操作的AI生成工具1、简介:AiPPT: 这款AI工具智能理解用户输入的主题,提供“AI智能生成”和“导入本地大纲”的选项,生成的PPT内容丰富多样,可自由编辑和添加元素,图表类型包括柱状图...