
《2012》是一部关于全球毁灭的灾难电影,它讲述在2012年世界末日到来时,主人公挣扎求生的经历。是灾难片大师罗兰·艾默里奇(RolandEmmerich)的又一力作。《... 《2012》是一部关于全球毁灭的灾难电影,它讲述在2012年世界末日到来时,主人公挣扎求生的经历。是灾难片大师罗兰·艾默里奇(Roland Emmerich)的又一力作。 《后天》是2004年的一部美国科幻电影,描述全球暖化和全球寒冷化后所带来的灾难。这部片子,几乎集中了灾难片的所有元素,特大地震,超级火山,超级海啸,毁灭整个人类的大洪水,陆地的下沉与崛起,地球磁场的倒转,城市的毁灭,无助的人群。在大自然面前,我们都是渺小的。在巨大的自然破坏力前,我们都是无力的,唯一能拯救自己的,除了方舟,更重要的是我们自己,是我们天性中光辉灿烂的人性,是为了亲人和朋友不惜付出一切乃至生命的英勇。当我们能够做到这一切,我们也才能够拯救自己,我们也才能够拯救人类和文明。

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2010-02-25 · TA获得超过2896个赞
2012 is exactly what the trailers make it look like- a bombastic disaster film that, like many of director Roland Emmerich's films, manages to be both wildly stupid, and entertaining- although a couple of his films (GODZILLA & 10,000 BC) didn't succeed in the latter.

This really is your quintessential, check your brain at the door type of film. If you're anything like me you'll be thoroughly entertained throughout, but hate yourself for liking it afterwards. I mean, really, what exactly is 2012? It's apocalypse porn, with a body count in the billions. Of course, like Emmerich's ID4, and THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, you're only asked to identify with a small handful of survivors (you know, the ones who are movie stars like John Cusack), so the rest of the people seem like ants.

Obviously, Emmerich's got a thing for old school disaster flicks like THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE & THE TOWERING INFERNO, but here he's not just overturning a luxury liner, or burning down a high rise he's ending the world!!! It's clearly meant to be the disaster movie to end all disaster movies but, what keeps this from being completely successful is that they really overdue the fromage aspect of the film. All disaster flicks are entitled to a bit of cheese but they go overboard here.
There are at least two subplots that could have been dropped from the film, and prevented it from running an overly indulgent 158 minutes. I mean, do we really need George Segal as an old jazz-man on a luxury liner struggling to re-connect with his son before the world ends? Segal's an old pro (love the original FUN WITH DICK AND JANE) but his storyline is unbelievably corny, and the scene where he finally re-connects with his estranged son will more likely elicit laughter than tears. I also could have done without Cusack's clownishly evil Russian boss tagging along for two thirds of the film. He should have been killed off with his Paris Hilton-like mistress much earlier in the film but instead they become major characters.

As for the leads, John Cusack was fine as a father trying to save his estranged wife and kids, although I must admit that he was a tad bland. I like Cusack as much as anyone, but he's phoning it in here, and doesn't begin to compare to the classic Irving Allen disaster heroes of the seventies, like Gene Hackman in THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE, or Steve McQueen and Paul Newman in THE TOWERING INFERNO.
Of all the actors, the only two that really registered with me were Oliver Platt as the scheming Secretary of State who's the nominal antagonist, and Chiwetel Ejiofor as the earnest scientist who's the first to discover that mankind is on the verge of extinction. Platt's always good, and even though the role is two-dimensional, he shines here nonetheless. As for Ejiofor, why isn't he a major star yet? The guy can do anything from play a convincing drag queen in KINKY BOOTS, to an intergalactic bounty hunter in SERENITY.

That said, 2012's not really a film about acting. It's all about the FX, and carnage and on that level, holy shit does this deliver. The sequence were California is destroyed is incredible (marred only by some stupid footage of an actor playing a caricature of Arnold Schwarzenegger), and the money shot where Cusack flies through a couple of collapsing skyscrapers had me on the edge of my seat. The only problem here is that it happens too early in the film, and the last hour or so, spent on board the ships meant to save the human race, don't begin to compare with what we've already seen.
Essentially, if you liked the trailers for 2012, you'll enjoy the film. It's beyond stupid, but it's also a lot of fun, so if you like this type of thing, than by all means check it out. You'll probably have a great time just don't think about it too hard afterwards. Oh yeah, you might also want to bolt for the exit before the closing credits roll, so you can save yourself from hearing the atrocious Adam Lambert theme song.
2010-02-25 · TA获得超过821个赞
<<2012>> is a science fiction disaster film about global destruction at the year 2012 which is said to be end of the world and how the protagonists strive to survive. This is another epic movie by famous disaster movie director Roland Emmerich. <<The Day After Tomorrow>> is a 2004 American Sci-Fi film that depicts the catastrophic effects of global warming in a series of extreme weather events that usher in a new ice age. This movie assembles nearly all disastrous events: cataclysmic earthquakes wreaking havoc around the globe,the eruption of the Yellowstone National Park caldera, Megatsunamis surging across the Earth, sinking and ascending ground,reverse of the Earth's magnetic field, devastated cities, and helpless human beings. We are all a brief and are minute compared to the mighty power of nature. We are all powerless while confronting natures destruction. It seems that we are only capable of saving ourselves. However, asides from the ark, we need to realize that we the hope of ourselves.It is our human nature, that would sacrifice our own lives to save those who are dear, that would shine in desperation. We can only save ourselves when we can strive to live with minds and spirit, and preserve the human species and civilization。

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