
九、主谓一致及句式改错1.Thestoriesinthatbookwaswrittenmanyyearsago2.Toreadmanybooksaregoodforyou... 九、主谓一致及句式改错
1. The stories in that book was written many years ago
2. To read many books are good for you
3. What he said are right
4. The rich is not always happy
5. The school master and writer are coming
6. You or she go to get some water for us
7. The teacher with a lot of students come into the classroom
8. My glasses is broken
9. This pair of glasses are good
10. These kinds of butter is good.
11. One of the boys are going to take part in the match
12. Half of the work are done
13. Half of the books is read
14. Each sides are full of trees
15. Both side is full of trees
16. The boys each has an apple
17. Everyone of us has a ticket for the concert
18. Girls like dancing very much, but few likes playing football
19. The number of the workers in that factory are two hundred
20. The rest of the students is here
21. The rest of the work are done
22. The news in today's newspaper are not bad
23. The Chinese is kind and friendly
24. This dictionary is too expensive for me Ten dollars are a big sum for me
25. Who are going to take part in our football match?
26. What a hot weather it is!
27. How hot the weather it is!
28. We have to sing this, haven't we?
29. I want to know where does he live
30. ——I haven't got a ticket for the football match ——Nor I have
31. Look! Here the bus comes!
32. Look! Here comes he!
33. —— Do you want Mary to go to the cinema with us? ——No, I don't hope so
34. That is difficult for us to learn English well

1 stories -story
2 To 去掉
3 are - was
4 is 去掉
5 are- is
7 with- and
8 is- was
9 are-is
10 is-are
11 are-is
12 are-is
13 is-are
14 is-are
15 sides are -side is
16 side is -sides are
17 The boys each-each boy
18 Everyone-each
19 are - is
20 is - are
21 are-is
22 are - is
23 把the 去掉
24 Ten dollars are a big sum for me的are - is
25 take part - take charge
26 what a hot weather!
27 how hot the weather is!
28 haven't we - don't we
29 does - is
30 nor i have- nor i do
31 here the bus comes- here comes the bus
32 here comes he - here he comes
33 I don't hope so - i don't
34 for- of
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1. The stories in that book were written many years ago
2. To read many books is good for you
3. What he said is right
4. The rich one is not always happy
5. The school master and writer is coming
6. You or she goes to get some water for us
7. The teacher with a lot of students comes into the classroom
8. My glass is broken
9. This pair of glasses is good
10. These kinds of butter are good.
11. One of the boys is going to take part in the match
12. Half of the work is done
13. Half of the books are read
14. Each side are full of trees
15. Both side are full of trees
16. The boys each have an apple
17. Everyone of us have a ticket for the concert
18. Girls like dancing very much, but few like playing football
19. The number of the workers in that factory is two hundred
20. The rest of the students are here
21. The rest of the work is done
22. The news in today's newspaper is not bad
23. The Chinese are kind and friendly
24. This dictionary is too expensive for me Ten dollars is a big sum for me
25. Who is going to take part in our football match?
26. How a hot weather it is!
27. What hot the weather it is!
28. We have to sing this, dosen't we?
29. I want to know where he live (删除dose)
30. ——I haven't got a ticket for the football match ——Nor I do
31. Look! Here dose the bus come!
32. Look! Here dose he!
33. Do you hope Mary to go to the cinema with us? ——No, I don't hope so

34. That is difficult for us to learn English
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