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2022-10-15 · TA获得超过5636个赞


The Importance of English
As the deepening of globalization, English is increasingly important, especially for those who municate with foreigners. For one thing, English is an essential tool to know the outside world. Nowadays, most information broadcast in English, especially the advanced information. For another, learning English well, we can see a totally different world. For example, we can read original novels or enjoying English movies better. Sometimes, translation may eliminatethe essence of original languages. We even would develop a different way of thinking, the English way, so different from Chinese way. In short, as amunicating tool, English plays an important role in our lives.





Electricity is one of the greatest wonders of science. It is a gift to mankind. It has changed our lives. It has relieved us from hard labour.
Modern society is pletely dependent on electricity. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it has bee the backbone to development today. It is one of the essentials required to sustain modern urban life particularly.
Modern age is an age of electricity. Life es to a standstill when there is power cut even for a short time. We have electric telegraph, electric tram, electric bulb, electric train, and electroplating, electric fan, electric stove, all of which have made our lives easier and fortable. We have bee used to all these things. These are no longer considered the wonders of science. We cannot imagine a life without them.
Electricity has changed the way of farming. In fact it has mechanised farming. It has enabled us to distribute the water of the rivers into c *** s and irrigate dry and barren lands. The Bhakra Dam in Punjab, the Hirakund Project in Orissa, the Damodar Valley in West Bengal, etc. owe their existence to electricity. Electricity is widely used in cutting and chaffing of crops. Tube wells work with electricity.
Electricity has tremendously helped in fast munication. We make use of wireless telegraphy with electricity. Immediate contact with anyone anywhere is no longer a challenge. We use radio, television, cinema, cooler, heater, washing machine, which all depend on electricity. We cannot think of life without them. These things are of no use without electricity. There is no glamour and splendor in festivities and celebrations without electricity.
Electricity has brought revolution in the field of medical science. Cancer, leprosy and many other fatal diseases are cured by painless method of exposure to electricity. X-rays and electric shocks are boon to surgery.
Electricity has significant role in industrial development. It is one of basic requirements for industrial development. Without electricity we cannot imagine industrial growth. Small-scale industries depend on electricity. Electricity has removed darkness from our roads and streets.
Electricity is a boon of science to modern society. Our life will slip back to primitive age without electricity. So we should be very judicious in the use of electricity. We should not waste it. Alternative means of electricity should be looked for to bridge the gap of its demand and supply.
The greatest scientific achievement of the nieenth century is the discovery of electricity. The entieth century is making use of electricity so extensively that it has almost changed the face of the earth. "Electricity—carrier of light and power, devourer of time and space, bearer of human speech over land and sea, is the greatest servant of man, though it is itself unknown.
Lenin saw Russia's hydro-electrical potentialities. The application of electricity to industry and agriculture was Lenin's dream. In India, we have staked our whole future on a rapid growth of our hydroelectric power.
The modern age is the age of machinery. The true object of substituting human labour by mechanical labour is to find greater leisure for man. Machines must be driven by natural power. And the most pervasive of all sources of natural power is electricity, mechani­cal, hydro wind followed by electronics now-a-days.
Look at life today in a modern city. Electricity regulates the clock that rouses us from bed; boils the water that makes our tea, cooks our food on heat-proof cooking ranges or cookers; works the radio and TV that tell us the news; rings the bell that announces a visitor; carries our telegraphic message to distant places; conveys us to our office in luxurious tram-cars and trains; takes us to our room somewhere in some multi-stroied building on elevators; electricity lifts; refrigerates the food to keep it pletely fresh; lights our rooms when the sun goes down; warms it in winter and cools it in summer; in short, does everything for our fort and convenience with the utmost efficiency at all hours.
To generate and harness electricity on a large scale means the development of machinery capable of doing so. The various multi­purpose schemes, which we are running at such a heavy cost over the years, are for the production of large-scale electricity.
But most of our electricity was based on coal: the total output was lamentably low. Now that such multipurpose schemes as those of Bhakra Nangal, Damodar Valley or Hirakud have made it possible to provide to even remote villages with electric powers, and help change life beyond recognition. India's resources for generating electricity are second to no other country in the world. Even some Atomic plants have generating electricity.

English and Your Future为题写一篇英语作文说明学好英语的重要性80字

English and Your FutureEnglish is important for your future. If you want to find a good job, your English must be good. If you want to be a puter programmer, you must learn English well. Because puter's main language is English. You must use English.If you want to be a translater, you will learn English well. Then you can translate.If you travel to the U.S. you can talk to the people in English.So, English is important.______________我真的是纯手写啊


As is known to all, writing is an important andnecessary skill for all students. However, many students don’t reallyunderstand the true importance of writing, as they just consider writing as atask of exam. As far as I am concerned, writing has deeper importance in manyways.
Firstly, improving our ability of using words is abasic function of writing. For example, in order to write a good Englishposition, we must use every word carefully as much as possible to ensure itscorrectness. In the process, we have improved our ability of using words andwriting skills imperceptibly. In this aspect, writing is a good way tostrengthen our ability.
Moreover, writing is an effective way to enlarge ourvocabulary. Different positions we write need different vocabularies.Therefore, the more positions we write, the more vocabularies we get. At thesame time, it is helpful to enlarge our reading.
And last but not the least, writing makes greatcontribution to our logical thinking and *** ysis ability. For one thing, towrite a good position, we must collect and arrange writing materialssystematically so that we can show off what is essential and what is not soimportant. In the process of dealing with materials, we are also learning to *** yze and deal with the different problems. For another, it is also a processto practice our own thinking ability and form different thoughts. By dealing withall kinds of positions, we can get in touch with more thoughts and beewiser.
In a word, writing is an important skill, especiallyfor language learners. Thus, we should improve our writing ability as much aspossible to improve our overall levels.


The social life of information and economic globalization, the importance of English has bee increasingly prominent. English as the most important carrier of information, has bee a human life in all areas of the most widely used language. Many countries in basic education development strategy, take English education as the important ponent of the civil quality education, and put in a prominent position. Since the reform and opening up, China's English education dimensions expands ceaselessly, education and teaching have made significant achievements. However, the status of English education still cannot adapt to the construction of our country economy and the need of social development, and the development of the times there is a gap. The English curriculum reform is to change the focus of English courses too much attention to grammar and vocabulary to explain and impart knowledge, neglect to train students to use the language tendencies, emphasize the course from the students' learning interest. Life experience and cognitive level, advocacy experience, practice, participation, cooperation and exchange of learning and task-based teaching approach, the development of students' prehensive ability of using language, the language learning process as students form positive emotional attitude, active thinking and bold in practice, improving cultural awareness and develop the ability of autonomic learning process. Students can learn a foreign language ability, can help him to enter another world to open the door to learning, learning and reached the final value target. To cultivate a global vision of the modern national


Steamed Rice is one of the protagonists in the daily diet; a taste Steamed Rice,with five flavor blending, almost can supply the body needed nutrients. Nutritional *** ysis of main ponents of Steamed Rice are carbohydrates, proteins in theSteamed Rice is m protamine, amino acid position of the more plete, easydigestion and absorption of the human body. Minerals, brown Steamed Rice indietary fiber, B vitamins (especially vitamin B1) content in milled rice Steamed Rice than to be higher, but the content of lysine in the lower Steamed Rice.Steamed Rice (steamed) (mean) many women believe that the main ponentof the Steamed Rice carbohydrates, eat fattening! In fact, the rice is actually agood diet food, various meters of efficacy is not the same, are nutritious, help digestion, kidney, detoxification, beauty and stomach function. 1, the most nutritious rice rice is daily used to do ordinary rice is also called the rice or rice,translucent ovoid or ellipsoid, a meter high, grain expansion of *** all, but theviscosity. As the daily edible rice, japonica rice contains essential starch, protein,fat, vitamin B1, nicotinic acid, vitamin C and calcium, iron and other nutrients, canprovide nutrition, calories needed by the body. Calories (kcal): 116 B1 thiamine(mg):.02 CA calcium (mg): 7 protein (g): 2.6 B2 riboflavin (mg):.03 MG magnesium (mg): 15 fat (g):.3 B5 of niacin (mg): 1.9 FE iron (mg): 1.3 grams ofcarbohydrates (): 25.6 VC of vitamin C (mg): 0 MA Mn (mg):.58 fiber (g):.3 VE of vitamin E (mg): 0 ZN zinc (mg):.92 vitamin A (g): 0 cholesterol (mg): 0 CU copper(mg):.06 carotene (MCG):.3 K (mg): 30 P phosphorus (mg): 62 retinol equivalents(MCG): 70.9 sodium (mg): 2.5 SE selenium (MCG):.4
米饭是人们日常饮食中的主角之一;一味米饭,与五味调配,几乎可以供给全身所需营养。 营养分析 米饭的主要成分是碳水化合物,米饭中的蛋白质主要是米精蛋白,氨基酸的组成比较完全,人体容易消化吸收。糙米饭中的矿物质、膳食纤维、B族维生素(特别是维生素B1)含量都较精米米饭中的要高,但米饭中的赖氨酸含量较低。 米饭(蒸)(均值) 很多女性认为米饭的主要成分是碳水化合物,多吃容易发胖!其实不然,米饭其实是很好的减肥食品,各种米的功效也不相同,分别有滋补、助消化、补肾、排毒、养颜以及养胃的功能。 1、最滋补的是粳米 日常用来做米饭的普通大米又称粳米或精米,呈半透明卵圆形或椭圆形,出米率高,米粒膨胀性小,但黏性大。作为日常食用米,粳米含有人体必需的淀粉、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素B1、烟酸、维生素C及钙、铁等营养成分,可以提供人体所需的营养、热量。 热量(千卡): 116 B1硫胺素(毫克): .02 CA钙(毫克): 7 蛋白质(克): 2.6 B2核黄素(毫克): .03 MG镁(毫克): 15 脂肪(克): .3 B5烟酸(毫克): 1.9 FE铁(毫克): 1.3 碳水化合物(克): 25.6 VC维生素C(毫克): 0 MA锰(毫克): .58 膳食纤维(克): .3 VE维生素E(毫克): 0 ZN锌(毫克): .92 维生素A(微克): 0 胆固醇(毫克): 0 CU铜(毫克): .06 胡罗卜素(微克): .3 钾(毫克): 30 P磷(毫克): 62 视黄醇当量(微克): 70.9 钠(毫克): 2.5 SE硒(微克): .4


The Importance English There can be no doubt that English is one of the world's most widely used languages. People use a language in one of three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign languge. English is spoken as a native language by over three handred million people in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, some caribbean countries and South Africa. As asecond language, English is often necessary for official business, education, information and other activities in many countries, it is one of the few "working" languages of the United Nations. It is said that English has bee the language of international trade and transport. Most pilots in planes travelling from one country to another use it to talk with airports. All ships sailing on the oceans call for help by radio in it. It has been said that 60 percent of the world's radio broad casts and 70 percent of the world's mail uses English. At international sports meets, and international of scientists English is the language most monly used and the most widely used. English has in fact bee the language of international cooperation is science and technology. The most advanced resuits in space, nuclear and puter research are published in it. A scientist who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than one who doesn't. 英语的重要性 毫无疑问,英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。人们使用语言无非有三种情况:作为母语,作为第二语言,再就是作为一门外语。英语,作为母语,有3亿多人在使用。他们分别在美国、英国、澳大利亚、纽西兰、加拿大还有一些加勒比海国家及南非等。作为第二语言,英语在很多国家的官方事务、教育、资讯和其他活动中都是必不可少的。它是联合国仅用的几种工作语言之一。 人们说英语已经成为国际商贸和交通运输语言。大部分飞行于各国间的飞行员使用英语来与飞机场联络。在大洋上航行的轮船都用英语发出求救讯号。据说世界上百分之六十的无线电广播和百分之七十的邮递业务用的是英语。在国际体育比赛中和国际科学家大会上,英语使用得 最多也最为广泛。 事实上,英语已成为国际科学技术合作的通用语。太空、核能及计算机方面最先进的研究成果都用英语来发表。会用英语交谈和写作的科学家比不会使用英语的科学家,与其他国家的同行们联络要密切得多。


Traveling the importance of language
When people out of their homes, came to a strange world, without friends, a language barrier, and before long will into despair: life, life appliance have no, don't understand language will endure frozen starving; In the spiritual, the person can bee upset stagnation, so language is very important travel said!!!!!


Vocabulary sustains speech and grammar, it is to build the language basic unit, the cornerstone of which is to improve the language skills of the learners, if left a rich vocabulary mastery and efficient vocabulary learning, it is impossible to learn English, everything will bee a source of water, without trees. Visible, English learning and improve their English vocabulary is fundamental.

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