By watching movies in English
关于“看电影”的“看”,有两个动词,一个是 see,一个是 watch
所以,see a movie 和 watch a movie 都是看电影的意思。但它们却有着细微的区别。这个区别先要从关于“看”的几个不同的动词说起。
A、Look at
When we look at something, we direct our eyes in its direction and pay attention to it.
Look at 表示盯着某事物或者某个方向看,强调的是你眼睛的注意力在某个事物或某个方向上面。
例如,如果我们要说“看着我”,表示要让听者把眼睛投向“我”,所以这里的“看”要用look at。所以“看着我”应该翻译成“look at me"。
Come and look at this photo Carina sent me.
Look at the rabbit!
See means noticing something using our eyes.
I saw Trevor at the shopping centre yesterday.
Has anyone seen my glasses?
Watch is similar to look at, but it usually means that we look at something for a period of time, especially something that is changing or moving.
watch表示“看”的过程。跟look at的细微区别是,look at侧重于表示注意力在某物身上;而watch则侧重于“看”的过程。
We watch television every evening.
I like to sit at the window to watch what’s happening in the garden.