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2023-03-01 · TA获得超过543个赞
以下是 初二频道 为大家提供的《八年级英语期末试卷》,供大家参考!

第一部分 听力测试(20分)


( )1.


( )6.A.White. B.Size M. C.The cotton one.

( )7.A.Two cups of tea, please.B.Take a seat, please. C.It’s 80 yuan.

( )8.A.No, you can’t. B.Not at all. C.No, I don’t think so.

( )9.A.Be careful! B.I’m afraid not. C.Have a good trip!

( )10.A.I’m selling vegetables B.The same to you. C. Fine, thanks.



( )11.What time will they meet?

A. At 4:00. B. At 4:15. C. At 4:30.

( )12.How will they go to the shops?

A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By taxi.


( )13.How does Peter look?

A. Tired. B. Sad. C. Worried.

( )14.Who is Jack?

A. Peter’s brother. B. Peter’s cousin. C. Peter’s classmate.

( )15.What did Peter and Jack talk about?

A. Movies. B. Sports. C. School subjects.


( )16. When did Li Hong go shopping?

A. Last Sunday. B. Last Monday. C. Last Saturday.

( )17. Who did Li Hong go shopping with?

A. Her mother. B. Her father. C. Her sister.

( )18. How was the orange coat for Li Hong?

A. Too short. B. Too expensive. C. Too long.

( )19. How many coats did Li Hong try on?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

( )20. What did the salesgirl ask them to do?

A. To buy the coat tomorrow. B. To buy a cheaper one.

C. To choose the black one.


Trip Information

How long does it take to go to London? For about 21. ______ hours.

When to leave? At 22. ______ .

What they must bring with them? 23. ______.

What color are their hats? They should wear 24.______hats.

How to deal with their problems? Call for help at 25. ______.

21._________22.__________ 23.___________ 24.________ 25.________



( )26. I______ a letter to my mother, but now I often send short messages to her.

A. am used to writing B. used to write C. used to writing

( )27. —Why are you so ______?—I passed my English exam.

A. cruel B. strict C. pleased

( )28.Linda felt _nervous __she forgot to introduce herself at the speech contest.

A. so…that B. too…to C. such…that

( )29. Students are not allowed ______ on the street ______it is too dangerous.

A. play…because B. play…because of C. to play…because

( )30. —Could you please tell me ___________ these old books?

—You’d better send them for reusing.

A. what to do with B. what to do C.how to do it with

( )31. _______ your eyes from the sun, you’d better ________ sunglasses.

A. To protect; wear B. To protect; not wear C. Protect; wear

( )32. This T-shirt looks ______and sells ______.

A. well…well B.good…nice C. nice…well ( )33. David doing his homework______ his parents went back from work .

A. while B. when C. until

( )34. ______ her clothes are old, _________ they look clean.

A. Because; / B. Because; so C. Though; /

( )35. After hard work, we _________ the answer to the math problem at last.

A. got along with B. caught up with C. came up with

( )36. This room is ____________ours.

A. as twice as big B. twice times as big as C. twice as big as

( )37. —Does Ted tell you if he ______next Sunday?

—No, but if he ______, I’ll give you a call.

A. will come/will come B. comes/will come C. will come/comes

( )38. —I am quite sure ______ to eat noisily during a meal in Japan.

A. that’s polite B. that it’s polite C. if that’s impolite

( )39. —Can we hold a sports meeting next Saturday?

—This depends on _________ the weather is fine.

A. that B. whether C. if

( )40. —Do you know _______ yesterday?

—He has a bad cold.

A. what the trouble was with him B. what the matter was with him

C. what was the matter with him.


An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of 41____all the time, watering and fertilizing them. One day a young man passed 42_____the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be 43_____he lived in such a beautiful place. Then suddenly he 44______the old gardener was blind. He was very 45_____ about this and asked, “ You can’t see these flowers. Why are you busy taking care of them every day?”

The old man smiled and said, “I can tell you four 46______. First, I was a 47_____ when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, 48______I can’t see these flowers, but I can smell them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s 49______.”

“Me? But you don’t know me.” Said the young man.

“Yeah, it’s 50_____that I don’t know you. But I know that 51______thinks flowers are angels. We enjoy the happiness these flowers bring us.”

The blind man’s work 52_____our eyes and pleased our hearts. It also made his life 53_____. It was just like Beethoven. Beethoven wrote many great music, but there was something wrong with his ears in his later life. Beethoven himself couldn’t hear his wonderful music, but his music 54______millions of people to face their difficulties 55______. Isn’t it one kind of happiness?

( ) 41. A.grass B.flowers C.vegetables

( ) 42. A.from B.on C.by

( ) 43.A.after B. when C. if

( ) 44.A.felt B. found C. found out

( ) 45.A.surpried B. worried C. surprising

( ) 46.A.excuses B. stories C. reasons

( ) 47.A.teacher B. gardener C. worker

( ) 48.A.although B. though C. /

( ) 49.A.my children B. you C. my wife

( ) 50.A.wrong B. nothing C. true

( ) 51.A.everybody B. somebody C. nobody

( ) 52.A.closed B. satisfied C. satisfy

( ) 53.A.emptier B. busier C. happier

( ) 54. Amakes B. improves C. encourages

( ) 55.A.happily B. bravely C. carefully



Every 30 seconds there is an earthquake. But don’t worry because most are so weak that they cannot be felt. Only a few big ones hurt people.

Many earthquakes happened in China, such as the big one in Sichuan on May 12, 2008. Thousands of people died in it. So it’s important to know what to do when it hits. Here are some tips (要点)on how to stay safe in an earthquake.

1. If you’re indoors during the earthquake, hide under a desk. Stay away from windows and anything that could fall on you.

2. If you are outdoors, move to a clear place. Try to be away from trees, signs, buildings and streetlights. Those could fall on you.

3. If you are in a shop and far from the door, don’t try to run outside and rush from exits. Everyone will be doing that and you’ll find it hard to get out. Don’t get into a lift during an earthquake. Just hide under some stong cover near you.

4. When an earthquake has ended, be careful because aftershocks(余震) may still happen . These are just as dangerous as the earthquake itself. So stay under the desk until you make sure it’s safe to get up.

5. If you are at home and smell gas, open the windows and get out of the building as quickly as possible. A gas line in your house may be broken. This could be very dangerous. ( ) 56. Most earthquakes are too_____ to hurt people.

A. strong B. weak C. dangerous.

( ) 57. If you are outside, it would be safe to ________.

A.go to a playground B.stay under a tree.C.stand by the window

( ) 58.If you are in a shop and far away from the door, you’d better___________

A.rush to the door right away B. run after the people quickly

C. hide yourself under a cover near you.

( ) 59. The best title of the passage is___________.

A. How dangerous the earthquake is.

B.How to be safe during an earthquake

C. Don’t be afraid of the earthquake

( ) 60. Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?

A.Most earthquakes are dangerous, so we must be very careful every day.

B.You’d better keep away from those things that may fall on you wherever you are.

C.If you smell gas at home, try to hide under the desk and don’t run outside quickly


Customs in different countries are different. If I have dinner with a Chinese host (主人), he always puts more food onto my plates. That often discomforts(使不舒服)me greatly. I have to eat the food though I don’t want to, because it is a bad manner in the west to leave one’s food on the plate. I notice that when a Chinese sits at an American’s dinner party, he very often refuses the offer(提供)of food or drink though he wants to have them. This may be good manners in China, but it is not in the West at all. In the United States, it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again or make him accept something. They will ask for it. If not, they will say, “ No, thanks.” If an American dislikes the host’s beer, for example, he may say, “No, thanks. I would like other drinks. Coke-cola if you have it.” That is what an American will do. So when you go to the United states, you had better remember the famous saying, when in Rome, do as the Romans (罗马人) do.


( ) 61. From the passage, we can know that the Chinese are usually impolite.

( ) 62.When a foreigner has dinner with a Chinese host, he often feels uncomfortable .

( ) 63. A Chinese often refuses the offer of food or drink at a dinner party.

( ) 64.An American wants something to eat or drink at a dinner, he will get it himself

( ) 65. When you go to a new country, it’s polite to do as the Romans do.


Clothes are very important in our life. Different people wear different clothes. Now let’s listen to some people in France talking about clothes.

Hello, I’m Betty. I started working this year, so I’m able to get new clothes more often than before. I think what I look like is really important to me, so I spent much money on clothes. I like to wear bright colors and always dress up when I go to parties. I often buy all kinds of clothes and try to follow the latest fashion.

Hi, I’m Jack. I don’t have much to say about clothes. Clothes aren’t the thing I’m interested in. I know little about the way of dressing. In summer, I always wear a T-shirt or something else.

My name is Alice. I would like say that clothes must be comfortable and feel easy to put on. Sometimes I buy clothes in some small street markets — they are cheap there. I change the look of my clothes quite often — put some flowers on them or use different buttons, just for a change. They’ll look good all the time. I go shopping for clothes about once a month. I see something and fashionable and it fits me well, I would go for it and then…

Different people wear different clothes. They are very important in our life. Now some people in France are talking about clothes. Betty started 66______ a year ago. She 67_____much for clothes and she will try to 68______ the latest fashion. Jack is different from Betty. He doesn’t have much 69______ in dressing. In Alice’s opinion clothes should be comfortable first and then70_______


The computer is a useful machine. It can help people very much in daily life. For example, it can save much time to do the same work, and it can help people ro work out difficult problems that people can’t do easily. What’s more, it makes more convenient and quick to send and receive messages. In the new century, it seems that it’s more necessary for everyone to learn how to use computers even for the old. The computer is really an important tool in modern life.

Today, more and more families have computers. Parents buy computers for their children. They hope computers can help their children get good grades. Yet, many children use computers to play games, to watch videos, and to sing karaoke, instead of studying. So, many teachers and parents complain that computers can’t help their children to improve their studies but instead make them fall behind. Because of this, computers are locked in boxes by parents.

In some other countries even some scientists hate computers. They say that computers cause millions of people lose their jobs or cause them a lot of trouble.

Who knows what the computers of tomorrow will be like? Will they really make life better, or will they bring trouble to people? The students today will have to decide how to use the computers of tomorrow.

71. Computers are useless machine in the daily life, aren’t they?


72.What do the parents buy their children computers for?


73.According to the passage, can computers really help children to study well?


74.Who knows what the computers of tomorrow will be like?


75. In some countries, why do scientists hate computers?

_________________________________________________ IV.情景交际。(10分)


M---Michael, J---Joe

M:--Hi, Joe, 76__________________?

J: I’d love to, but I don’t know how I can. What can I do?

M: Well.77_______________________________.

J: Yes. That’s easy. Sometimes I turn off the lights without thinking.

What’s next?

M: Second, you can ride a bike .78___________________.

J: That will save money, too. What else?

M: Try to recycle paper.

J: Oh, good idea. Newspapers, magazines, mails…79_________________.

M: And at last, take a bag when you go shopping. Don’t use plastic bags.

J: OK. 80________ I will tell them.


A: Good morning!81____________________________?

B: Good morning, sir. I’d like to buy a pair of pants.

A: Who is it for? Is ti for you, madam?

B: No, It’s for my daughter.

A: 82__________________________________________?

B: Size L.

A: How about this blue pair?

B: It looks nice. 83________________________________.

A. It’s cotton. It’s made of natural materials.

B. Good. It feels soft, too.84__________________________.

A: It’s 88yuan.

B: It’s a bit expensive. 85_____________________________?

A: How about 70 Yuan?

B: 70 Yuan? Er, it’s really a nice pair. I’ll take it. Here ’s the money.

A: Thanks, madam. See you next time.






4.参考词汇有:advice, keep healthy, take exercise, junk food (垃圾食品), enough sleep, smoke, wine, keep happy


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