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①TheeffectsoftelevisiononchildrenThisisSteveEmberwiththeVOASpecialEnglishEducationRep... ① The effects of television on children

This is Steve Ember with the VOA Special English Education Report.
A new study suggests that very young children who watch a lot of television may have attention problems later in school.
Children with attention problems cannot sit still or control their actions. They talk too much, lose things, forget easily and are not able to finish tasks.
People with attention problems may suffer a condition known as Attention Deficit Disorder, or A.D.D. Experts say the cause of A.D.D involves chemicals in the brain. Teachers say many children in the United States are showing signs of the disorder. Some education researchers have been saying for years that watching television at a very young age could change the normal development of the brain. For example, they say that children who watch a lot of television are not able to sit and read for an extended period of time
②Yang LIwei
Yang liwei was born into an ordinary family in liaoning province in1965. He became a pilot in the china air force in 1987,Spending 1,350 hour in the air .He spent five years training to become a spaceman.
Yang liwei was sent into space at 9 a.m. on October 15th by china's shengzhou v spacecraft , which orbited the earth 14 times . He landed safely at 6:23a.m. the next day ,Making china the third country to successful sent a person into space ,after the former soviet union and the us.
Yang liwei returned to earth after 21-hour trip to space .In space ,yang recorded everything he saw and showed china nation's flag and uniter nation's flog to the people at home watching on TV.
All chinese are proud of first spaceman---Yang liwei
③HU Jintao's First oversea trip
Chinese president Hu jintao arrived here on Monday afternoon for a three--day state visit to Russia , for his frist overseas trip since china's new leadship took office in March . During his stay in Russia ,he will exchange views with Russia president putin on bilateral ties and other important issues . He is also expected to meet the Russia Prime Minister , In addition , Hu will take part in the third summit meeting of the shanghai cooperation Organization member states to be held in Moscow , the written statement published at the airport says that over the past 10 years , with concerted efforts,relations between china and Russia have seen considerable progress and risen to a new level .
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