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2010-03-13 · TA获得超过538个赞
天使爱美丽(Amelie from Montmartre)演员:奥黛丽·塔图 Audrey Tautou
闻香识女人(Scent of a Woman)演员:艾尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino
阿甘正传(Forrest Gump)演员:汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks
生死狙击(Shooter)演员:马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg
七宗罪(Seven deadly sins)演员:布拉德·皮特Brad Pitt
Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks is truly one of the best actors of all times. A perfect blend of talent, charisma, comic ability, and a dramatic flair helped to create one of the most frequently rewarded, one of the most surefire box office successes in the history of Hollywood.

Thomas J. Hanks was born in Concord, California, a few miles away from the Los Angeles city where he grew to make millions of dollars and have millions of fans. It was 1956, and Tom was brought into a family that was quite disfunctional for its time. He himself refers to the family as "fractured" as he moved around quite a bit early in his life, from one step-family to the next. He attended high school at Skyline High School in Oakland, California.

In college, Chabot College in Hayward, California and California State College in Sacramento, Tom didn't pursue an acting career through classes. Short on cash and aware of the University's "perform for free" plan, he instead went downtown and worked at a community theatre, where he could actually be paid for his craft. The director of the first play he worked on was impressed and encouraged Tom to go to Cleveland where he'd find more work as a professional actor. Tom dropped out of college, picked up and went to Cleveland.

Tom's first professional role came in "Bosom Buddies", where he enjoyed reasonable success from 1980-82. Probably his biggest break in film came when Ron Howard, from Happy Days, caught a guest appearance by Hanks and asked him to read for a part in "Splash". Howard was so impressed with Tom's reading that he bumped him from a secondary part to the lead. The film enjoyed great success and propelled Hanks' career. Many roles followed, but his biggest came in 1989 as a boy who wishes he was "Big". The film won critical kudos and had a huge box office ticket. From there, it was pretty much box office success after box office success after box office success.

Tom has an illustrious career at the Oscars, being the first person since 1938 to win back to back Best Actor Awards. He won for his performance in "Philadelphia" and "Forrest Gump" (1994 and 1995). His first nomination came for "Big" in 1989, and he was also nominated in 1999 for his performance in "Saving Private Ryan." He has also won three Golden Globes.

In 1978, Tom married his sweetheart, Samanta Lewes, with whom he has two children, a son and a daughter. But, in the spirit of family's disfunctions, that marriage was bound for failure. In 1985, Tom starred in "Volunteers," a film that he credits with little except for meeting his future wife, Rita Wilson. He divorced Samantha and married Rita in 1988. Tom has two children with Rita, giving him a grand total of four kids.
2010-03-13 · TA获得超过1.6万个赞
green miles绿里奇迹,forrest gump阿甘正传,revolutionary road革命之路,the reader真爱读者,up in the air在云端
george clooney乔治·克鲁尼,tom hanks汤姆·汉克斯,clint eastwood克林特·伊斯伍德,nicole kidman尼可·基曼,morgan freeman摩根·弗里曼
Born in California, Tom Hanks grew up in what he calls a "fractured" family. His parents were pioneers in the development of marriage dissolution law in that state, and Tom moved around a lot, living with a succession of step-families. No problems, no abuse, no alcoholism, just a confused childhood. He had no acting experience in college and, in fact, credits the fact that he couldn't get cast in a college play with actually starting his career - he went downtown, auditioned for a community theater play, was invited by the director of that play to go to Cleveland, and there his acting career started. He met his second wife, actress Rita Wilson on the set of the his television show "Bosom Buddies" (1980), she appeared in one episode in the second season (1981) - they have two children and Tom has another son and daughter by his first wife. In 1996, he made his first step behind the camera, directing as well as starring and writing the film That Thing You Do! (1996).
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2010-03-13 · TA获得超过2.8万个赞
邻家特工(The Spy Next Door )
成龙 Jackie Chan

教父 (The Godfather)
马龙·白兰度 Marlon Brando

触不到的恋人 (The Lake House)
基努·里维斯 Keanu Reeves

如果能再爱一次(if only)
詹妮弗·洛芙·海维特 Jennifer Love Hewitt

尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage

Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong, (now part of People's Republic of China). Chan is the son of Lee-Lee and Charles Chan, who immigrated to Canberra, Australia in 1960 as refugees from the Chinese Civil War. Prior to leaving China, Lee-Lee and Charles had worked as a maid and butler, respectively, for the French ambassador to Hong Kong, Chan spending his formative years within the confines of the embassy. Chan's Chinese name at birth was Chan Kong-Sang, meaning "born in Hong Kong".

Before he adopted the Westernised name, "Jackie", he was known by a variety of other nicknames. As he was a heavy baby, (12 lb at birth, he claims to have spent 12 months in the womb), his mother nicknamed him "Pao Pao" (meaning "Cannonball"). Later, while studying at the Peking Opera School he was known as Yuen Lo, as a mark of respect to his master, Yu Jim-Yuen.

In his early stuntman and acting career (prior to New Fist of Fury in 1976) he was known as Chen Yueng Lung (or Chen Yuen Lung). In his autobiography Chan states that he used this name, which is close to his opera brother Sammo Hung's opera name, so that he didn't have to put his name on film's he wasn't happy with. He was thereafter known as "Jackie", named by his Australian co-workers when living in Australia in 1976-1977Australian Herald Sun, 9 July 2005.. Working on a building site alongside a labourer named Jack, Chan's co-workers nicknamed him "Little Jack", and later shortened this to Jackie. Because his father's family name was originally Fong and was changed only when arriving in Hong Kong, Chan's Chinese name was changed in family records years later to "Fong Si Lung"I Am Jackie Chan: My Life in Action, revised paperback edition, p.354, ISBN 0-345-42913-3; Variety Magazine. He has also been listed as "Sing Lung" (meaning "already a dragon" in an attempt to jump out of Bruce Lee's shadow), particularly in relation to his music and it may be no coincidence that his character in the film Fearless Hyena was called "Shing Lung".
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2010-03-13 · TA获得超过127个赞
Bruce almighty冒牌天神;史蒂夫.卡瑞尔steve carell。professional这个杀手不太冷;娜塔丽.波特曼natalia portman。american beauty 美国丽人;晕手机写不下!你自己上百度查应该有
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