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2010-03-20 · 超过31用户采纳过TA的回答

New Normal Text Ctrl+N Creates a new normal text document
New Browser Window Ctrl+Shift+B Creates a new Browser window
New HTML Page Ctrl+Shift+N Creates a blank HTML page
Open Ctrl+O Opens an existing document
Open Header Ctrl+Shift+H Opens the header file of the C/C++ file
Print Ctrl+P Prints the active document
Save Ctrl+S Saves the active document
FTP Upload Ctrl+Shift+S Uploads file to FTP server


Back Tab Shift+Tab Moves the cursor to the previous tab position
Char Left Left Moves the cursor one character to the left
Char Left Sel Shift+Left Extends the selection one character to the left
Char Right Right Moves the cursor one character to the right
Char Right Sel Shift+Right Extends the selection one character to the right
End of File Ctrl+End Moves to the end of the document
End of File Sel Ctrl+Shift+End Extends the selection to the end of the document
Begining of Doc Ctrl+Home Moves to the beginning of the document
Begining of Doc Sel Ctrl+Shift+Home Extends the selection to the beginning of the document
Down Down Moves the cursor down one line
Down Sel Shift+Down Extends the selection down one line
End End Moves the cursor to the end of current line
End Sel Shift+End Extends the selection to the end of current line
Home Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of current line
Home Sel Shift+Home Extends the selection to the beginning of current line
Up Up Moves the cursor up one line
Up Sel Shift+Up Extends the selection up one line
Page Down Page Down Moves the cursor down one page
Page Down Sel Shift+Page Down Extends the selection down one page
Page Up Page Up Moves the cursor up one page
Page Up Sel Shift+Page Up Extends the selection up one page
Scroll Down Ctrl+Down Scrolls down one line
Scroll Left Ctrl+Alt+Left Scrolls right one character
Scroll Right Ctrl+Alt+Right Scrolls left one character
Scroll Up Ctrl+Up Scrolls up one line
Bottom Ctrl+Page Down Moves the cursor to the bottom of current screen
Bottom Sel Ctrl+Shift+Page Down Extends the selection to the bottom of current screen
Top Ctrl+Page Up Moves the cursor to the top of current screen
Top Sel Ctrl+Shift+Page Up Extends the selection to the top of current screen
Word Left Ctrl+Left Moves backward one word
Word Left Sel Ctrl+Shift+Left Extends the selection backward one word
Word Right Ctrl+Right Moves forward one word
Word Right Sel Ctrl+Shift+Right Extends the selection forward one word


Delete Back Backspace Deletes one character back
Delete Word Back Ctrl+Backspace Deletes one word back
Capitalize Ctrl+Shift+U Capitalizes the selected text
Delete Delete Deletes the selection
Cliptext Item 1 Ctrl+Alt+1 Inserts cliptext item 1
Cliptext Item 2 Ctrl+Alt+2 Inserts cliptext item 2
Cliptext Item 3 Ctrl+Alt+3 Inserts cliptext item 3
Cliptext Item 4 Ctrl+Alt+4 Inserts cliptext item 4
Cliptext Item 5 Ctrl+Alt+5 Inserts cliptext item 5
Cliptext Item 6 Ctrl+Alt+6 Inserts cliptext item 6
Cliptext Item 7 Ctrl+Alt+7 Inserts cliptext item 7
Cliptext Item 8 Ctrl+Alt+8 Inserts cliptext item 8
Cliptext Item 9 Ctrl+Alt+9 Inserts cliptext item 9
Cliptext Item 10 Ctrl+Alt+0 Inserts cliptext item 10
Column Select Alt+C Starts the column selection
Copy Ctrl+C Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard
Cut Ctrl+X Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard
Date Ctrl+D Insert current date
Date Long Ctrl+Shift+D Insert current date in long format
Decrease Indent Ctrl+Shift+I Decreases the indentation of current line or the selected block
Delete to EOL Ctrl+Shift+Delete Deletes to the end of current line
Delete to EOW Ctrl+Delete Deletes to the end of current word
Delete Line Alt+Shift+Delete Deletes current line
Delete Word Alt+Delete Deletes current word
Duplicate Char Ctrl+- Copies a character from previous line
Duplicate Line Ctrl+J Duplicates current line
Search Cliptext F2 Replaces current word with the corresponding cliptext
Increase Indent Ctrl+I Increases the indentation of current line or the selected block
Insert Mode Insert Toggles insert mode and overwrite mode
Invert Case Ctrl+K Inverts the case of the selected text
Join Lines Ctrl+Shift+J Joins selected lines
Move Down Alt+Shift+Down Moves down the selected lines
Move Up Alt+Shift+Up Moves up the selected lines
Paste Ctrl+V Inserts Clipboard contents
Paste as Column Ctrl+Shift+V Inserts Clipboard contents as column
Redo Ctrl+Y Redoes the previously undone action
Reformat Ctrl+Shift+R Reformats paragraph to the format column number
Search Document Shift+F2 Replaces current word with a expanded word found in current document
Search All Open Files Ctrl+F2 Replaces current word with a expanded word found in all open files
Begin/End Selection Alt+Shift+B Begins or Ends Selection
Select All Ctrl+A Selects the entire document
Begin/End Column SelectionAlt+Shift+E Begins or Ends Column Selection
Select Line Ctrl+R Selects current line
Select Word Ctrl+W Selects current word
Split lines Ctrl+Shift+K Splits selected wrapped lines
Strip HTML tags Ctrl+Shift+P Strips html tags in current document or selection
Time Ctrl+M Inserts current time
Time with Seconds Ctrl+Shift+M Insert current time with seconds
Lower Case Ctrl+L Converts the selected text to lower case
Upper Case Ctrl+U Converts the selected text to upper case
Transpose Ctrl+T Transposes characters either side of cursor
Undo Ctrl+Z Undoes the last action


View in Browser Ctrl+B Loads the active document into the web browser
Collapse Ctrl+Num - Collapses current part of the code
Collapse All Ctrl+Alt+Num - Collapses all indented text
Collapse One Level Ctrl+Shift+Num - Collapses the entire code one level
Directory Window Alt+Shift+3 Shows or hides the Directory Window
Expand Ctrl+Num + Expands current folded line
Expand All Ctrl+Alt+Num + Expands all folded text
Expand One Level Ctrl+Shift+Num + Expands the entire code one level
Goto Cliptext/DirectoryF5 Switches the focus between the cliptext/directory window and the document
Use Code Folding Ctrl+Shift+F Turns on or off the code folding feature
Toggle Folding Ctrl+Num * Toggles the folding state of current line
Full Screen Alt+Shift+0 Toggles Full Screen mode on and off
Goto Output Window Shift+F5 Switches the focus between the output window and the document
Cursor Indicator Alt+Shift+C Shows or hides cursor indicators
Tabs and Spaces Alt+Shift+I Shows or hides space and tab marks
Line Number Ctrl+Shift+L Shows or hides line numbers in the active document
Line Break Alt+Shift+L Shows or hides line break marks
Output Window Alt+Shift+2 Shows or hides the output window
Ruler Alt+Shift+R Shows or hides the ruler
Cliptext Window Alt+Shift+1 Shows or hides the cliptext window
URL Highlighting Alt+Shift+U Highlights URLs and e-mail addresses
Larger Font Size Alt+Shift+Num + Selects larger font size
Smaller Font Size Alt+Shift+Num - Selects smaller font size


Find Alt+F3 Finds the specified text
Find Next F3 Finds the next matching text
Find Previous Shift+F3 Find the previous matching text
Replace Ctrl+H Replaces specific text with different text
Match Brace Ctrl+] Searches for a matching brace
Clear All Markers Ctrl+Shift+F9 Clears all marker from the active document
Function List Ctrl+F11 Shows the function list
Go to Line Ctrl+G Goes to specified line in the active document
Go to Column Ctrl+Shift+G Goes to specified column in current line
Jump to File F7 Jumps to a file using output window pattern
Next Function Alt+F11 Goes to the next function
Next Marker F4 Goes to next marker position
Find Next Word Ctrl+F3 Finds the next occurrence of current word or the selected text
Prev Function Alt+Shift+F11 Goes to the previous function
Previous Marker Shift+F4 Goes to previous marker position
Find Previous Word Ctrl+Shift+F3 Finds the previous occurrence of current word or the selected text
Select Brace Ctrl+Shift+] Searches for a matching brace and selects the text
Select Tag Ctrl+Shift+[ Searches for a matching tag and selects the text
Toggle Marker F9 Set and clear marker at current line
Match Tag Ctrl+[ Searches for a matching HTML tag
Go to URL F8 Goes to the highlighted URL


Column Marker Alt+Shift+M Shows or hides column markers
Word-wrap Ctrl+Shift+W Toggles the word-wrap feature of the active document
Next Column Marker Alt+Right Goes to the next column marker position
Prev Column Marker Alt+Left Goes to the previous column marker position



Edit Source Ctrl+E Edits the source of current HTML page


Copy Ctrl+Shift+Insert Copy the selected cliptext item



Load Project Ctrl+Shift+O Load all files of current project
Next Project Ctrl+F8 Selects the next project
Prev Project Ctrl+Shift+F8 Selects the previous project


Stop Ctrl+Break Breaks the operation of current tool
Open Next Ctrl+F5 Opens next matching file
Open Prev Ctrl+Shift+F5 Opens previous matching file
User Tool 1 Ctrl+1 Runs this user-defined tool
User Tool 10 Ctrl+0 Runs this user-defined tool
User Tool 2 Ctrl+2 Runs this user-defined tool
User Tool 3 Ctrl+3 Runs this user-defined tool
User Tool 4 Ctrl+4 Runs this user-defined tool
User Tool 5 Ctrl+5 Runs this user-defined tool
User Tool 6 Ctrl+6 Runs this user-defined tool
User Tool 7 Ctrl+7 Runs this user-defined tool
User Tool 8 Ctrl+8 Runs this user-defined tool
User Tool 9 Ctrl+9 Runs this user-defined tool
Group 1 Ctrl+Shift+1 User tool group 1
Group 10 Ctrl+Shift+0 User tool group 10
Group 2 Ctrl+Shift+2 User tool group 2
Group 3 Ctrl+Shift+3 User tool group 3
Group 4 Ctrl+Shift+4 User tool group 4
Group 5 Ctrl+Shift+5 User tool group 5
Group 6 Ctrl+Shift+6 User tool group 6
Group 7 Ctrl+Shift+7 User tool group 7
Group 8 Ctrl+Shift+8 User tool group 8
Group 9 Ctrl+Shift+9 User tool group 9
Record Keystrokes Ctrl+Q Starts and stops keystroke recording
Playback Recording 1 Alt+1 Plays back the keystroke recording 1
Playback Recording 10 Alt+0 Plays back the keystroke recording 10
Playback Recording 2 Alt+2 Plays back the keystroke recording 2
Playback Recording 3 Alt+3 Plays back the keystroke recording 3
Playback Recording 4 Alt+4 Plays back the keystroke recording 4
Playback Recording 5 Alt+5 Plays back the keystroke recording 5
Playback Recording 6 Alt+6 Plays back the keystroke recording 6
Playback Recording 7 Alt+7 Plays back the keystroke recording 7
Playback Recording 8 Alt+8 Plays back the keystroke recording 8
Playback Recording 9 Alt+9 Plays back the keystroke recording 9


Next Pane F6 Switch to the next window pane
Previous Pane Shift+F6 Switch back to the previous window pane
Find Window Shift+F11 Finds window by title
Last Visited Window Ctrl+F12 Switches to the last visited document window
Window List F11 Shows list of all document windows
Next Window Ctrl+Tab Switches to the next document window
Next Document Row Alt+Page Down Goes to next row in the Document Selector
Previous Window Ctrl+Shift+Tab Switches to the previous document window
Prev Document Row Alt+Page Up Goes to previous row in the Document Selector


Help Shift+F1 Displays help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows
Help F1 Display help for current task or command

参考资料: 帮助-》KeyBoard Map里面有

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