### Error querying database. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Query execution was interrupted
09:25:38.527 [http-bio-4010-exec-80] ERROR c.w.o.f.web.FollowerControllers -
### Error querying database. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Query execution was interrupted
### The error may exist in cn/wonhigh/o2o/follower/dal/database/FollowerMapper.xml
### The error may involve cn.wonhigh.o2o.follower.dal.database.FollowerMapper.getByFollower-Inline
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### SQL: SELECT distinct t.*,m.shop_nick_name,m.organiz_id,n.shop_province,n.shop_city,n.shop_area,n.shop_name FROM WEIXIN_FOLLOWER t LEFT JOIN WEIXIN_FOLLOWER_SHOP m ON t.userName = m.follower_user_name LEFT JOIN COMPANY_SHOP n ON n.shop_store_id = m.organiz_id LEFT JOIN COMPANY_ORGANIZATION org on org.organization_id=n.shop_store_id where 1=1 and n.shop_province like concat('%',?,'%') and t.state=1 and m.state=1 ORDER BY t.createTime desc limit 0,20
### Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Query execution was interrupted
; uncategorized SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [70100]; error code [1317]; Query execution was interrupted; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Query execution was interrupted 展开
09:25:38.527 [http-bio-4010-exec-80] ERROR c.w.o.f.web.FollowerControllers -
### Error querying database. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Query execution was interrupted
### The error may exist in cn/wonhigh/o2o/follower/dal/database/FollowerMapper.xml
### The error may involve cn.wonhigh.o2o.follower.dal.database.FollowerMapper.getByFollower-Inline
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### SQL: SELECT distinct t.*,m.shop_nick_name,m.organiz_id,n.shop_province,n.shop_city,n.shop_area,n.shop_name FROM WEIXIN_FOLLOWER t LEFT JOIN WEIXIN_FOLLOWER_SHOP m ON t.userName = m.follower_user_name LEFT JOIN COMPANY_SHOP n ON n.shop_store_id = m.organiz_id LEFT JOIN COMPANY_ORGANIZATION org on org.organization_id=n.shop_store_id where 1=1 and n.shop_province like concat('%',?,'%') and t.state=1 and m.state=1 ORDER BY t.createTime desc limit 0,20
### Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Query execution was interrupted
; uncategorized SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [70100]; error code [1317]; Query execution was interrupted; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Query execution was interrupted 展开