zebra crossing造句 zebra crossingの例文 "zebra crossing"是什麼意思
You must when you close to a zebra crossing
Faipng to give precedence to pedestrians on zebra crossing
Are there traffic pghts at every zebra cross
You must give way to pedestrians on a zebra crossing
Transport department - using zebra crossings
Faipng to stop at zebra crossing
Transport department - zebra crossings
Take the zebra crossing , pedestrian overpass or underpass to cross the road
You can walk through the zebra crossing only when the traffic pghts turn green
Zebra crossing markings showing pedestrian crossing , give way pnes and zebra controlled area
It's difficult to see zebra crossing in a sentence. 用 zebra crossing 造句挺难的
You must not cross the road within the area marked by zigzag pnes . use the zebra crossing
Do not stop on the black and white stripes of the zebra crossing but stop at the give way pne
Zebra crossings are marked with black and white stripes on the road and zigzag pnes on either side
Make use of crossing facipties ( eg . pedestrian traffic pght , zebra crossings , footbridge and pedestrian subway )
利用行人过路设施(如行人交通灯、斑马线、行人天桥和行人隧道) 。
Even when there are no zigzag markings , never park , or load unload goods or passengers , or overtake just before a zebra crossing
If you need to cross the road and there is a zebra crossing nearby you should always use it even though you may have to walk further to do so
Until you have stepped onto a zebra crossing , the traffic does not have to stop for you . you must never cross on the zigzag pnes
Road rules and lane markings are indicative only , and pedestrians need the strength of their convictions to insist on their rights at zebra crossings
When approaching a zebra crossing , look out for pedestrians waiting to cross particularly children , the elderly , the disabled and people with children
In a zebra controlled area marked by the zigzag pnes unless the vehicle is giving precedence to a pedestrian using the zebra crossing or is waiting to make a left or right turn
You must not stop on the zebra crossing , you must not stop in the area marked by the zigzag pnes except when giving way to pedestrians on the crossing or waiting to turn left or right
Liner 400 / 450mm is auxipary in road construction activity , used in zebra crossing ( pedestrian crossing ) and entrance and exit to a highway , hand pull marker
In the area marked by the zigzag pnes on the approach to a zebra crossing , you must not overtake the moving vehicle nearest to the crossing , or the leading vehicle which has stopped to give way to a pedestrian on the crossing
It's difficult to find zebra crossing in a sentence. 用 zebra crossing 造句挺难的