会计问题 - related Company
我的公司是小公司, 请问需不需做consolidation A/C , 请问在什么情况下才要做consolidation A/C 呢???
,Should use method (1) .In fact, "debit note" should be issued (instead of "Invoice") for the Material paid on behalf.
Holding Co.
1) when chq issue for payment to the vendor & debit note issues to Sub.Co.
(neglect the accounting entry for the payment to vendor)
Net effect:
DR C/A-Sub. or A/R-Sub (depends on your pany's chat of account)
CR Bank
2) when settlement rec'd fm Sub.
DR Bank
CR C/A or A/R - Sub.
Sub. Co.
i) Rec'd debit note from Holding Co.
DR Material - COGS
CR C/A or A/P - Holding Co.
ii) When chq paid / bank trfer to Holding for settlement
DR C/A or A/P - Holding Co.
CR Bank
* No accounting entry should be booked in "SALE" account
And No more sale to be made.
** The overstated of Sale : usually issue INVOICE to your sub. co. by selling the goods / service provided by making a unreasonable margin.
So that Profit would be trferred.
In audited report, the Interco Traction should be disclosured.
In result, auditor will ask you to provide the detail (e.g. amount & classification) for the interco trcations when processing their audit work.
2007-06-03 21:23:26 补充:
In my opinion, if the auditor finally checks out such accounting treatment & will then needs to do the Audit Adjustment (AA). Some co does not want to make any AA , auditor also question why such entires are done), the panies would prefer to a proper a/c entries instead of AA.,参考: me,你应该照开发票给附属公司,
借 往来账 (Current account)
贷 销售 (Sales)
借 购货 (Purchase)
贷 往来账 (Current account)
由于你公司是集团式, 所以要做consolidation account.
在consol account内便要做一条interco elimation entry 如下:
借 销售
借 往来账 (附属公司)
贷 购货
贷 往来账 (主公司),It is a payment made by holding pany (H) on behalf of the subsidiary (S). The procedure should be H pany issue a debit note to S for the amount paid together with the supporting bill. On receipt of this debit note, S could either settle it by bank just like an ordinary traction by
Dr. Job expenses
Cr. Bank
or via a trfer voucher by
Dr. Job expenses
Cr. Current Account with the Holding Company.
The entries in H will be
On payment on behalf of S
Dr. Current Account with the Subsidiary
Cr. Bank
On receipt of cheque from S
Dr. Bank
Cr. Current Amount with the Subsidiary
Or record the traction via a trfer voucher
Dr. Current Amount with the Subsidiary
Cr. Bank
If you look at the above entries, this is simply a payment on behalf. No sales will be affected.,主公司(工程公司)帮了附属公司(都是工程公司)代付了一批COGS(工程物料),
You can :
Debit: Related Company (Balance Sheet Item)
Cr Bank
Therefore it doesn't matter with overstated the sales(ine statement).
When related pany paid back to you.
You can:
DR Bank
CR Related Company
It is only the contra account for the accounting entries.,首先,应该要debit返主公司既Cash, Credit Acc. Receivable, 因为附属公司要俾返果D钱主公司
跟着附属公司要Debit Acc. Payable, Credit Cash, 咁样附属公司就会俾返未俾既钱主公司, 而又唔会出现double counting,参考: 自已,