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2022-06-21 · TA获得超过5518个赞


  unit 1

  1. study for a test 备考

  2. listen to tapes 听磁带

  3. read aloud 大声读

  4. study with groups 与小组一起学习

  5. ask sb. about 向某人询问

  6. a way to do / a way of doing 做事情的方法

  7. join an English club 加入英语俱乐部

  8. lots of / a lot of / plenty of 许多

  9. get excited about 对….感到兴奋

  10. end up doing 以做….而结束

  11. end up with + n 以某事而结束

  12. spoken English 口语

  13. make mistakes in 在….犯错

  14. practice doing sth. 练习做….

  15. first of all 首先

  16. to begin with 在开始的时候

  17. later on 后来

  18. be afraid of sth 害怕某事

  19. be afraid to do 不敢做…..

  20. laugh at 嘲笑

  21. have trouble doing 做….有困难

  22. in English 用英语

  23. deal with 对付,处理

  24. go by (时间)流逝

  25. worry about 担忧

  26. try one’s best to do 尽力做…

  27. with the help of 在…的帮助下

  Unit 2

  1. used to + 动原形词 过去常做

  2. wait a minute 等一会

  3. on the swimming team 在游泳队

  4. be terrified of 对…感到恐惧

  5. these days 近来

  6. all day 整天

  7. go right home 直接回家

  8. spend time/ money on + n 在…上花.时间/钱

  9. spend time / money doing + n 花时间/钱做….

  10. chat with 和….聊天

  11. have time for + n 有时间做….

  12. have time to do 有时间做…

  13. in the last few years 在过去的几年里

  14. a fifteen-year-old boy 一个十五岁的男孩

  15. be interested in 对…感兴趣

  16. in the end 最后

  17. make a decision 作出决定

  18. to one’s surprise 使某人吃惊的是

  19. pay attention to 注意

  Unit 3

  1. have a part-time job 打工,兼职

  2. stop doing 停止做

  3. stop to do 停下来做

  4. seem to do 似乎做

  5. on weekends 在周末

  6. need to do 需要做

  7. at that age 在那个年龄

  8. have a lot of rules at home 家里有许多规定

  9. on school nights 在上学的晚上

  10. be allowed to do 被

  11. by 10:00 不迟于十点

  12. go shopping 去购物

  13. take a test 参加考试

  14. pass a test 通过考试

  15. fail a test 考试不及格

  16. get to class late 上课迟到

  17. be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

  18. be strict at sth. 对某事要求严格

  19. the other day 几天前

  20. learn from 从…学习

  21. at present 目前,现在

  Unit 4

  1. what if 如果….怎么办

  2. what to do = how to do it 做什么/怎样做

  3. lots of = a lot of = plenty of 许多

  4. too…. to do 太….而不能

  5. in public在公共场所

  6. hardly ever = hardly 几乎不

  7. give a speech 作演讲

  8. ask sb. to do 要求某人做某事

  9. without permission 未经允许

  10. wait for ….. 等候…..

  11. invite sb. to 邀请某人做….

  12. get along/on well with ….与…相处得好

  13. right away = at once 立刻,马上

  14. come top 名列前茅

  15. let sb. down 让某人失望

  16. come up with = think up 想出, 提出

  17. sth.…come out 某物出版

  18. give some advice on …提出…..的建议

  19. ask sb. for advice 向某人征求建议

  20. by accident 偶然地

  21. agree to do 同意做…

  Unit 5

  1. belong to + 宾格

  2. much too + 形容词 太….

  3. too much + 不可数名词 太多…..

  4. have some idea = know 知道

  5. make up 组成,编…

  6. because of + 名词 因为

  7. in our neighborhood 在我们附近

  8. call the police 报警

  Unit 6

  1. dance to music 伴着音乐跳舞

  2. sing along with music 伴着音乐唱歌

  3. remind sb. of 使某人想起….

  4. prefer doing A to doing B 比起做B事,更喜欢做A事

  5. over the years 在近几年

  6. be sure to do 一定做….,务必做….

  7. make sb. + 形容词 使某人怎样

  8. one of the best students 最好的学生之一

  9. suit sb. fine 适合某人

  10. to be honest 说实话

  11. prefer not to do 宁愿不做

  12. stay away from 远离

  13. take care of 照顾

  14. be in agreement = agree 同意

  Unit 7

  1. trek through the jungle 穿越丛林

  2. take it easy 从容, 轻松, 紧张

  3. hope/wish to do 希望做

  4. wish sb. to do 希望某人做

  5. some day (将来)某一天

  6. one day (过去或将来)某一天

  7. consider doing 考虑做

  8. quite a good book 一本很好的书

  9. somewhere warm 暖和的地方

  10. take a trip 旅行

  11. provide sb. with sth = provide sth. for sb.


  12. offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb.


  13. give some suggestions for 提出…的建议

  14. dream about/of 梦想…

  15. thousands of …. 成千上万…

  16. quite a few + 名词复数 很多….

  17. be willing to do 愿意做….

  Unit 8.

  1. help clean up帮着把…打扫干净

  2. give out = hand out 分发

  3. cheer sb. up = make sb. happy 让某人高兴

  4. put off doing 推迟做…

  5. put ….up 张贴…

  6. call sb. up = call sb. 给某人打电话

  7. make a plan 定计划

  8. home to …. ….的栖息之地

  9. volunteer time to do 志愿花时间做…

  10. plan to do 计划做

  11. set up 建立

  12. sb. run out of sth. = sb. use up sth. 用完….

  13. sth. run out 用完某物

  14. take after 与….想像

  15. fix up 修理

  16. give … away = donate 赠送

  17. work out fine 奏效,起作用

  18. fill…. with ….把….装满….

  19. be filled with ….某物装满….

  20. a friend of mine 我的一个朋友

  21. help sb. out 帮某人摆脱困境

  Unit 9

  1. sth. be invented in +地点和时间


  2. sth. be invented by + sb. 某物由某人发明

  3. sth. be used for doing / to do 某物用来做….

  4. by mistake 错误地

  5. not …. until 直到….才

  6. according to 根据

  7. for some time 一段时间

  8. in this way 这样

  9. travel around …..环绕….旅行

  10. be at college 上大学

  11. during the long winter 在漫长的冬天

  12. knock into sb. 与某人相撞

  13. fall down 摔倒

  14. the number of ….. ….的数目

  Unit 10

  1. by the time 到…..时候

  2. get outside 出去

  3. leave sth. at home 把….忘在家里

  4. be late for …做….迟到了

  5. come very close 正好到

  6. wake sb. up 唤醒某人

  7. take a quick shower 很快地洗澡

  8. give sb. a ride 让某人搭便车

  9. break down (机器等)出毛病

  10. stay up 熬夜

  11. show up 出现

  12. set off 激起

  13. sell out sth. 售完某物

  Unit 11

  1. make a telephone call = make a call


  2. save money 存钱

  3. take the elevator/ escalator 坐电梯

  4. between …. and ….在…..和…..之间

  5. go past …. 经过…

  6. hang out 闲逛

  7. take dance lessons 上舞蹈课

  8. on the beach 在海边

  9. ask for information 问信息

  10. depend on 取决于…,依赖…..

  Unit 12

  1. be supposed to do 本应该做

  2. for the first time 第一次

  3. arrive late 迟到

  4. eat the wrong food 吃错东西

  5. be relaxed about …. 对….随意

  6. drop by +地点 顺便拜访

  7. be on time 准时

  8. after all 毕竟

  9. eat with your hang 用手吃

  10. pick up 捡起,端起

  11. take a drink 喝东西

  12. make noise 发出响声

  13. point at 指着

  14. go out of one’s way to do 特地做….

  15. feel at home 感到宾至如归

  16. table manners 餐桌礼仪

  17. be used to doing / 名词 习惯做…

  18. have online conversations 网上聊天

  Unit 13

  1. make sb. + adj 使得某人怎样

  2. kind of + adj 有点

  3. keep out 挡住

  4. are aimed at 瞄准

  5. at times = sometimes 有时

  6. lead sb. to do 引导某人做…

  7. to start with = to begin with 开始

  8. be annoyed with sb. 对某人恼怒

  9. sound like 听起来像

  10. take … off 脱下

  Unit 14

  1. clean out 把….清理干净

  2. put … in …把…放在….

  3. in a minute 立即,马上

  4. get back to = return to 回到

  5. take the dog for a walk 遛狗

  6. do some shopping 购物

  7. appear on CCTV 出现在央视

  8. go on a world tour 世界巡回演出

  9. good luck to ….祝….好运

  10. so far 到目前为止

  Unit 15

  1. be like … 像….

  2. be against doing 反对做…

  3. be suitable for 适合…

  4. care for 关心

  5. build …out of.. 用…建…

  6. be made from 由…制造

  7. pull down 推倒,拆除

  8. in one’s spare time 在业余时间

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