帮父母做家务英语:Helping parents with household chores
1、家务劳动历来被认为是妇女的事。雹皮Housework has traditionally been regarded as women's work.
2、男人分担多少家务和照看小孩的工作?How much do men share housework and the care of the children?
3、她把所有精力都花在料理家务和照顾孩子上。She expended all her efforts on the care of home and children.
4、这事明摆着是别人盯银的家务事,她无权干涉。She had no right to interfere in what was plainly a family matter.
5、有工作的母亲已经习惯了,既要工作,又要照源则差顾孩子,还得做家务。Working mothers are used to juggling their jobs, their children's needs and their housework.
6、我认为做饭和料理家务微不足道,一下子就能搞定。I thought that cooking and housekeeping were unimportant, easy tasks.
7、我只是觉得女性做家务是习惯使然。I just feel women are conditioned into doing housework.