die from die of 区别
die from和die of区别如下:
1、若死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因),一般用介词of。如:die of illness(heart trouble, cancer, a fever, etc)死于疾病(心脏病、癌症、发烧等)。
2、若死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因),一般用介词from。如:die from an earthquake (a traffic accident, a lightning, a stroke, etc) 死于地震(交通事故、雷击等)。
3、若死因是环境影响到体内,即两方面共有的原因,则可用of from均可。如:die of [from] a drink(a wound, overwork, starvation, hunger and cold, etc)死于饮酒(受伤、劳累过度、饥饿、饥寒等)。
1、Many organisms thatdie in the sea are soon buried by sediment.(许多在海里死亡的生物很快便被沉淀物掩埋。)
2、At best Nella would be an invalid; at worst she woulddie.(最好的情况是内纳会成为一个残疾人,最糟糕的情况是她会死亡。)
3、Forty thousand children a daydie from preventable diseases.(每天有四万儿童死于本可以防止的疾病。)
4、It was whispered that he would soondie and he did.(有人私下说他将不久于人世,他果然死了。)