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03-1 Unit 1
13.His argument does not suggest that mankind can _____ to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources
A resort B grant
C afford D entitle
resort n.度假胜地 v.诉诸于,求助于(-to)
grant 同意,补助,津贴
TA / RA 助教 / 助研
entitle 取名,授权
enrich 使富足
enlarge 扩大
strengthen 加强,巩固
moron 低能儿
03-2 Unit 1
14. what were your____ wages last year?
A. entire B aggregate
C complete D terse
entire 完全
aggregate 总计,合计
[助记] 一个考GRE的人站在大门口集合
complete 完全的 -ple- 满了
deplete 耗尽,弄空
complement 补偿,弥补,补充
compliment 赞美,称赞
[助记] “i” 表扬 “被(e)”补充
supplement 补充,弥补
replenish 补充
terse 简洁的
03-3 Unit 1
15. I should like to rent a house , modern comfortable and ______ in a quiet neighborhood.
A. all in all B above all
C after all D over all
above all 首先,尤其
all in all 总之一切,总的来说
after all 毕竟,终究(有轻微的转折关系)
over all 总的,遍及
overall 工作服
16. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given traveling _____
A. income B allowance
C wages D pay
wage 周工资
allowance 津贴,补助,许可
pay v.付款,n.工资
03-4 Unit 1
17. Professor Smith and Professor Brown will ____ in giving the class lectures.
A. alter B. change
C. alternate D. differ
alter 改变 (把某物改大或改小)
change 改变(强调结果)
from… to … 差异
convert 转变(信仰) vert 旋转
converter 叛教者
differ 不同 fer 带来
differ from
fetch 取来
ferry 取东西
ferryboat 渡船
conifer 针叶树
cone 圆锥形,松果
conference (一般性)会议
meeting 会议(口语)
convention 国际大会,风俗习惯
adventure 冒险
summit 高峰,顶点,峰会
forum 论坛
seminar 学术讨论会
alternate adj. 轮流的 v.轮流
AC = Alternating Current 交流电
alternative adj. 二者择一的
n. 二中择一,其他
03-5 Unit 1
18. when traveling, you are advised to take traveler’s checks, which provide a secure____ to carrying your money in cash
A. substitute B selection
C preference D alternative
substitute (for) 替代
substitution 保险代理人,替代品
constitute 构成,组成
constitution 宪法
institute 学院
institution 机构
tou – toe pu ke – puke
pi – pea chou
amendment/amend 法律文件的小修小改
rectify 修正,矫正(缺点,错误,文稿)
-fy 结尾的都是动词
verify 证实,核实
selection 选择
select 选择
collect 收集
elect 选举
neglect 忽略,忽视
disabled 残疾人,伤残的
the disabled 残疾人
weak point 弱点(心理或身体上的残疾)
weakness 弱点
preference(to) 爱好,喜好
03-6 Unit 1
19. fortune-tellers are good at making ____ statement such as “ Your sorrows will change”
A philosophical B ambiguous
C literal D invalid
sorrow 痛苦,悲哀
sob 哭泣
philosophical 聪明的
sophomore 大学二年级的学生
词根mor 表示愚蠢
moron 低能儿
ambiguous 模棱两可的,似是而非的,模糊的
ambience 环境
literal 照字面意思的,逐字逐句的
eggplant 茄子
invalid 无效的,病弱的,有病的
feeble 脆弱的,易受伤害的
weak 虚弱的
frail 脆弱的,易受伤害的
flail 打(谷子)
04-1 Unit 1
20. The school master _____ the girl’s bravery in is opening speech.
A. applauded B enhanced
C elevated D tantalized
applaud 赞扬,赞美
applaud sb. 赞扬某人
enhance 提高(价格,声望)
en- 表示向上
boost 提高,促进
boom 繁荣
baby boom 婴儿潮(二战时期)
boor 粗野的人
词根 tev 轻,高
alleviate 缓和
gravity 重力 grav- 重
advocate 提倡者,鼓吹者
voc- 声音 vocal 声音的
ad + n. + ate = 动词
aggravate 加重,恶化
elevator [英] 电梯 (lift [美] 电梯)
evaluate 评价 ~ sb. 评价某人
elongate 延长,拉长
tantalize 逗弄
Tantalus [希腊]坦塔罗斯(宙斯之子)
amorous 好色的,色情的;情感
amorous letter 情书
woo 求爱,追求 I woo you.
woo one’s reputation 追求某人的
hush 嘘,安静
trickle 滴,流
crock 呱(青蛙叫声)
frog 青蛙
fog 雾
tantalus 致命的诱惑
ape (类人)猿
04-2 Unit 1
21. I was unaware of the critical points involved , so my choice was quite ____.
A. arbitrary B rational
C serene D unpredictable
arbitrary 主观的,武断的
subjective 主观的
empirical 主观的,凭经验的
empire 帝国
objective 客观的
empiric 经验主义者
tropic 热带 [助记]热带(tropic)拿花(r)做主题(topic)
friend 朋友[助记]有花(r)的是朋友,没花(r)的是恶魔
fiend 魔鬼
brother 兄弟 bother 打扰
bush 灌木丛(Bush布什)
brush 画笔;梳理
preen 打扮
demure 矜持
mure 墙
coy 腼腆的
coy boy 腼腆的小男生
mural 壁画
rational 合理的,理性的 = reasonable
bargain 讨价还价
Some bargains! 便宜货!
barren 贫瘠
bar 酒吧,棍子,律师业
bar sb. from doing sth. 阻碍某人做某事
behind the bars 被捕入狱
barrister 律师
embarrass 尴尬
ass 屁股
embody 具体体现
assassin 刺客
assassinate 行刺,暗杀
04-3 Unit 1
22. The famous scientist ____ his success
to hard work
A. imparted B ascribe
C sauntered D acknowledged
serene 平静的
[助记] 死(se)人(ren)都很安静
unpredictable 不可预知的
词根dict 表示说
dictionary 字典
tremble 颤抖
diction 措辞,用辞
predict 预测
contra- 反
contrary 相反的
on the contrary 在相反的方向
contradiction 矛盾
dictate 听写,命令
04-4 Unit 1
22. The famous scientist _____ his success to hard work
A. imparted B ascribe
C sauntered D acknowledged
saunter 闲逛
impart 传授,告知
partial 不公平的,部分的
impartial 不偏不倚的,公正的
particle 微粒,粒子
depart 离开[助记]把de想成弟弟
detest 厌恶
delight 高兴
desire 渴望
ascribe(to) 归因于,归咎于
04-5 Unit 1
23. Everybody _____ in the hall where they welcomed by the secretary
A assembled B piled
C joined D accumulated
assemble (人群)聚集
词根 semble 脸
semblance 外表
resemble 相似,相像
pile 堆
compile 编辑,汇编
pilgrim 信徒,朝圣者
pillow 枕头
低(low )系列:
blow 吹
flow 流动
glow 发光
hollow 中空的,空洞的
swallow 吞食,燕子
scream 尖叫
[助记] 蛇在一个低矮的墙上,准备吞食这只燕子
avarice 贪婪
accumulate 积累
04-6 Unit 1
24. The patient has been _____ of the safety of the operation
A assured B guaranteed
C entrust D confirmed
leisure 休闲
Leisure time 休闲时光
pastime 休闲,娱乐
recreation 娱乐
amusement 娱乐
entertainment 娱乐
insure 保险
assure 保证,确保
entrust 委托
confirm 确认
elegant 优雅
tenant 房客
warrant 保证
guard 保镖
guardian 监护人
history 历史
historian 历史学家
guarantee 保证,担保
preen 打扮
swan 天鹅
swank 打扮
toad 癞蛤蟆
toady 谄媚者,拍马屁的人
04-7 Unit 1
25. In a typhoon, winds _____ a speed greater than 120 kilometer an hour.
A assume B accomplish C attain D assemble
typhoon 台风
volcano 火山
Vulcan 伏尔甘,火和冶炼之神
Cupid 爱神丘比特
cupidity 贪婪
laurel 桂冠
martial art 武术
tornado 龙卷风
ado 忙乱,罗嗦
without ado 少废话
that’s enough barking 别废话了
twister 龙卷风
accomplish 完成
punish 惩罚
vanish 消失
stable 稳定的
establish 建立
astonish 使惊讶
04-8 Unit 1
attain 获得,达到
词根 tain 拿
entertain 娱乐
contain 包含
container 容器
retain 保留
sustain 支持
object 反对
detain 拘留
弟弟转业退伍以后,他的工作被拖延(delay)了,弟弟很伤心,所以他和隔壁比赛边飞边吃的技术(feat),结果还是被打败了(defeat ),弟弟开始自暴自弃,他开始每天早上起来吃五块冰(vice),这个恶习就被他给设计(device)处来了,弟弟他因此进了监狱(detain)。弟弟开始改过自新,他开始用腿吃饭(delegate),立刻就吃得很精细了(delicate)……
considerate 体贴的
considerable 相当多的,大量的
as fat as elephant 胖的像大象
04-9 Unit 1
26. We ______ Edison’s success to his intelligence and hard work
A. subject B attribute C owe D refer
attribute to 归因于,归咎于
subject to 服从于
owe to 感激,欠钱
27. what the correspondent sent us is an ______ news report. We can depend on it
A evident B authentic
C ultimate D immediate
evident 明显的,显著的
词根 dent 牙
denture 假牙
false teeth 假牙
falsehood 虚假
truth 事实
naked truth 赤裸裸的事实
evident [助记]漏出六颗暴牙
evidence 明显,证据
ultimate 最终的,最后的
mate 伙伴
climate 气候,政治运动
clinic 诊所
climax 高潮
cliff 悬崖
cliché 复习,陈词滥调的
05-1 Unit 1
authentic 真实的,可靠的
author 作者
authorize 授权,批准
rational 合理的,理性的
rationalize 合理化
minimize 最小化
mate 伙伴
Roadmate 路伴
intimate 亲密的,详细的
legitimate 合法的,正当的
legal 法律的
illegal 违法的
legislate 立法
intimate knowledge 详细的知识
immediate 立即立刻
词根 media 媒体(复数)
mediate 调节,调停,斡旋
mediator 调解人,调停人
05-2 Unit 1
28.In fact, there is no _______ liberty in any country.
A. adequate B. absolute
C. private D. practical
absolute 绝对的
private 私人的
practical 实用的
29. The manager director took the ______ for the accident , although it was not really his fault.
A guilt B blame
C charge D accusation
guilt 有罪[助记]故意来踢你
blame(for) 责怪
beast 野兽
bold 大胆的
bend 弯曲,屈服
blend 混合
blame 责怪
lame 瘸 [助记]
charge(with) 指控,指责
accusation(of) 谴责,指控
05-3 Unit 1
30.They spent many years _______ for oil in this small island.
A. exploring B. exploding
C. exposing D. exploiting
lore 知识,文化
folklore 民俗学,民间学
explore 探索,研究
lode 矿脉
lodestar 北极星
explode 爆炸
exploit 开发,利用,剥削
05-4 Unit 2
1. The lost car of the less was found _____in the woods off the high way.
A vanished B abandoned
C scattered D rejected
vanish 消失
punish 惩罚
abandon 放纵,放弃
caricature 漫画,讽刺画
catalog 目录
词根ject 扔
inject 注射
eject 喷出
object (to) 反对
subject to 屈服,服从,经历,遭受
conjecture 推测
prone to 倾向于
reject 拒绝
05-5 Unit 2
2. Children are ____ to have some accidents as they grow up
A. obvious B indispensable
C bound D obtuse
bound 注定的
indispensable 必不可少的,不可或缺的
词根pense 花费
pension 养老金
dispense 分配
expense 费用
reward 奖赏
prize 奖金
drawer 抽屉
obtuse 钝的
05-6 Unit 2
3 John assured his boss that he would ____ all his energies in doing this new job.
A call forth B call at
C call on D call off
call forth 引起,引发
词根 voc/vok 声音
evoke 引起
evocative evocation
provoke 激怒,煽动
provocative provocation
invoke 祈祷
invocative invocation
advocate 支持,拥护
arouse 唤起,引起,引发
arise 出现
arose 引起
raise 举起,募集,抚养,饲养
disaster 灾难
quaff 痛饮
call at 拜访(某地)
call on 拜访(某人)
call off 取消
05-7 Unit 2
4 The archaeologists examined the ______ of ancient pottery.
A fragment B fragrance C flagrance D retinue
pottery 陶器
pot 陶器
potable 可以饮用的
spot 现场,地点
scold 责备
be scold for
swarm a swarm of 一大群
swell 肿胀,膨胀
swell up
stake 赌博
at the stakes 关键时刻
scared 害怕的,恐惧的
Adam’s apple 喉结
fragment 碎片,片段
词根 frag/frac 折
fracture 骨折
fragrance 芳香
flagrance 恶臭,臭名昭著
retinue 随从,侍从
05-8 Unit 2
5. The president _____ a nation holiday for the event.
A proclaimed B distinguished
C acclaimed D exclaimed
distinguish 区分,区别
extinguish 扑灭,熄灭
extinguisher 灭火器
claim 声称 ,作为词根,意为”喊”
acclaim 欢迎
exclaim 大喊,尖叫
elude 逃走
reclaim 取回,收回
declaim 抨击,朗诵
proclaim 宣布
05-9 Unit 2
6. Wealthy Romans collected ______ of Greek statues and paintings.
A recreations B enjoyments
C reproductions D entertainments
recreation 娱乐
enjoyment 自得其乐
entertainment 娱乐
7.If the _____ in the test is too small, we can not get a good result.
A sample B meagerness
C leisure D flight
ample 丰富的,宽敞的
maple 枫树
example 例子
sample 标本,样品
amplify 放大,扩大
amplifier 放大器
meager 缺乏的,不足的
eager 渴望
leisure 休闲
flight 飞翔
lag 落后
lag behind sb. 落后于某人
flag 旗
lash 鞭打
flash 闪光
lame 瘸子
flame 火焰
old flame 老情人
flare 熊熊燃烧
flare up 爆怒
lip 嘴唇
flip 轻轻的翻动
light 光
flight 飞翔
edge 边缘
fledge 喂养
ducking 小鸭子
yearling 一岁的小家伙
fledging 小鸟
flake 雪花,薄片
lake 湖
flair 本能
aunt 姑姑
flaunt 炫耀
lock 锁门
flock 一群
out 除去
flout 蔑视
latter 后来的人
flatter 溜须拍马,奉承
lack 缺乏
flack 广告,宣传
13.His argument does not suggest that mankind can _____ to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources
A resort B grant
C afford D entitle
resort n.度假胜地 v.诉诸于,求助于(-to)
grant 同意,补助,津贴
TA / RA 助教 / 助研
entitle 取名,授权
enrich 使富足
enlarge 扩大
strengthen 加强,巩固
moron 低能儿
03-2 Unit 1
14. what were your____ wages last year?
A. entire B aggregate
C complete D terse
entire 完全
aggregate 总计,合计
[助记] 一个考GRE的人站在大门口集合
complete 完全的 -ple- 满了
deplete 耗尽,弄空
complement 补偿,弥补,补充
compliment 赞美,称赞
[助记] “i” 表扬 “被(e)”补充
supplement 补充,弥补
replenish 补充
terse 简洁的
03-3 Unit 1
15. I should like to rent a house , modern comfortable and ______ in a quiet neighborhood.
A. all in all B above all
C after all D over all
above all 首先,尤其
all in all 总之一切,总的来说
after all 毕竟,终究(有轻微的转折关系)
over all 总的,遍及
overall 工作服
16. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given traveling _____
A. income B allowance
C wages D pay
wage 周工资
allowance 津贴,补助,许可
pay v.付款,n.工资
03-4 Unit 1
17. Professor Smith and Professor Brown will ____ in giving the class lectures.
A. alter B. change
C. alternate D. differ
alter 改变 (把某物改大或改小)
change 改变(强调结果)
from… to … 差异
convert 转变(信仰) vert 旋转
converter 叛教者
differ 不同 fer 带来
differ from
fetch 取来
ferry 取东西
ferryboat 渡船
conifer 针叶树
cone 圆锥形,松果
conference (一般性)会议
meeting 会议(口语)
convention 国际大会,风俗习惯
adventure 冒险
summit 高峰,顶点,峰会
forum 论坛
seminar 学术讨论会
alternate adj. 轮流的 v.轮流
AC = Alternating Current 交流电
alternative adj. 二者择一的
n. 二中择一,其他
03-5 Unit 1
18. when traveling, you are advised to take traveler’s checks, which provide a secure____ to carrying your money in cash
A. substitute B selection
C preference D alternative
substitute (for) 替代
substitution 保险代理人,替代品
constitute 构成,组成
constitution 宪法
institute 学院
institution 机构
tou – toe pu ke – puke
pi – pea chou
amendment/amend 法律文件的小修小改
rectify 修正,矫正(缺点,错误,文稿)
-fy 结尾的都是动词
verify 证实,核实
selection 选择
select 选择
collect 收集
elect 选举
neglect 忽略,忽视
disabled 残疾人,伤残的
the disabled 残疾人
weak point 弱点(心理或身体上的残疾)
weakness 弱点
preference(to) 爱好,喜好
03-6 Unit 1
19. fortune-tellers are good at making ____ statement such as “ Your sorrows will change”
A philosophical B ambiguous
C literal D invalid
sorrow 痛苦,悲哀
sob 哭泣
philosophical 聪明的
sophomore 大学二年级的学生
词根mor 表示愚蠢
moron 低能儿
ambiguous 模棱两可的,似是而非的,模糊的
ambience 环境
literal 照字面意思的,逐字逐句的
eggplant 茄子
invalid 无效的,病弱的,有病的
feeble 脆弱的,易受伤害的
weak 虚弱的
frail 脆弱的,易受伤害的
flail 打(谷子)
04-1 Unit 1
20. The school master _____ the girl’s bravery in is opening speech.
A. applauded B enhanced
C elevated D tantalized
applaud 赞扬,赞美
applaud sb. 赞扬某人
enhance 提高(价格,声望)
en- 表示向上
boost 提高,促进
boom 繁荣
baby boom 婴儿潮(二战时期)
boor 粗野的人
词根 tev 轻,高
alleviate 缓和
gravity 重力 grav- 重
advocate 提倡者,鼓吹者
voc- 声音 vocal 声音的
ad + n. + ate = 动词
aggravate 加重,恶化
elevator [英] 电梯 (lift [美] 电梯)
evaluate 评价 ~ sb. 评价某人
elongate 延长,拉长
tantalize 逗弄
Tantalus [希腊]坦塔罗斯(宙斯之子)
amorous 好色的,色情的;情感
amorous letter 情书
woo 求爱,追求 I woo you.
woo one’s reputation 追求某人的
hush 嘘,安静
trickle 滴,流
crock 呱(青蛙叫声)
frog 青蛙
fog 雾
tantalus 致命的诱惑
ape (类人)猿
04-2 Unit 1
21. I was unaware of the critical points involved , so my choice was quite ____.
A. arbitrary B rational
C serene D unpredictable
arbitrary 主观的,武断的
subjective 主观的
empirical 主观的,凭经验的
empire 帝国
objective 客观的
empiric 经验主义者
tropic 热带 [助记]热带(tropic)拿花(r)做主题(topic)
friend 朋友[助记]有花(r)的是朋友,没花(r)的是恶魔
fiend 魔鬼
brother 兄弟 bother 打扰
bush 灌木丛(Bush布什)
brush 画笔;梳理
preen 打扮
demure 矜持
mure 墙
coy 腼腆的
coy boy 腼腆的小男生
mural 壁画
rational 合理的,理性的 = reasonable
bargain 讨价还价
Some bargains! 便宜货!
barren 贫瘠
bar 酒吧,棍子,律师业
bar sb. from doing sth. 阻碍某人做某事
behind the bars 被捕入狱
barrister 律师
embarrass 尴尬
ass 屁股
embody 具体体现
assassin 刺客
assassinate 行刺,暗杀
04-3 Unit 1
22. The famous scientist ____ his success
to hard work
A. imparted B ascribe
C sauntered D acknowledged
serene 平静的
[助记] 死(se)人(ren)都很安静
unpredictable 不可预知的
词根dict 表示说
dictionary 字典
tremble 颤抖
diction 措辞,用辞
predict 预测
contra- 反
contrary 相反的
on the contrary 在相反的方向
contradiction 矛盾
dictate 听写,命令
04-4 Unit 1
22. The famous scientist _____ his success to hard work
A. imparted B ascribe
C sauntered D acknowledged
saunter 闲逛
impart 传授,告知
partial 不公平的,部分的
impartial 不偏不倚的,公正的
particle 微粒,粒子
depart 离开[助记]把de想成弟弟
detest 厌恶
delight 高兴
desire 渴望
ascribe(to) 归因于,归咎于
04-5 Unit 1
23. Everybody _____ in the hall where they welcomed by the secretary
A assembled B piled
C joined D accumulated
assemble (人群)聚集
词根 semble 脸
semblance 外表
resemble 相似,相像
pile 堆
compile 编辑,汇编
pilgrim 信徒,朝圣者
pillow 枕头
低(low )系列:
blow 吹
flow 流动
glow 发光
hollow 中空的,空洞的
swallow 吞食,燕子
scream 尖叫
[助记] 蛇在一个低矮的墙上,准备吞食这只燕子
avarice 贪婪
accumulate 积累
04-6 Unit 1
24. The patient has been _____ of the safety of the operation
A assured B guaranteed
C entrust D confirmed
leisure 休闲
Leisure time 休闲时光
pastime 休闲,娱乐
recreation 娱乐
amusement 娱乐
entertainment 娱乐
insure 保险
assure 保证,确保
entrust 委托
confirm 确认
elegant 优雅
tenant 房客
warrant 保证
guard 保镖
guardian 监护人
history 历史
historian 历史学家
guarantee 保证,担保
preen 打扮
swan 天鹅
swank 打扮
toad 癞蛤蟆
toady 谄媚者,拍马屁的人
04-7 Unit 1
25. In a typhoon, winds _____ a speed greater than 120 kilometer an hour.
A assume B accomplish C attain D assemble
typhoon 台风
volcano 火山
Vulcan 伏尔甘,火和冶炼之神
Cupid 爱神丘比特
cupidity 贪婪
laurel 桂冠
martial art 武术
tornado 龙卷风
ado 忙乱,罗嗦
without ado 少废话
that’s enough barking 别废话了
twister 龙卷风
accomplish 完成
punish 惩罚
vanish 消失
stable 稳定的
establish 建立
astonish 使惊讶
04-8 Unit 1
attain 获得,达到
词根 tain 拿
entertain 娱乐
contain 包含
container 容器
retain 保留
sustain 支持
object 反对
detain 拘留
弟弟转业退伍以后,他的工作被拖延(delay)了,弟弟很伤心,所以他和隔壁比赛边飞边吃的技术(feat),结果还是被打败了(defeat ),弟弟开始自暴自弃,他开始每天早上起来吃五块冰(vice),这个恶习就被他给设计(device)处来了,弟弟他因此进了监狱(detain)。弟弟开始改过自新,他开始用腿吃饭(delegate),立刻就吃得很精细了(delicate)……
considerate 体贴的
considerable 相当多的,大量的
as fat as elephant 胖的像大象
04-9 Unit 1
26. We ______ Edison’s success to his intelligence and hard work
A. subject B attribute C owe D refer
attribute to 归因于,归咎于
subject to 服从于
owe to 感激,欠钱
27. what the correspondent sent us is an ______ news report. We can depend on it
A evident B authentic
C ultimate D immediate
evident 明显的,显著的
词根 dent 牙
denture 假牙
false teeth 假牙
falsehood 虚假
truth 事实
naked truth 赤裸裸的事实
evident [助记]漏出六颗暴牙
evidence 明显,证据
ultimate 最终的,最后的
mate 伙伴
climate 气候,政治运动
clinic 诊所
climax 高潮
cliff 悬崖
cliché 复习,陈词滥调的
05-1 Unit 1
authentic 真实的,可靠的
author 作者
authorize 授权,批准
rational 合理的,理性的
rationalize 合理化
minimize 最小化
mate 伙伴
Roadmate 路伴
intimate 亲密的,详细的
legitimate 合法的,正当的
legal 法律的
illegal 违法的
legislate 立法
intimate knowledge 详细的知识
immediate 立即立刻
词根 media 媒体(复数)
mediate 调节,调停,斡旋
mediator 调解人,调停人
05-2 Unit 1
28.In fact, there is no _______ liberty in any country.
A. adequate B. absolute
C. private D. practical
absolute 绝对的
private 私人的
practical 实用的
29. The manager director took the ______ for the accident , although it was not really his fault.
A guilt B blame
C charge D accusation
guilt 有罪[助记]故意来踢你
blame(for) 责怪
beast 野兽
bold 大胆的
bend 弯曲,屈服
blend 混合
blame 责怪
lame 瘸 [助记]
charge(with) 指控,指责
accusation(of) 谴责,指控
05-3 Unit 1
30.They spent many years _______ for oil in this small island.
A. exploring B. exploding
C. exposing D. exploiting
lore 知识,文化
folklore 民俗学,民间学
explore 探索,研究
lode 矿脉
lodestar 北极星
explode 爆炸
exploit 开发,利用,剥削
05-4 Unit 2
1. The lost car of the less was found _____in the woods off the high way.
A vanished B abandoned
C scattered D rejected
vanish 消失
punish 惩罚
abandon 放纵,放弃
caricature 漫画,讽刺画
catalog 目录
词根ject 扔
inject 注射
eject 喷出
object (to) 反对
subject to 屈服,服从,经历,遭受
conjecture 推测
prone to 倾向于
reject 拒绝
05-5 Unit 2
2. Children are ____ to have some accidents as they grow up
A. obvious B indispensable
C bound D obtuse
bound 注定的
indispensable 必不可少的,不可或缺的
词根pense 花费
pension 养老金
dispense 分配
expense 费用
reward 奖赏
prize 奖金
drawer 抽屉
obtuse 钝的
05-6 Unit 2
3 John assured his boss that he would ____ all his energies in doing this new job.
A call forth B call at
C call on D call off
call forth 引起,引发
词根 voc/vok 声音
evoke 引起
evocative evocation
provoke 激怒,煽动
provocative provocation
invoke 祈祷
invocative invocation
advocate 支持,拥护
arouse 唤起,引起,引发
arise 出现
arose 引起
raise 举起,募集,抚养,饲养
disaster 灾难
quaff 痛饮
call at 拜访(某地)
call on 拜访(某人)
call off 取消
05-7 Unit 2
4 The archaeologists examined the ______ of ancient pottery.
A fragment B fragrance C flagrance D retinue
pottery 陶器
pot 陶器
potable 可以饮用的
spot 现场,地点
scold 责备
be scold for
swarm a swarm of 一大群
swell 肿胀,膨胀
swell up
stake 赌博
at the stakes 关键时刻
scared 害怕的,恐惧的
Adam’s apple 喉结
fragment 碎片,片段
词根 frag/frac 折
fracture 骨折
fragrance 芳香
flagrance 恶臭,臭名昭著
retinue 随从,侍从
05-8 Unit 2
5. The president _____ a nation holiday for the event.
A proclaimed B distinguished
C acclaimed D exclaimed
distinguish 区分,区别
extinguish 扑灭,熄灭
extinguisher 灭火器
claim 声称 ,作为词根,意为”喊”
acclaim 欢迎
exclaim 大喊,尖叫
elude 逃走
reclaim 取回,收回
declaim 抨击,朗诵
proclaim 宣布
05-9 Unit 2
6. Wealthy Romans collected ______ of Greek statues and paintings.
A recreations B enjoyments
C reproductions D entertainments
recreation 娱乐
enjoyment 自得其乐
entertainment 娱乐
7.If the _____ in the test is too small, we can not get a good result.
A sample B meagerness
C leisure D flight
ample 丰富的,宽敞的
maple 枫树
example 例子
sample 标本,样品
amplify 放大,扩大
amplifier 放大器
meager 缺乏的,不足的
eager 渴望
leisure 休闲
flight 飞翔
lag 落后
lag behind sb. 落后于某人
flag 旗
lash 鞭打
flash 闪光
lame 瘸子
flame 火焰
old flame 老情人
flare 熊熊燃烧
flare up 爆怒
lip 嘴唇
flip 轻轻的翻动
light 光
flight 飞翔
edge 边缘
fledge 喂养
ducking 小鸭子
yearling 一岁的小家伙
fledging 小鸟
flake 雪花,薄片
lake 湖
flair 本能
aunt 姑姑
flaunt 炫耀
lock 锁门
flock 一群
out 除去
flout 蔑视
latter 后来的人
flatter 溜须拍马,奉承
lack 缺乏
flack 广告,宣传