
快考试了需要遗篇关于JUNKFOOD的作文... 快考试了需要遗篇关于JUNK FOOD的作文 展开
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Nowadays it becomes more and more obvious that there is an increasing number of children who are overweight. To worry about their health is not merely the duty of parents but also the whole society.

There is no doubt that it has something to do with children’s diet. Children tend to find anything delicious to eat instead of a proportional diet. Society abundant in materials leads to families abundant in nourishment. Therefore, excessive nutrition has to take responsibility for obesity problems.

It is not only children’s fault. Junk food contributes a great deal much. To keep pace with the rapidly-developed economy and satisfy the needs of consumers, food industry is making an effort to invent a wide range of food. Unfortunately, fast food is included. It is not only that people get busy with their own business but also fast food can’t be too convenient to choose. Children love fast food more when in hurry or slack.

The other reason for obesity is lack of sports. These years people pay less attention on doing exercises, children included. Too much homework or too many activities can be the excuse.

To reverse the trend means to sacrifice a lot. It is the turn for society, government and parents. The government is supposed to take measures to advocate a balanced diet and encourage industries to produce healthy food by cutting down taxes or fund the ‘green’ companies. Moreover, both society and the government should attempt to introduce the conception of keeping a proper diet into education. Advertisements shouldn’t boast junk food to tempt children. Parents also have critical importance on children’s health. They should encourage children to do sports and set themselves good examples to their children.
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Is it good or bad to eat junk food?
Do you enjoy eating hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries and chips? Are you fond of soft drinks, candy and ice cream? If your answers are “Yes”, you’d better take care. Most of them are junk food!
More and more people enjoy junk food.They think they are both delicious and fast.When they eat them,they can save much time.But do you know Junk food has lots of fat , salt and sugar, but few nutrients .They can make you fatter and fatter. And they can also make you sick.In my opinion eating less junk food is good for our health.
If we want to keep healthy.we should eat more fruits and vegetables .They are rich in vitamins and have little fat.Allows you to live longer and healthier! So do not eat too much junk food !
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