Compared with the past。
Compared with the past, the time teenagers spend on pleasure reading has dropped.
You are facing the keen competition from other suppliers in the market, whose prices are much lower than yours.
3苏顿信托(sutton trust)最近的一份报告显示,与过去相比,牛津剑桥及私立大学毕业生在英国一些顶尖行业中更占优势。
According to a recent report from the Sutton Trust, there is even more dominance by Oxbridge and private schools in some of the top UK professions than there used to be.
4然而现在,雪佛兰克鲁兹(Chevrolet Cruze)取得了惊人的销量,表明破产后重整旗鼓的通用汽车已经今非昔比,与过去相比已经有了很大的不同。
Now, stunning sales of its Chevrolet Cruze show that post-bankruptcy GM is a very different company than it once was.
5韩国青年咨询及福利研究院(Korea Youth Counseling Welfare Institute)的咨询师Kim Eun-young自2007年以来一直研究并接触自杀青少年。Kim说,与过去相比,青年人现在更加坦率地谈论自杀想法。
Kim Eun-young, a counselor who has researched and worked with suicidal teenagers since 2007 at the Korea Youth Counseling Welfare Institute, says young people are more open talking about their suicidal thoughts than befo。