1-2)想要寻求专业翻译 句子请帮我中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !

禁止翻译软体!!我看的出来喔!!!!!!!如果要用翻译软件的话那就请不要献丑了!!!!!!!!这周是她来到这所幼儿园的第一个礼拜因为不熟悉环境的关系加上父母不在身边所以她... 禁止翻译软体 !! 我看的出来喔!!!!!!!

如果要用翻译软件的话 那就请不要献丑了!!!!!!!!

所以她一直不停的哭泣. 我的老师不断的抱她以及安抚她都没什麼用他还是一直哭
後来老师带孩子们去公园散步之後. 她才终於停止哭泣. 她的母亲偷偷地躲在公园後面看她在公园玩. 但过了大约十分钟後,她又开始哭了. 於是後来没办法,他母亲就进到公园来把她接走了

她来到这所幼儿园已经一个多月了,她的情绪已经开始慢慢稳定了. 现在的她不会再因为和母亲的别离而哭泣. 她已经开始习惯环境了也习惯其他孩子们了. 今天当我们从外面散步回来之後.我给孩子们倒水准备给他们喝, 有个先洗好手的孩子先给我要水喝之後当我正准备要给他水时我听到vafa也跟著说’’ water, water’’ 她不停的重复其他人说的话呢 後来吃饱饭洗好手我看到她一直到处在教室走来走去的, 并且一直不停重复的进出厕所看其它孩子在做什麼 (因为他还小所以是包尿布的阶段还不到可以到厕所训练的时候) 并且我观察她发现她几乎很少和其他孩子互动也没有和他们玩後来当午觉时间来临时她的母亲就来把她接走了

今天当我们在外面散步时 Vafa因为後面孩子的推挤而跌倒了因为疼痛所以她开始哭泣,我的老师抱了抱她给了她安慰之後她才停止哭泣. 後来我们返回幼儿园. 我给孩子们倒水并且给他们喝水时我看到Vafa打翻水了并且地上和桌上都湿了一片有个女孩子还跟我说 ‘’ vafa make messy on the table’’ 後来我清乾净桌子和地板之後我们就开始吃午餐了後来吃完午餐老师给孩子们故事书去读并且准备睡觉时间时我看到这个孩子拿著故事书自己一个在教室走来走去的也没和其他的孩子有互动之後等到孩子们都躺下了她的母亲就来把他给接走了
 我来答
2015-12-02 · TA获得超过1342个赞
This was her first week in this kindergarten. Since she was not familiar with the environment, while her parents were also not with her, she was always crying. The teacher tried hugging and comforting her, but it did not work and she kept crying. Some time later, when the teacher took the children to have a walk in the park, she finally stopped crying. However, after around 10 minutes, she started crying again. Her mother was initially hiding behind the park to check on her, but in the end, she had to come into the park and take her home, because there was not other way for us to stop her from crying.

She has been in this kindergarten for more than a month now, and her emotion level has gradually become stable. Nowadays, she no longer cries because of her parting with her mother. She is starting to get used to the environment and the other kids. Today, when I was preparing drinking water for the kids after we came back from a walk outside, a kid asked me for his water after he finished washing his hands the fastest. Just as I was pouring water for him, I heard Vafa repeating the word “water” after him. Then I realised she was repeating what other people were saying. After the kids finished their lunch and washed their hands, I saw that she kept walking around in the classroom as well as going in and out of the toilet constantly in order to see what the other kids are doing. (Since she was still little, she was still at the stage where she worn diaper instead of having toilet training.) Besides, I discovered that she rarely interacted with other kids, or played with them. Later on, when it was time for their afternoon nap, her mother came and picked her up.

When we were having a walk outside today, Vafa fell due to other kids’ pushing and she immediately started crying out of pain. She only stopped crying after the teacher hugged her and comforted her. We then went back to the kindergarten. When I was pouring water for the kids and helping them to drink it, I saw Vafa knocked over her drinking glass and spread water everywhere on the table and on the floor, making the entire area very wet. A girl also told me: “Vefa made a mess on the table.” After I cleaned the table and the floor, we began to have lunch. The teacher gave the kids some story books to read after they were done with lunch. Just as the teacher was getting them ready for a nap, I saw Vafa wandering around alone in the classroom with the story book in her hand. She had no interaction with other kids. After the other kids were in bed, Vafa’s mother came and pick her up.

满意还望尽快采纳 :)
This week she came to the first week of kindergarten because they do not familiar with the relationship between the environment plus parents are not around
So she has been kept crying. My teacher constantly hold her and comfort her, he still has are of no use crying
Later, after the teacher took the children to the park for a walk. She finally stopped crying and her mother secretly hiding behind the park to see her playing in the park, but after about ten minutes later, she began to cry. Then later No way, and his mother to put her into the park picked up

She came to this kindergarten has been more than a month, her mood is beginning to stabilize. Now she will not leave because of the mother's crying and she has got used to the environment of other children the habit also today When we walk back from the outside. I was ready to give to the children pour their drink, the players have a first wash after children give me to drink when I was preparing to give him water, I heard followed vafa say ' 'water, water' 'she kept repeating other people say it enough to eat later I saw her wash players have walked around in the classroom, and has been kept out of the toilet to see duplicated in other children do What (because he is so small stage diaper bag can go to the toilet less training time) and I watched her and found that she rarely interact with other children did not play with them later when nap time comes, her mother He came and took her picked up

After today, when we walk out the back of the child because Vafa pushed and fell down because of the pain so she started to cry, my teacher hugged her and gave her comfort she stopped crying. Later we return to kindergarten. I gave the children They pour and give them to drink water when I saw Vafa and knocked to the ground and the water table are wet one, a girl told me that '' vafa make messy on the table '' Then I clean out After the table and the floor when we began to eat lunch, eat lunch later teachers to read to children and storybook ready for bed time story I saw this child holding the book yourself a walk around the classroom and the other did not After the child has to interact with the children lie down until her mother came to him to picked up

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