月总额 monthly totals 总额,总计 aggregate; total amount 总额;数量 amount 总额法 gross price 总计,总额 sum; total 总数,总额 total 投资总额;资产总额 gross assets 包干费总额 lmps lumsum
保费总额 gro premium; gross premium保险总额 insurance amount; insurance coverage; insured sum; safety appliance; safety gear; salvo latch; sum of insurance; total sum insured
本金总额 capital sum 编制总额 total establishment 拨款总额 global allocation 产量总额 total gross output 产品总额 quantum of output 成交总额 turnover 承受总额 gross line 出口总额 gross export; tot. exp; total exports 储蓄总额 aggregate savings; gross savings
纯利总额 net profit consolidated 存款总额 total deposits 贷方总额 sum of credit贷款总额 loan ceiling; total amount of loans; total lending 底薪总额 gross basic salary 总额, 总结算 lump sum 总舵舵主 vbman
I am under almost total control of hormones .
我几乎完全受激素控制。Small extra costs all swell the total .
零星的额外费用使总数增大了。The garden was in a state of total neglect .
那花园完全无人整理。You are lucky your car hasn't been totaled .
你很幸运,你的车没有毁掉。In short, it's in total confidence .