那hung out和hang out的区别是什么
hung out和hang out的区别:中文翻译的意思不同。
1、hunt out 中文意思是:找出;搜寻出,寻找出(收藏起来的东西)。
2、hang out 中文意思是:挂出;闲逛。
1、hunt out
hunt sth out 找出
Hunt them out of Russia 把德国鬼子消灭
hunt out rout up 搜寻出
hunt out an old diary 找出一本旧日记
2、hang out
hang it out 怠工
hang in out 永远不分开
hang-out 某人常去的地方
hang g out 闲逛
Hang-out Buddy 玩伴
hang somebody out to dry 把晾起来了 ; 晾起来了 ; 把……晾起来了
hang it out to dry 挂在外面吹干
hang sometechnique out to dry 把……晾起来了
Hang somebody out to try 把谁晾在一边
1、hunt out
Two hunters usually hunt out of personal purposes, without thinking about people's livingenvironment.
These lovers of the netherworld hunt out secret entrances to the catacombs and explore themiles upon miles of uncharted tunnels.
I'll have to hunt out the children's old clothes to give to the rag and bone man when he calls.
In terms of opposite attracting, we may hunt out people whose personalities complement our own.
The body has two lines of defence against flu: proteins called antibodies that bind to viruses and stop them replicating, and immune cells that can hunt out and destroy infected cells.
人体通过两种方式抵抗流感:通过被称为抗体的蛋白质与病毒结合,阻止病毒复制; 通过免疫细胞追击并消灭已经感染的细胞。
But because the hunt happens out at sea, it's hard to photograph and has received far lessattention than Taiji's bloody cove.
I've seen your CD somewhere, but you have to hunt it out in your room.
One bite of this and I am determined to hunt these out when I'm back in the UK.
In the summer of 1822 Leigh Hunt came out to Italy to discuss a new periodical, proposed byByron, in which Shelley was to take part.
Her father used often to hunt them in out of the field with his blackthorn stick.
2、hang out
But, as a teenager, I had “better” things to do than hang out at the airport.
You refuse to hang out with someone unless they make specific plans to hang out with you.
The division assesses technological trends by sending anthropologists and sociologists to hangout in living rooms, senior care centers, and hospitals.
It was its own little city, everyone would either hang out, or go fishing, or go hunting with each other. That life is gone.
We could talk for hours. Or we could just hang out, perfectly comfortable simply being together, saying almost nothing.
For example, if you are limiting sweets, don't hang out in the bakery.
Many fashionable young people go there to shop, be seen, or just hang out.
Maybe it's your Grandma or the guy you hang out with at your job at the mall.
Sometimes it can be fun to hang out in your sweats all day, but if you’re feeling lethargic, powerless, or directionless, not getting dressed is going to make you feel worse.
Or we could just hang out, perfectly comfortable simply being together, saying almost nothing.
2023-06-12 广告