
作文电脑与我去年春节期间,爸爸妈妈送给了我一个“知识宝库”。不用说,大家都一定知道是电脑了。从此以后,我就又多了一个最知心、最和睦的朋友了。新朋友的头好似一个正方形,是黑... 作文电脑与我去年春节期间,爸爸妈妈送给了我一个“知识宝库”。不用说,大家都一定知道是电脑了。从此以后,我就又多了一个最知心、最和睦的朋友了。 新朋友的头好似一个正方形,是黑皮肤人。在电脑国王里,越是黑越美,所以,我的这个朋友,算是很漂亮的了。他的头有一个特别功能,就是可以随时转动,就像一个“魔术师”。主机是他的大脑,你可别看小他的“大脑”了,在里面,都是一些贵重物品,他能把所有的信息、资料存在这个大脑里。如丢失了一个零件,电脑不仅仅会伤心地哭,而且也不能陪伴着您了。显示器是电脑的眼睛和嘴巴。你只要把正确的命令诉说给它,他就会眼前一亮,立刻出现在显示器上,一句不漏地把你要的程序“说”出来。“鼠标”是他的手,随时让你控制。当然,我说的这些,都只不过是他的一部分,还有音箱、稳压电源ups,他们的功能可神奇啦! 刚开始我学会的仅仅只是用电脑写作,但是电脑就像一个严厉的老师,你只要稍微有点不虚心,它就给你看颜色。有很长一段时间我一直用半角写中文,常常出故障,写得如火如荼的时候屏幕上却出现不规则字体,你可以想象我当时的心情,于是,便自作聪明以为是电脑病毒在作怪,于是就叫爸爸大规模地杀病毒,直到后来才知道那根本不是病毒的原因,只是因为我始终没有把半角转换成全角,这时的我,对电脑已有了深刻的了解。一些硬件软件方面的知识也丰富了许多。 有了电脑,我的学习也进步了不少。 记得上回老师布置了一次自测步长的作业,我迫不及待地第一次使用起“word”这个软件来,不知试了多少次,翻了多少有关的书籍,可还是找不到我心目中想要的那种格式。当时,我如同热锅上的蚂蚁急得团团转。忽然,有一个显示着“Office助手”的大眼架出现了,他告诉我,如果想要编排出各种款式的表格,请双击自定义表格键。我恍然大悟,原来答案不就在眼前吗?真是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫。按照“Office助手”的提示,我很快就把心目中的表格编好了,我有一种说不出的成功的喜悦。第二天,老师对我的作业给予了极高的评价。我心里不由对电脑产生了一种说不出的感激。 几个月后,我又结识了网络,其实计算机网络和计算机程序语言一样有趣,她是另外一个无穷尽的世界,你可以尽情的创造,在这里,你可以结交到更多的朋友,更好的技术,更棒的编程技巧,当然,还有网络上最基本的通讯手段以及许多课本上学不到的知识。自然,在计算机的知识里面,那只不过是一点点鸡毛蒜皮而已。 我相信“学海无涯”这句话在电脑和网络中也同样实用,况且,我在这当中也只是一只小小的菜鸟,想成为大虾,还难着呢。 展开
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Composition computer and I last year Chinese New Year period, the father mother sends to I am a "mine of information".Naturally, everyone's definitely knowing was a computer.From now on, I again many the most understanding and the inest peace and harmony friend.The new friend's head is good an exact square is a black skin person.At computer king in, is more black more beautiful, so, this friend of mine, at last very beautiful.His head contains a special function, be turn at any time, be like a "magician".The host is his brain, you don't see small his "brain", at in, is all some valuableses, he can exist all informations, data this brain inside.If threw to lose a spare parts, the computer not only only would sadly cry, but also could not kept company with you, either.The display is the eyes and mouth of computer.You as long as telling the correct order to it, he will in the moment a bright, immediately appear on the display, a procedure that gastightly wants you "say"s to come out."Mouse" is his hand, make you control at any time.Certainly, I say of these are all only his one part and also have amplifier, steady press the power of ups, their functions are miraculous!Just what I learned only started just writing with the computer, but computer be like a scathing teacher, you as long as a little bit had a little not ready to take advice, it let you saw a color.Have very long period of time I always write Chinese with the half Cape, usually break down, time write in imposing arraily on the screen but appear irregular form of written, you can imagine me the then mood, hence, it is a computer virus to is then presumptuous to think is playing tricks, hence call father on a large scale kill virus, until just know that to isn't the reason of the virus at all afterwards, just because I always don't help the Cape to the half Cape conversion, at this time of I, have already had deep understand to the computer.The knowledge of some hardware softwares also enriched a lot.There is computer, my study also progressed a lot.Remembered the teacher of last time to set out once from measured to tread a long homework, I no time for waiting ground the first-time use rose the software " word", didn't know to try how much time, turn over how much relevant of book, can still can not find desirable the format in my heart.At that time, I urgently must turned rounded and round like the ant on the heat pot.Suddenly, there is one showing"Office assistant" of the big eye appeared, he tells me, if want to arrange in order a form of various style, pleasing double click the key is from the definition form.I suddenly realize, originally answer not at at present?Really crush under foot iron shoe didn't find place and got all don't take a lot of work.According to the hint of "Office assistant", I was very quick and then wove a form within heart, I have the joy of unspeakable success.On the second day, the homework of the teacher to me gave the highest evaluation.My in the mind not from produced to the computer a kind of unspeakable appreciate.After a few months, I became friends with a network again, in fact calculator network and calculator procedure language is similar and interesting, she is to the utmost another everlasting of world, you can heartily of creation, here, you can become friends with more friends, better technique, better plait distance the technique , certainly, also have network communication means and many lessons of the most basic top originally could not go to school of knowledge.Nature, in the knowledge of the calculator, that is only a little trivial matter.I believe "the ocean of learning is limitless" this sentence is also equally practical in the computer and the network, besides, I am here among also Be just a very small novice, like to be big shrimp, also difficult.
2010-04-06 · TA获得超过2196个赞
With my composition last year during the Spring Festival, mom and dad gave me a "knowledge". Needless to say, everybody must know it's computer. Henceforth, I will again many a the most intimate friends, most of peace. The new friend's head like a square, who is black. In the dark, the computer is more beautiful, the so my friend, is very beautiful. His head is a special function, can turn, like a "magic". Host is his brain, you can although small his "brain", inside, is all some valuables, he can get all the information and data in the brain. If lost a part, the computer will not cry bitterly, and can't accompany you. The monitor is computer eyes and mouth. If you tell the correct order to it, he will shine at the moment, immediately appear in display, you will not be put out of the program ". "Mouse" is his hand, let you control. Of course, I said, these are only part of his work, and speakers, manostat ups, they function can be amazing! At first I learned only by computer, but writing computer as a strict teacher, you just slightly not open-minded, it will give you see color. For a long time I have been half horn with Chinese writing, often fail to write, but the height of screen appears irregular font, you can imagine my feelings, then, that he is a computer virus in time, and then call father large-scale kill virus, until afterwards just know that not only the virus, because I didn't take half horn conversion, at this moment I fulfill Angle of computer has profound understanding. Some knowledge of hardware and software are rich. I have a computer, the study also improved. Remember the last time the teacher assigned a "step homework, I can't wait to use the word" for the first time since the software to try many times, do not know much about, books, but still can't find my heart wants the format. At that time, I like onhot pot ant urgent attentive16). Suddenly, there was a show "Office assistant" large frame appeared, he told me, if want to compile all kinds of form, please double-click custom form button. It suddenly dawned on me, answer not is in sight? Without looking TaPoTieXie is not come, FeiGongFu. According to the "Office assistant" clew, I soon got the idea of the form, so, I have a success. The next day, the teacher of my homework gave high praise. I started to computer produced a grateful. Several months later, I met network, computer network and computer programming language, she is as interesting as another endless, you can enjoy the world, here, you can make more friends, better technology, more programming skills, and, of course, there is the most basic of network communication and many textbooks of knowledge can not go to school. Naturally, in computer knowledge, it is just a little trifles. I believe that "learning" this sentence in the computer and network also practical, moreover, in which I also was a little bird, want to become old, still difficult to find.
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2010-04-03 · TA获得超过170个赞
@@@您还是找神仙救命吧。。。 ==#
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With my composition last year during the Spring Festival, mom and dad gave me a "knowledge". Needless to say, everybody must know it's computer. Henceforth, I will again many a the most intimate friends, most of peace. The new friend's head like a square, who is black. In the dark, the computer is more beautiful, the so my friend, is very beautiful. His head is a special function, can turn, like a "magic". Host is his brain, you can although small his "brain", inside, is all some valuables, he can get all the information and data in the brain. If lost a part, the computer will not cry bitterly, and can't accompany you. The monitor is computer eyes and mouth. If you tell the correct order to it, he will shine at the moment, immediately appear in display, you will not be put out of the program ". "Mouse" is his hand, let you control. Of course, I said, these are only part of his work, and speakers, manostat ups, they function can be amazing! At first I learned only by computer, but writing computer as a strict teacher, you just slightly not open-minded, it will give you see color. For a long time I have been half horn with Chinese writing, often fail to write, but the height of screen appears irregular font, you can imagine my feelings, then, that he is a computer virus in time, and then call father large-scale kill virus, until afterwards just know that not only the virus, because I didn't take half horn conversion, at this moment I fulfill Angle of computer has profound understanding. Some knowledge of hardware and software are rich. I have a computer, the study also improved. Remember the last time the teacher assigned a "step homework, I can't wait to use the word" for the first time since the software to try many times, do not know much about, books, but still can't find my heart wants the format. At that time, I like onhot pot ant urgent attentive16). Suddenly, there was a show "Office assistant" large frame appeared, he told me, if want to compile all kinds of form, please double-click custom form button. It suddenly dawned on me, answer not is in sight? Without looking TaPoTieXie is not come, FeiGongFu. According to the "Office assistant" clew, I soon got the idea of the form, so, I have a success. The next day, the teacher of my homework gave high praise. I started to computer produced a grateful. Several months later, I met network, computer network and computer programming language, she is as interesting as another endless, you can enjoy the world, here, you can make more friends, better technology, more programming skills, and, of course, there is the most basic of network communication and many textbooks of knowledge can not go to school. Naturally, in computer knowledge, it is just a little trifles. I believe that "learning" this sentence in the computer and network also practical, moreover, in which I also was a little bird, want to become old, still difficult to find.
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