英语问题急需要帮忙
1个回答
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1.(planned
to)go
(to
new
york)
----
去
2.(the
plane
took)off,
----
take
off
起飞
3.
4.
(So
they)ran
(to
the
post
office
).
----
跑
5.(Mr
Bell
)bought
(a
stamp
)
----
买
6.(the
note
was)finished.
-----
完成(被动语态be
finished)
7.(in
a)hurry
----
匆匆忙忙
8.
throwed
(it
in
the
mailbox)
----
投
9.(note
was)still
(in
her
hand
)
----
还
10.(She
had)put
(the
plane
tickets
)
----
放
to)go
(to
new
york)
----
去
2.(the
plane
took)off,
----
take
off
起飞
3.
4.
(So
they)ran
(to
the
post
office
).
----
跑
5.(Mr
Bell
)bought
(a
stamp
)
----
买
6.(the
note
was)finished.
-----
完成(被动语态be
finished)
7.(in
a)hurry
----
匆匆忙忙
8.
throwed
(it
in
the
mailbox)
----
投
9.(note
was)still
(in
her
hand
)
----
还
10.(She
had)put
(the
plane
tickets
)
----
放
已赞过
已踩过<
评论
收起
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