羿从西王母处请来不死之药,后羿的妻子嫦娥偷吃了这颗灵药,飞往月宫 嫦娥于是就住在月宫之中,变成了蟾蜍 就是传说中的月精 故老的传说中月亮上有颗桂树,还有蟾蜍。因此有一本记录异事的书上说:”月亮上有颗桂树非常高,树下有个人不停的砍砍,可是树被砍开之后马上就愈合了,砍树的人叫做吴刚,是西河人,在学仙道的时候犯了过错,就罚他砍伐桂树。
Yi from west of the undead, please place medicine, after yi wife the goddess of the star had eaten the, the goddess of the moon palace to a and live in the palace of the moon, into a toad is pure GuLao on the legend of the legend on the moon, a cinnamon, and a toad. So there is a record of different book says: "there is a cinnamon on the moon is very high, under the tree were personal kept cut cut, but the tree was cut open soon after healed it to cut down a tree, a man WuGang, is setting, studying sendoh committed the fault, punish him to cut down cinnamon.
Yi from west of the undead, please place medicine, after yi wife the goddess of the star had eaten the, the goddess of the moon palace to a and live in the palace of the moon, into a toad is pure GuLao on the legend of the legend on the moon, a cinnamon, and a toad. So there is a record of different book says: "there is a cinnamon on the moon is very high, under the tree were personal kept cut cut, but the tree was cut open soon after healed it to cut down a tree, a man WuGang, is setting, studying sendoh committed the fault, punish him to cut down cinnamon.